diff --git a/dev/iter/Iter/IO/index.html b/dev/iter/Iter/IO/index.html index fcb0452..fccea19 100644 --- a/dev/iter/Iter/IO/index.html +++ b/dev/iter/Iter/IO/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -IO (iter.Iter.IO)

Module Iter.IO

Basic IO

Very basic interface to manipulate files as iterator of chunks/lines. The iterators take care of opening and closing files properly; every time one iterates over an iterator, the file is opened/closed again.

Example: copy a file "a" into file "b", removing blank lines:

Iterator.(IO.lines_of "a" |> filter (fun l-> l<> "") |> IO.write_lines "b");;

By chunks of 4096 bytes:

Iterator.IO.(chunks_of ~size:4096 "a" |> write_to "b");;

Read the lines of a file into a list:

Iterator.IO.lines "a" |> Iterator.to_list
val lines_of : ?mode:int -> ?flags:Stdlib.open_flag list -> string -> string t

lines_of filename reads all lines of the given file. It raises the same exception as would opening the file and read from it, except from End_of_file (which is caught). The file is always properly closed. Every time the iterator is iterated on, the file is opened again, so different iterations might return different results

  • parameter mode

    default 0o644

  • parameter flags

    default: [Open_rdonly]

val chunks_of : +IO (iter.Iter.IO)

Module Iter.IO

Basic IO

Very basic interface to manipulate files as iterator of chunks/lines. The iterators take care of opening and closing files properly; every time one iterates over an iterator, the file is opened/closed again.

Example: copy a file "a" into file "b", removing blank lines:

Iterator.(IO.lines_of "a" |> filter (fun l-> l<> "") |> IO.write_lines "b");;

By chunks of 4096 bytes:

Iterator.IO.(chunks_of ~size:4096 "a" |> write_to "b");;

Read the lines of a file into a list:

Iterator.IO.lines "a" |> Iterator.to_list
  • since 0.5.1
val lines_of : ?mode:int -> ?flags:Stdlib.open_flag list -> string -> string t

lines_of filename reads all lines of the given file. It raises the same exception as would opening the file and read from it, except from End_of_file (which is caught). The file is always properly closed. Every time the iterator is iterated on, the file is opened again, so different iterations might return different results

  • parameter mode

    default 0o644

  • parameter flags

    default: [Open_rdonly]

val chunks_of : ?mode:int -> ?flags:Stdlib.open_flag list -> ?size:int -> diff --git a/dev/iter/Iter/Infix/index.html b/dev/iter/Iter/Infix/index.html index cf11faf..6a6e0cf 100644 --- a/dev/iter/Iter/Infix/index.html +++ b/dev/iter/Iter/Infix/index.html @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -Infix (iter.Iter.Infix)

Module Iter.Infix

val (--) : int -> int -> int t

a -- b is the range of integers from a to b, both included, in increasing order. It will therefore be empty if a > b.

val (--^) : int -> int -> int t

a --^ b is the range of integers from b to a, both included, in decreasing order (starts from a). It will therefore be empty if a < b.

val (>>=) : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t

Monadic bind (infix version of flat_map

  • since 0.5
val (>|=) : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b t

Infix version of map

  • since 0.5
val (<*>) : ('a -> 'b) t -> 'a t -> 'b t

Applicative operator (product+application)

  • since 0.5
val (<+>) : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t

Concatenation of iterators

  • since 0.5
val let+ : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b t

Alias for map

  • since 1.7
val and+ : 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t

Alias for product

  • since 1.7
val let* : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t

Alias for flat_map

  • since 1.7
val and* : 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t

Alias for product

  • since 1.7
+Infix (iter.Iter.Infix)

Module Iter.Infix

val (--) : int -> int -> int t

a -- b is the range of integers from a to b, both included, in increasing order. It will therefore be empty if a > b.

val (--^) : int -> int -> int t

a --^ b is the range of integers from b to a, both included, in decreasing order (starts from a). It will therefore be empty if a < b.

val (>>=) : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t

Monadic bind (infix version of flat_map

  • since 0.5
val (>|=) : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b t

Infix version of map

  • since 0.5
val (<*>) : ('a -> 'b) t -> 'a t -> 'b t

Applicative operator (product+application)

  • since 0.5
val (<+>) : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t

Concatenation of iterators

  • since 0.5
val let+ : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b t

Alias for map

  • since 1.7
val and+ : 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t

Alias for product

  • since 1.7
val let* : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t

Alias for flat_map

  • since 1.7
val and* : 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t

Alias for product

  • since 1.7
diff --git a/dev/iter/Iter/Map/Adapt/index.html b/dev/iter/Iter/Map/Adapt/index.html index c7800fe..be42282 100644 --- a/dev/iter/Iter/Map/Adapt/index.html +++ b/dev/iter/Iter/Map/Adapt/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -Adapt (iter.Iter.Map.Adapt)

Module Map.Adapt

Adapt a pre-existing Map module to make it iterator-aware


module M : Stdlib.Map.S


include Stdlib.Map.S with type key = M.key with type 'a t = 'a M.t
type key = M.key
type 'a t = 'a M.t
val empty : 'a t
val is_empty : 'a t -> bool
val mem : key -> 'a t -> bool
val add : key -> 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
val update : key -> ('a option -> 'a option) -> 'a t -> 'a t
val singleton : key -> 'a -> 'a t
val remove : key -> 'a t -> 'a t
val merge : +Adapt (iter.Iter.Map.Adapt)

Module Map.Adapt

Adapt a pre-existing Map module to make it iterator-aware


module M : Stdlib.Map.S


include Stdlib.Map.S with type key = M.key with type 'a t = 'a M.t
type key = M.key
type 'a t = 'a M.t
val empty : 'a t
val is_empty : 'a t -> bool
val mem : key -> 'a t -> bool
val add : key -> 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
val update : key -> ('a option -> 'a option) -> 'a t -> 'a t
val singleton : key -> 'a -> 'a t
val remove : key -> 'a t -> 'a t
val merge : (key -> 'a option -> 'b option -> 'c option) -> 'a t -> 'b t -> diff --git a/dev/iter/Iter/Map/Make/index.html b/dev/iter/Iter/Map/Make/index.html index 2d5ac4c..d1c6e87 100644 --- a/dev/iter/Iter/Map/Make/index.html +++ b/dev/iter/Iter/Map/Make/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -Make (iter.Iter.Map.Make)

