- October 2018, on campus
- Decide 3 (?) teams from OSU to participate in ECNA
- 5 hours, about 10-12 problems on Kattis
- Using Kattis on your own computer
- October 2018, Cincinnati
- Decide 4 teams (at most one per one university) to participate in WF
- Day 0 practice, 1.5 hours
- Day 1 contest, 5 hours, about 10-12 problems
- Using Kattis on Ubuntu equipped with several mainstream IDEs
- OSU teams were 4th, 14th, & 26th place last year
- Our best result was in 2015, a team got into WF
- ~April 2019
- HackOHI/O: October or November 2018, on campus, typically just after ECNA
- MakeOHI/O: March 3rd/4th 2018, on campus, hardware-oriented
- Other hackathons in nearby states/cities
- Denman Forum: March 25, on campus (RPAC)
- Industry conferences (PyCon 2018 is in March in Cleveland)
- ACM-ICPC weekly training (3-4 teams together)
- Lecture series about computer and electronic
- HackOHI/O: 1 team, a 3D game about time traveling
- MakeOHI/O: 2 teams, a game controller & an Otamatone-like musical instrument
- Winter Coding Camp: NoSQL Database Project
- NAIAS (Detroit Car Show) trip
- We will run some of them as ACM Club's activities