Module Map.Make

Create an enriched Map module, with iterator-aware functions


module V : Stdlib.Map.OrderedType


include Stdlib.Map.S with type key = V.t
type key = V.t
type !+'a t
val empty : 'a t
val is_empty : 'a t -> bool
val mem : key -> 'a t -> bool
val add : key -> 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
val update : key -> ('a option -> 'a option) -> 'a t -> 'a t
val singleton : key -> 'a -> 'a t
val remove : key -> 'a t -> 'a t
val merge : +Make (iter.Iter.Map.Make)

Module Map.Make

Create an enriched Map module, with iterator-aware functions


module V : Stdlib.Map.OrderedType


include Stdlib.Map.S with type key = V.t
type key = V.t
type !+'a t
val empty : 'a t
val is_empty : 'a t -> bool
val mem : key -> 'a t -> bool
val add : key -> 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
val update : key -> ('a option -> 'a option) -> 'a t -> 'a t
val singleton : key -> 'a -> 'a t
val remove : key -> 'a t -> 'a t
val merge : (key -> 'a option -> 'b option -> 'c option) -> 'a t -> 'b t -> diff --git a/dev/iter/Iter/Map/index.html b/dev/iter/Iter/Map/index.html index e7b2ac0..0b82e94 100644 --- a/dev/iter/Iter/Map/index.html +++ b/dev/iter/Iter/Map/index.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -Map (iter.Iter.Map)

Module Iter.Map

module type S = sig ... end
module Adapt +Map (iter.Iter.Map)

Module Iter.Map

module type S = sig ... end
module Adapt (M : Stdlib.Map.S) : S with type key = M.key and type 'a t = 'a M.t

Adapt a pre-existing Map module to make it iterator-aware

module Make (V : Stdlib.Map.OrderedType) : S with type key = V.t

Create an enriched Map module, with iterator-aware functions

diff --git a/dev/iter/Iter/Map/module-type-S/index.html b/dev/iter/Iter/Map/module-type-S/index.html index 5ba14e3..fdb90b5 100644 --- a/dev/iter/Iter/Map/module-type-S/index.html +++ b/dev/iter/Iter/Map/module-type-S/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -S (iter.Iter.Map.S)

Module type Map.S

include Stdlib.Map.S
type key
type !+'a t
val empty : 'a t
val is_empty : 'a t -> bool
val mem : key -> 'a t -> bool
val add : key -> 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
val update : key -> ('a option -> 'a option) -> 'a t -> 'a t
val singleton : key -> 'a -> 'a t
val remove : key -> 'a t -> 'a t
val merge : +S (iter.Iter.Map.S)

Module type Map.S

include Stdlib.Map.S
type key
type !+'a t
val empty : 'a t
val is_empty : 'a t -> bool
val mem : key -> 'a t -> bool
val add : key -> 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
val update : key -> ('a option -> 'a option) -> 'a t -> 'a t
val singleton : key -> 'a -> 'a t
val remove : key -> 'a t -> 'a t
val merge : (key -> 'a option -> 'b option -> 'c option) -> 'a t -> 'b t -> diff --git a/dev/iter/Iter/Set/Adapt/index.html b/dev/iter/Iter/Set/Adapt/index.html index 87b2366..bbe29d6 100644 --- a/dev/iter/Iter/Set/Adapt/index.html +++ b/dev/iter/Iter/Set/Adapt/index.html @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -Adapt (iter.Iter.Set.Adapt)

Module Set.Adapt

Create an enriched Set module from the given one


module X : Stdlib.Set.S


include Stdlib.Set.S with type elt = X.elt with type t = X.t
type elt = X.elt
type t = X.t
val empty : t
val is_empty : t -> bool
val mem : elt -> t -> bool
val add : elt -> t -> t
val singleton : elt -> t
val remove : elt -> t -> t
val union : t -> t -> t
val inter : t -> t -> t
val disjoint : t -> t -> bool
val diff : t -> t -> t
val compare : t -> t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val subset : t -> t -> bool
val iter : (elt -> unit) -> t -> unit
val map : (elt -> elt) -> t -> t
val fold : (elt -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
val for_all : (elt -> bool) -> t -> bool
val exists : (elt -> bool) -> t -> bool
val filter : (elt -> bool) -> t -> t
val filter_map : (elt -> elt option) -> t -> t
val partition : (elt -> bool) -> t -> t * t
val cardinal : t -> int
val elements : t -> elt list
val min_elt : t -> elt
val min_elt_opt : t -> elt option
val max_elt : t -> elt
val max_elt_opt : t -> elt option
val choose : t -> elt
val choose_opt : t -> elt option
val split : elt -> t -> t * bool * t
val find : elt -> t -> elt
val find_opt : elt -> t -> elt option
val find_first : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt
val find_first_opt : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt option
val find_last : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt
val find_last_opt : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt option
val to_seq_from : elt -> t -> elt Stdlib.Seq.t
val to_rev_seq : t -> elt Stdlib.Seq.t
val add_seq : elt Stdlib.Seq.t -> t -> t
val of_iter : elt iter -> t
val to_iter : t -> elt iter
val to_list : t -> elt list
val of_list : elt list -> t
val of_seq : elt iter -> t
val to_seq : t -> elt iter
+Adapt (iter.Iter.Set.Adapt)

Module Set.Adapt

Create an enriched Set module from the given one


module X : Stdlib.Set.S


include Stdlib.Set.S with type elt = X.elt with type t = X.t
type elt = X.elt
type t = X.t
val empty : t
val is_empty : t -> bool
val mem : elt -> t -> bool
val add : elt -> t -> t
val singleton : elt -> t
val remove : elt -> t -> t
val union : t -> t -> t
val inter : t -> t -> t
val disjoint : t -> t -> bool
val diff : t -> t -> t
val compare : t -> t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val subset : t -> t -> bool
val iter : (elt -> unit) -> t -> unit
val map : (elt -> elt) -> t -> t
val fold : (elt -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
val for_all : (elt -> bool) -> t -> bool
val exists : (elt -> bool) -> t -> bool
val filter : (elt -> bool) -> t -> t
val filter_map : (elt -> elt option) -> t -> t
val partition : (elt -> bool) -> t -> t * t
val cardinal : t -> int
val elements : t -> elt list
val min_elt : t -> elt
val min_elt_opt : t -> elt option
val max_elt : t -> elt
val max_elt_opt : t -> elt option
val choose : t -> elt
val choose_opt : t -> elt option
val split : elt -> t -> t * bool * t
val find : elt -> t -> elt
val find_opt : elt -> t -> elt option
val find_first : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt
val find_first_opt : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt option
val find_last : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt
val find_last_opt : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt option
val to_seq_from : elt -> t -> elt Stdlib.Seq.t
val to_rev_seq : t -> elt Stdlib.Seq.t
val add_seq : elt Stdlib.Seq.t -> t -> t
val of_iter : elt iter -> t
val to_iter : t -> elt iter
val to_list : t -> elt list
val of_list : elt list -> t
val of_seq : elt iter -> t
val to_seq : t -> elt iter
diff --git a/dev/iter/Iter/Set/Make/index.html b/dev/iter/Iter/Set/Make/index.html index 1cef559..070f7a2 100644 --- a/dev/iter/Iter/Set/Make/index.html +++ b/dev/iter/Iter/Set/Make/index.html @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -Make (iter.Iter.Set.Make)

Module Set.Make

Functor to build an extended Set module from an ordered type


module X : Stdlib.Set.OrderedType


include Stdlib.Set.S with type elt = X.t
type elt = X.t
type t
val empty : t
val is_empty : t -> bool
val mem : elt -> t -> bool
val add : elt -> t -> t
val singleton : elt -> t
val remove : elt -> t -> t
val union : t -> t -> t
val inter : t -> t -> t
val disjoint : t -> t -> bool
val diff : t -> t -> t
val compare : t -> t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val subset : t -> t -> bool
val iter : (elt -> unit) -> t -> unit
val map : (elt -> elt) -> t -> t
val fold : (elt -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
val for_all : (elt -> bool) -> t -> bool
val exists : (elt -> bool) -> t -> bool
val filter : (elt -> bool) -> t -> t
val filter_map : (elt -> elt option) -> t -> t
val partition : (elt -> bool) -> t -> t * t
val cardinal : t -> int
val elements : t -> elt list
val min_elt : t -> elt
val min_elt_opt : t -> elt option
val max_elt : t -> elt
val max_elt_opt : t -> elt option
val choose : t -> elt
val choose_opt : t -> elt option
val split : elt -> t -> t * bool * t
val find : elt -> t -> elt
val find_opt : elt -> t -> elt option
val find_first : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt
val find_first_opt : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt option
val find_last : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt
val find_last_opt : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt option
val to_seq_from : elt -> t -> elt Stdlib.Seq.t
val to_rev_seq : t -> elt Stdlib.Seq.t
val add_seq : elt Stdlib.Seq.t -> t -> t
val of_iter : elt iter -> t
val to_iter : t -> elt iter
val to_list : t -> elt list
val of_list : elt list -> t
val of_seq : elt iter -> t
val to_seq : t -> elt iter
+Make (iter.Iter.Set.Make)

Module Set.Make

Functor to build an extended Set module from an ordered type


module X : Stdlib.Set.OrderedType


include Stdlib.Set.S with type elt = X.t
type elt = X.t
type t
val empty : t
val is_empty : t -> bool
val mem : elt -> t -> bool
val add : elt -> t -> t
val singleton : elt -> t
val remove : elt -> t -> t
val union : t -> t -> t
val inter : t -> t -> t
val disjoint : t -> t -> bool
val diff : t -> t -> t
val compare : t -> t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val subset : t -> t -> bool
val iter : (elt -> unit) -> t -> unit
val map : (elt -> elt) -> t -> t
val fold : (elt -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
val for_all : (elt -> bool) -> t -> bool
val exists : (elt -> bool) -> t -> bool
val filter : (elt -> bool) -> t -> t
val filter_map : (elt -> elt option) -> t -> t
val partition : (elt -> bool) -> t -> t * t
val cardinal : t -> int
val elements : t -> elt list
val min_elt : t -> elt
val min_elt_opt : t -> elt option
val max_elt : t -> elt
val max_elt_opt : t -> elt option
val choose : t -> elt
val choose_opt : t -> elt option
val split : elt -> t -> t * bool * t
val find : elt -> t -> elt
val find_opt : elt -> t -> elt option
val find_first : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt
val find_first_opt : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt option
val find_last : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt
val find_last_opt : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt option
val to_seq_from : elt -> t -> elt Stdlib.Seq.t
val to_rev_seq : t -> elt Stdlib.Seq.t
val add_seq : elt Stdlib.Seq.t -> t -> t
val of_iter : elt iter -> t
val to_iter : t -> elt iter
val to_list : t -> elt list
val of_list : elt list -> t
val of_seq : elt iter -> t
val to_seq : t -> elt iter
diff --git a/dev/iter/Iter/Set/index.html b/dev/iter/Iter/Set/index.html index 45a9a22..35420ea 100644 --- a/dev/iter/Iter/Set/index.html +++ b/dev/iter/Iter/Set/index.html @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -Set (iter.Iter.Set)

Module Iter.Set

module type S = sig ... end
module Adapt (X : Stdlib.Set.S) : S with type elt = X.elt and type t = X.t

Create an enriched Set module from the given one

module Make (X : Stdlib.Set.OrderedType) : S with type elt = X.t

Functor to build an extended Set module from an ordered type

+Set (iter.Iter.Set)

Module Iter.Set

module type S = sig ... end
module Adapt (X : Stdlib.Set.S) : S with type elt = X.elt and type t = X.t

Create an enriched Set module from the given one

module Make (X : Stdlib.Set.OrderedType) : S with type elt = X.t

Functor to build an extended Set module from an ordered type

diff --git a/dev/iter/Iter/Set/module-type-S/index.html b/dev/iter/Iter/Set/module-type-S/index.html index 68a95cd..f8670e1 100644 --- a/dev/iter/Iter/Set/module-type-S/index.html +++ b/dev/iter/Iter/Set/module-type-S/index.html @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -S (iter.Iter.Set.S)

Module type Set.S

include Stdlib.Set.S
type elt
type t
val empty : t
val is_empty : t -> bool
val mem : elt -> t -> bool
val add : elt -> t -> t
val singleton : elt -> t
val remove : elt -> t -> t
val union : t -> t -> t
val inter : t -> t -> t
val disjoint : t -> t -> bool
val diff : t -> t -> t
val compare : t -> t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val subset : t -> t -> bool
val iter : (elt -> unit) -> t -> unit
val map : (elt -> elt) -> t -> t
val fold : (elt -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
val for_all : (elt -> bool) -> t -> bool
val exists : (elt -> bool) -> t -> bool
val filter : (elt -> bool) -> t -> t
val filter_map : (elt -> elt option) -> t -> t
val partition : (elt -> bool) -> t -> t * t
val cardinal : t -> int
val elements : t -> elt list
val min_elt : t -> elt
val min_elt_opt : t -> elt option
val max_elt : t -> elt
val max_elt_opt : t -> elt option
val choose : t -> elt
val choose_opt : t -> elt option
val split : elt -> t -> t * bool * t
val find : elt -> t -> elt
val find_opt : elt -> t -> elt option
val find_first : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt
val find_first_opt : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt option
val find_last : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt
val find_last_opt : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt option
val to_seq_from : elt -> t -> elt Stdlib.Seq.t
val to_rev_seq : t -> elt Stdlib.Seq.t
val add_seq : elt Stdlib.Seq.t -> t -> t
val of_iter : elt iter -> t
val to_iter : t -> elt iter
val to_list : t -> elt list
val of_list : elt list -> t
val of_seq : elt iter -> t
val to_seq : t -> elt iter
+S (iter.Iter.Set.S)

Module type Set.S

include Stdlib.Set.S
type elt
type t
val empty : t
val is_empty : t -> bool
val mem : elt -> t -> bool
val add : elt -> t -> t
val singleton : elt -> t
val remove : elt -> t -> t
val union : t -> t -> t
val inter : t -> t -> t
val disjoint : t -> t -> bool
val diff : t -> t -> t
val compare : t -> t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val subset : t -> t -> bool
val iter : (elt -> unit) -> t -> unit
val map : (elt -> elt) -> t -> t
val fold : (elt -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
val for_all : (elt -> bool) -> t -> bool
val exists : (elt -> bool) -> t -> bool
val filter : (elt -> bool) -> t -> t
val filter_map : (elt -> elt option) -> t -> t
val partition : (elt -> bool) -> t -> t * t
val cardinal : t -> int
val elements : t -> elt list
val min_elt : t -> elt
val min_elt_opt : t -> elt option
val max_elt : t -> elt
val max_elt_opt : t -> elt option
val choose : t -> elt
val choose_opt : t -> elt option
val split : elt -> t -> t * bool * t
val find : elt -> t -> elt
val find_opt : elt -> t -> elt option
val find_first : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt
val find_first_opt : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt option
val find_last : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt
val find_last_opt : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt option
val to_seq_from : elt -> t -> elt Stdlib.Seq.t
val to_rev_seq : t -> elt Stdlib.Seq.t
val add_seq : elt Stdlib.Seq.t -> t -> t
val of_iter : elt iter -> t
val to_iter : t -> elt iter
val to_list : t -> elt list
val of_list : elt list -> t
val of_seq : elt iter -> t
val to_seq : t -> elt iter
diff --git a/dev/iter/Iter/index.html b/dev/iter/Iter/index.html index 957f0d9..d19db1a 100644 --- a/dev/iter/Iter/index.html +++ b/dev/iter/Iter/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -Iter (iter.Iter)

Module Iter

Simple and Efficient Iterators.

The iterators are designed to allow easy transfer (mappings) between data structures, without defining n^2 conversions between the n types. The implementation relies on the assumption that an iterator can be iterated on as many times as needed; this choice allows for high performance of many combinators. However, for transient iterators, the persistent function is provided, storing elements of a transient iterator in memory; the iterator can then be used several times (See further).

Note that some combinators also return iterators (e.g. group). The transformation is computed on the fly every time one iterates over the resulting iterator. If a transformation performs heavy computation, persistent can also be used as intermediate storage.

Most functions are lazy, i.e. they do not actually use their arguments until their result is iterated on. For instance, if one calls map on an iterator, one gets a new iterator, but nothing else happens until this new iterator is used (by folding or iterating on it).

If an iterator is built from an iteration function that is repeatable (i.e. calling it several times always iterates on the same set of elements, for instance List.iter or Map.iter), then the resulting t object is also repeatable. For one-time iter functions such as iteration on a file descriptor or a Seq, the persistent function can be used to iterate and store elements in a memory structure; the result is an iterator that iterates on the elements of this memory structure, cheaply and repeatably.

type +'a t = ('a -> unit) -> unit

An iterator of values of type 'a. If you give it a function 'a -> unit it will be applied to every element of the iterator successively.

type +'a iter = 'a t
type 'a equal = 'a -> 'a -> bool
type 'a hash = 'a -> int


val from_iter : (('a -> unit) -> unit) -> 'a t

Build an iterator from a iter function

val from_labelled_iter : (f:('a -> unit) -> unit) -> 'a t

Build an iterator from a labelled iter function

  • since 1.2
val from_fun : (unit -> 'a option) -> 'a t

Call the function repeatedly until it returns None. This iterator is transient, use persistent if needed!

val empty : 'a t

Empty iterator. It contains no element.

val singleton : 'a -> 'a t

Singleton iterator, with exactly one element.

val doubleton : 'a -> 'a -> 'a t

Iterator with exactly two elements

val init : (int -> 'a) -> 'a t

init f is the infinite iterator f 0; f 1; f 2; ….

  • since 0.9
val cons : 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t

cons x l yields x, then yields from l. Same as append (singleton x) l.

Caution: it is advised not to build long iterators out of cons, because it's inefficient. Each additional cons x i adds one layer of function call per item traversed in i.

val snoc : 'a t -> 'a -> 'a t

Same as cons but yields the element after iterating on l.

val return : 'a -> 'a t

Synonym to singleton

val pure : 'a -> 'a t

Synonym to singleton

val repeat : 'a -> 'a t

Infinite iterator of the same element. You may want to look at take and the likes if you iterate on it.

val iterate : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a t

iterate f x is the infinite iterator x, f(x), f(f(x)), ...

val forever : (unit -> 'b) -> 'b t

Iterator that calls the given function to produce elements. The iterator may be transient (depending on the function), and definitely is infinite. You may want to use take and persistent.

val cycle : 'a t -> 'a t

Cycle forever through the given iterator. Assume the given iterator can be traversed any amount of times (not transient). This yields an infinite iterator, you should use something like take not to loop forever.

val unfoldr : ('b -> ('a * 'b) option) -> 'b -> 'a t

unfoldr f b will apply f to b. If it yields Some (x,b') then x is returned and unfoldr recurses with b'.

val scan : ('b -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a t -> 'b t

Iterator of intermediate results


val iter : ('a -> unit) -> 'a t -> unit

Consume the iterator, passing all its arguments to the function. Basically iter f seq is just seq f.

val iteri : (int -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a t -> unit

Iterate on elements and their index in the iterator

val for_each : 'a t -> ('a -> unit) -> unit

Consume the iterator, passing all its arguments to the function. for_each seq f is the same as iter f seq, i.e., iter with arguments reversed.

  • since 1.4
val for_eachi : 'a t -> (int -> 'a -> unit) -> unit

Iterate on elements and their index in the iterator. for_eachi seq f is the same as iteri f seq, i.e., iteri with arguments reversed.

  • since 1.4
val fold : ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b t -> 'a

Fold over elements of the iterator, consuming it

val foldi : ('a -> int -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b t -> 'a

Fold over elements of the iterator and their index, consuming it

val fold_map : ('acc -> 'a -> 'acc * 'b) -> 'acc -> 'a t -> 'b t

fold_map f acc l is like map, but it carries some state as in fold. The state is not returned, it is just used to thread some information to the map function.

  • since 0.9
val fold_filter_map : ('acc -> 'a -> 'acc * 'b option) -> 'acc -> 'a t -> 'b t

fold_filter_map f acc l is a fold_map-like function, but the function can choose to skip an element by retuning None.

  • since 0.9
val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t

Map objects of the iterator into other elements, lazily

val mapi : (int -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t

Map objects, along with their index in the iterator

val map_by_2 : ('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a t -> 'a t

Map objects two by two. lazily. The last element is kept in the iterator if the count is odd.

  • since 0.7
val for_all : ('a -> bool) -> 'a t -> bool

Do all elements satisfy the predicate?

val exists : ('a -> bool) -> 'a t -> bool

Exists there some element satisfying the predicate?

val mem : ?eq:('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a -> 'a t -> bool

Is the value a member of the iterator?

  • parameter eq

    the equality predicate to use (default (=))

  • since 0.5
val find : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a t -> 'b option

Find the first element on which the function doesn't return None

  • since 0.5
val find_map : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a t -> 'b option

Alias to find

  • since 0.10
val findi : (int -> 'a -> 'b option) -> 'a t -> 'b option

Indexed version of find

  • since 0.9
val find_mapi : (int -> 'a -> 'b option) -> 'a t -> 'b option

Alias to findi

  • since 0.10
val find_pred : ('a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a option

find_pred p l finds the first element of l that satisfies p, or returns None if no element satisfies p

  • since 0.9
val find_pred_exn : ('a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a

Unsafe version of find_pred

  • raises Not_found

    if no such element is found

  • since 0.9
val length : 'a t -> int

How long is the iterator? Forces the iterator.

val is_empty : 'a t -> bool

Is the iterator empty? Forces the iterator.


val filter : ('a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a t

Filter on elements of the iterator

val append : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t

Append two iterators. Iterating on the result is like iterating on the first, then on the second.

val append_l : 'a t list -> 'a t

Append iterators. Iterating on the result is like iterating on the each iterator of the list in order.

  • since 0.11
val concat : 'a t t -> 'a t

Concatenate an iterator of iterators into one iterator.

val flatten : 'a t t -> 'a t

Alias for concat

val flat_map : ('a -> 'b t) -> 'a t -> 'b t

Monadic bind. Intuitively, it applies the function to every element of the initial iterator, and calls concat. Formerly flatMap

  • since 0.5
val flat_map_l : ('a -> 'b list) -> 'a t -> 'b t

Convenience function combining flat_map and of_list

  • since 0.9
val seq_list : 'a t list -> 'a list t

seq_list l returns all the ways to pick one element in each sub-iterator in l. Assumes the sub-iterators can be iterated on several times.

  • since 0.11
val seq_list_map : ('a -> 'b t) -> 'a list -> 'b list t

seq_list_map f l maps f over every element of l, then calls seq_list

  • since 0.11
val filter_map : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a t -> 'b t

Map and only keep non-None elements Formerly fmap

  • since 0.5
val filter_mapi : (int -> 'a -> 'b option) -> 'a t -> 'b t

Map with indices, and only keep non-None elements

  • since 0.11
val filter_count : ('a -> bool) -> 'a t -> int

Count how many elements satisfy the given predicate

  • since 1.0
val intersperse : 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t

Insert the single element between every element of the iterator

val keep_some : 'a option t -> 'a t

filter_some l retains only elements of the form Some x. Same as filter_map (fun x->x)

  • since 1.0
val keep_ok : ('a, _) Stdlib.result t -> 'a t

keep_ok l retains only elements of the form Ok x.

  • since 1.0
val keep_error : (_, 'e) Stdlib.result t -> 'e t

keep_error l retains only elements of the form Error x.

  • since 1.0


val persistent : 'a t -> 'a t

Iterate on the iterator, storing elements in an efficient internal structure.. The resulting iterator can be iterated on as many times as needed. Note: calling persistent on an already persistent iterator will still make a new copy of the iterator!

val persistent_lazy : 'a t -> 'a t

Lazy version of persistent. When calling persistent_lazy s, a new iterator s' is immediately returned (without actually consuming s) in constant time; the first time s' is iterated on, it also consumes s and caches its content into a inner data structure that will back s' for future iterations.

warning: on the first traversal of s', if the traversal is interrupted prematurely (take, etc.) then s' will not be memorized, and the next call to s' will traverse s again.


val sort : ?cmp:('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a t -> 'a t

Sort the iterator. Eager, O(n) ram and O(n ln(n)) time. It iterates on elements of the argument iterator immediately, before it sorts them.

val sort_uniq : ?cmp:('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a t -> 'a t

Sort the iterator and remove duplicates. Eager, same as sort

val sorted : ?cmp:('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a t -> bool

Checks whether the iterator is sorted. Eager, same as sort.

  • since 0.9
val group_succ_by : ?eq:('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a list t

Group equal consecutive elements. Linear time. Formerly synonym to group. note: Order of items in each list is unspecified.

  • since 0.6
val group_by : ?hash:('a -> int) -> ?eq:('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a list t

Group equal elements, disregarding their order of appearance. precondition: for any x and y, if eq x y then hash x=hash y must hold. note: Order of items in each list is unspecified.

  • since 0.6
val count : ?hash:('a -> int) -> ?eq:('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a t -> ('a * int) t

Map each distinct element to its number of occurrences in the whole seq. Similar to group_by seq |> map (fun l->List.hd l, List.length l) precondition: for any x and y, if eq x y then hash x=hash y must hold.

  • since 0.10
val uniq : ?eq:('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a t

Remove consecutive duplicate elements. Basically this is like fun seq -> map List.hd (group seq).

val product : 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t

Cartesian product of iterators. When calling product a b, the caller MUST ensure that b can be traversed as many times as required (several times), possibly by calling persistent on it beforehand.

val diagonal_l : 'a list -> ('a * 'a) t

All pairs of distinct positions of the list. diagonal l will return the iterator of all List.nth i l, List.nth j l if i < j.

  • since 0.9
val diagonal : 'a t -> ('a * 'a) t

All pairs of distinct positions of the iterator. Iterates only once on the iterator, which must be finite.

  • since 0.9
val join : join_row:('a -> 'b -> 'c option) -> 'a t -> 'b t -> 'c t

join ~join_row a b combines every element of a with every element of b using join_row. If join_row returns None, then the two elements do not combine. Assume that b allows for multiple iterations.

val join_by : +Iter (iter.Iter)

Module Iter

Simple and Efficient Iterators.

The iterators are designed to allow easy transfer (mappings) between data structures, without defining n^2 conversions between the n types. The implementation relies on the assumption that an iterator can be iterated on as many times as needed; this choice allows for high performance of many combinators. However, for transient iterators, the persistent function is provided, storing elements of a transient iterator in memory; the iterator can then be used several times (See further).

Note that some combinators also return iterators (e.g. group). The transformation is computed on the fly every time one iterates over the resulting iterator. If a transformation performs heavy computation, persistent can also be used as intermediate storage.

Most functions are lazy, i.e. they do not actually use their arguments until their result is iterated on. For instance, if one calls map on an iterator, one gets a new iterator, but nothing else happens until this new iterator is used (by folding or iterating on it).

If an iterator is built from an iteration function that is repeatable (i.e. calling it several times always iterates on the same set of elements, for instance List.iter or Map.iter), then the resulting t object is also repeatable. For one-time iter functions such as iteration on a file descriptor or a Seq, the persistent function can be used to iterate and store elements in a memory structure; the result is an iterator that iterates on the elements of this memory structure, cheaply and repeatably.

type +'a t = ('a -> unit) -> unit

An iterator of values of type 'a. If you give it a function 'a -> unit it will be applied to every element of the iterator successively.

type +'a iter = 'a t
type 'a equal = 'a -> 'a -> bool
type 'a hash = 'a -> int


val from_iter : (('a -> unit) -> unit) -> 'a t

Build an iterator from a iter function

val from_labelled_iter : (f:('a -> unit) -> unit) -> 'a t

Build an iterator from a labelled iter function

  • since 1.2
val from_fun : (unit -> 'a option) -> 'a t

Call the function repeatedly until it returns None. This iterator is transient, use persistent if needed!

val empty : 'a t

Empty iterator. It contains no element.

val singleton : 'a -> 'a t

Singleton iterator, with exactly one element.

val doubleton : 'a -> 'a -> 'a t

Iterator with exactly two elements

val init : (int -> 'a) -> 'a t

init f is the infinite iterator f 0; f 1; f 2; ….

  • since 0.9
val cons : 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t

cons x l yields x, then yields from l. Same as append (singleton x) l.

Caution: it is advised not to build long iterators out of cons, because it's inefficient. Each additional cons x i adds one layer of function call per item traversed in i.

val snoc : 'a t -> 'a -> 'a t

Same as cons but yields the element after iterating on l.

val return : 'a -> 'a t

Synonym to singleton

val pure : 'a -> 'a t

Synonym to singleton

val repeat : 'a -> 'a t

Infinite iterator of the same element. You may want to look at take and the likes if you iterate on it.

val iterate : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a t

iterate f x is the infinite iterator x, f(x), f(f(x)), ...

val forever : (unit -> 'b) -> 'b t

Iterator that calls the given function to produce elements. The iterator may be transient (depending on the function), and definitely is infinite. You may want to use take and persistent.

val cycle : 'a t -> 'a t

Cycle forever through the given iterator. Assume the given iterator can be traversed any amount of times (not transient). This yields an infinite iterator, you should use something like take not to loop forever.

val unfoldr : ('b -> ('a * 'b) option) -> 'b -> 'a t

unfoldr f b will apply f to b. If it yields Some (x,b') then x is returned and unfoldr recurses with b'.

val scan : ('b -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a t -> 'b t

Iterator of intermediate results


val iter : ('a -> unit) -> 'a t -> unit

Consume the iterator, passing all its arguments to the function. Basically iter f seq is just seq f.

val iteri : (int -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a t -> unit

Iterate on elements and their index in the iterator

val for_each : 'a t -> ('a -> unit) -> unit

Consume the iterator, passing all its arguments to the function. for_each seq f is the same as iter f seq, i.e., iter with arguments reversed.

  • since 1.4
val for_eachi : 'a t -> (int -> 'a -> unit) -> unit

Iterate on elements and their index in the iterator. for_eachi seq f is the same as iteri f seq, i.e., iteri with arguments reversed.

  • since 1.4
val fold : ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b t -> 'a

Fold over elements of the iterator, consuming it

val foldi : ('a -> int -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b t -> 'a

Fold over elements of the iterator and their index, consuming it

val fold_map : ('acc -> 'a -> 'acc * 'b) -> 'acc -> 'a t -> 'b t

fold_map f acc l is like map, but it carries some state as in fold. The state is not returned, it is just used to thread some information to the map function.

  • since 0.9
val fold_filter_map : ('acc -> 'a -> 'acc * 'b option) -> 'acc -> 'a t -> 'b t

fold_filter_map f acc l is a fold_map-like function, but the function can choose to skip an element by retuning None.

  • since 0.9
val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t

Map objects of the iterator into other elements, lazily

val mapi : (int -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t

Map objects, along with their index in the iterator

val map_by_2 : ('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a t -> 'a t

Map objects two by two. lazily. The last element is kept in the iterator if the count is odd.

  • since 0.7
val for_all : ('a -> bool) -> 'a t -> bool

Do all elements satisfy the predicate?

val exists : ('a -> bool) -> 'a t -> bool

Exists there some element satisfying the predicate?

val mem : ?eq:('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a -> 'a t -> bool

Is the value a member of the iterator?

  • parameter eq

    the equality predicate to use (default (=))

  • since 0.5
val find : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a t -> 'b option

Find the first element on which the function doesn't return None

  • since 0.5
val find_map : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a t -> 'b option

Alias to find

  • since 0.10
val findi : (int -> 'a -> 'b option) -> 'a t -> 'b option

Indexed version of find

  • since 0.9
val find_mapi : (int -> 'a -> 'b option) -> 'a t -> 'b option

Alias to findi

  • since 0.10
val find_pred : ('a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a option

find_pred p l finds the first element of l that satisfies p, or returns None if no element satisfies p

  • since 0.9
val find_pred_exn : ('a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a

Unsafe version of find_pred

  • raises Not_found

    if no such element is found

  • since 0.9
val length : 'a t -> int

How long is the iterator? Forces the iterator.

val is_empty : 'a t -> bool

Is the iterator empty? Forces the iterator.


val filter : ('a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a t

Filter on elements of the iterator

val append : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t

Append two iterators. Iterating on the result is like iterating on the first, then on the second.

val append_l : 'a t list -> 'a t

Append iterators. Iterating on the result is like iterating on the each iterator of the list in order.

  • since 0.11
val concat : 'a t t -> 'a t

Concatenate an iterator of iterators into one iterator.

val flatten : 'a t t -> 'a t

Alias for concat

val flat_map : ('a -> 'b t) -> 'a t -> 'b t

Monadic bind. Intuitively, it applies the function to every element of the initial iterator, and calls concat. Formerly flatMap

  • since 0.5
val flat_map_l : ('a -> 'b list) -> 'a t -> 'b t

Convenience function combining flat_map and of_list

  • since 0.9
val seq_list : 'a t list -> 'a list t

seq_list l returns all the ways to pick one element in each sub-iterator in l. Assumes the sub-iterators can be iterated on several times.

  • since 0.11
val seq_list_map : ('a -> 'b t) -> 'a list -> 'b list t

seq_list_map f l maps f over every element of l, then calls seq_list

  • since 0.11
val filter_map : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a t -> 'b t

Map and only keep non-None elements Formerly fmap

  • since 0.5
val filter_mapi : (int -> 'a -> 'b option) -> 'a t -> 'b t

Map with indices, and only keep non-None elements

  • since 0.11
val filter_count : ('a -> bool) -> 'a t -> int

Count how many elements satisfy the given predicate

  • since 1.0
val intersperse : 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t

Insert the single element between every element of the iterator

val keep_some : 'a option t -> 'a t

filter_some l retains only elements of the form Some x. Same as filter_map (fun x->x)

  • since 1.0
val keep_ok : ('a, _) Stdlib.result t -> 'a t

keep_ok l retains only elements of the form Ok x.

  • since 1.0
val keep_error : (_, 'e) Stdlib.result t -> 'e t

keep_error l retains only elements of the form Error x.

  • since 1.0


val persistent : 'a t -> 'a t

Iterate on the iterator, storing elements in an efficient internal structure.. The resulting iterator can be iterated on as many times as needed. Note: calling persistent on an already persistent iterator will still make a new copy of the iterator!

val persistent_lazy : 'a t -> 'a t

Lazy version of persistent. When calling persistent_lazy s, a new iterator s' is immediately returned (without actually consuming s) in constant time; the first time s' is iterated on, it also consumes s and caches its content into a inner data structure that will back s' for future iterations.

warning: on the first traversal of s', if the traversal is interrupted prematurely (take, etc.) then s' will not be memorized, and the next call to s' will traverse s again.


val sort : ?cmp:('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a t -> 'a t

Sort the iterator. Eager, O(n) ram and O(n ln(n)) time. It iterates on elements of the argument iterator immediately, before it sorts them.

val sort_uniq : ?cmp:('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a t -> 'a t

Sort the iterator and remove duplicates. Eager, same as sort

val sorted : ?cmp:('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a t -> bool

Checks whether the iterator is sorted. Eager, same as sort.

  • since 0.9
val group_succ_by : ?eq:('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a list t

Group equal consecutive elements. Linear time. Formerly synonym to group. note: Order of items in each list is unspecified.

  • since 0.6
val group_by : ?hash:('a -> int) -> ?eq:('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a list t

Group equal elements, disregarding their order of appearance. precondition: for any x and y, if eq x y then hash x=hash y must hold. note: Order of items in each list is unspecified.

  • since 0.6
val count : ?hash:('a -> int) -> ?eq:('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a t -> ('a * int) t

Map each distinct element to its number of occurrences in the whole seq. Similar to group_by seq |> map (fun l->List.hd l, List.length l) precondition: for any x and y, if eq x y then hash x=hash y must hold.

  • since 0.10
val uniq : ?eq:('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a t

Remove consecutive duplicate elements. Basically this is like fun seq -> map List.hd (group seq).

val product : 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t

Cartesian product of iterators. When calling product a b, the caller MUST ensure that b can be traversed as many times as required (several times), possibly by calling persistent on it beforehand.

val diagonal_l : 'a list -> ('a * 'a) t

All pairs of distinct positions of the list. diagonal l will return the iterator of all List.nth i l, List.nth j l if i < j.

  • since 0.9
val diagonal : 'a t -> ('a * 'a) t

All pairs of distinct positions of the iterator. Iterates only once on the iterator, which must be finite.

  • since 0.9
val join : join_row:('a -> 'b -> 'c option) -> 'a t -> 'b t -> 'c t

join ~join_row a b combines every element of a with every element of b using join_row. If join_row returns None, then the two elements do not combine. Assume that b allows for multiple iterations.

val join_by : ?eq:'key equal -> ?hash:'key hash -> ('a -> 'key) -> diff --git a/dev/iter/IterBigarray/index.html b/dev/iter/IterBigarray/index.html index f437095..36d7a83 100644 --- a/dev/iter/IterBigarray/index.html +++ b/dev/iter/IterBigarray/index.html @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -IterBigarray (iter.IterBigarray)

Module IterBigarray

Interface and Helpers for bigarrays

  • since 0.5.4
val of_bigarray : ('a, _, _) Stdlib.Bigarray.Array1.t -> 'a Iter.t

Iterate on the elements of a 1-D array

val mmap : string -> char Iter.t

Map the file into memory, and read the characters.

+IterBigarray (iter.IterBigarray)

Module IterBigarray

Interface and Helpers for bigarrays

  • since 0.5.4
val of_bigarray : ('a, _, _) Stdlib.Bigarray.Array1.t -> 'a Iter.t

Iterate on the elements of a 1-D array

val mmap : string -> char Iter.t

Map the file into memory, and read the characters.

diff --git a/dev/iter/IterLabels/IO/index.html b/dev/iter/IterLabels/IO/index.html index d628dde..fced0bd 100644 --- a/dev/iter/IterLabels/IO/index.html +++ b/dev/iter/IterLabels/IO/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -IO (iter.IterLabels.IO)

Module IterLabels.IO

val lines_of : ?mode:int -> ?flags:Stdlib.open_flag list -> string -> string t

lines_of filename reads all lines of the given file. It raises the same exception as would opening the file and read from it, except from End_of_file (which is caught). The file is always properly closed. Every time the iterator is iterated on, the file is opened again, so different iterations might return different results

  • parameter mode

    default 0o644

  • parameter flags

    default: [Open_rdonly]

val chunks_of : +IO (iter.IterLabels.IO)

Module IterLabels.IO

val lines_of : ?mode:int -> ?flags:Stdlib.open_flag list -> string -> string t

lines_of filename reads all lines of the given file. It raises the same exception as would opening the file and read from it, except from End_of_file (which is caught). The file is always properly closed. Every time the iterator is iterated on, the file is opened again, so different iterations might return different results

  • parameter mode

    default 0o644

  • parameter flags

    default: [Open_rdonly]

val chunks_of : ?mode:int -> ?flags:Stdlib.open_flag list -> ?size:int -> diff --git a/dev/iter/IterLabels/Infix/index.html b/dev/iter/IterLabels/Infix/index.html index 53f99b1..6042623 100644 --- a/dev/iter/IterLabels/Infix/index.html +++ b/dev/iter/IterLabels/Infix/index.html @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -Infix (iter.IterLabels.Infix)

Module IterLabels.Infix

val (--) : int -> int -> int t

a -- b is the range of integers from a to b, both included, in increasing order. It will therefore be empty if a > b.

val (--^) : int -> int -> int t

a --^ b is the range of integers from b to a, both included, in decreasing order (starts from a). It will therefore be empty if a < b.

val (>>=) : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t

Monadic bind (infix version of flat_map

  • since 0.5
val (>|=) : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b t

Infix version of map

  • since 0.5
val (<*>) : ('a -> 'b) t -> 'a t -> 'b t

Applicative operator (product+application)

  • since 0.5
val (<+>) : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t

Concatenation of iterators

  • since 0.5
+Infix (iter.IterLabels.Infix)

Module IterLabels.Infix

val (--) : int -> int -> int t

a -- b is the range of integers from a to b, both included, in increasing order. It will therefore be empty if a > b.

val (--^) : int -> int -> int t

a --^ b is the range of integers from b to a, both included, in decreasing order (starts from a). It will therefore be empty if a < b.

val (>>=) : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t

Monadic bind (infix version of flat_map

  • since 0.5
val (>|=) : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b t

Infix version of map

  • since 0.5
val (<*>) : ('a -> 'b) t -> 'a t -> 'b t

Applicative operator (product+application)

  • since 0.5
val (<+>) : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t

Concatenation of iterators

  • since 0.5
diff --git a/dev/iter/IterLabels/Map/Adapt/index.html b/dev/iter/IterLabels/Map/Adapt/index.html index bcc5705..1157667 100644 --- a/dev/iter/IterLabels/Map/Adapt/index.html +++ b/dev/iter/IterLabels/Map/Adapt/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -Adapt (iter.IterLabels.Map.Adapt)

Module Map.Adapt

Adapt a pre-existing Map module to make it iterator-aware


module M : Stdlib.Map.S


include Stdlib.Map.S with type key = M.key with type 'a t = 'a M.t
type key = M.key
type 'a t = 'a M.t
val empty : 'a t
val is_empty : 'a t -> bool
val mem : key -> 'a t -> bool
val add : key -> 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
val update : key -> ('a option -> 'a option) -> 'a t -> 'a t
val singleton : key -> 'a -> 'a t
val remove : key -> 'a t -> 'a t
val merge : +Adapt (iter.IterLabels.Map.Adapt)

Module Map.Adapt

Adapt a pre-existing Map module to make it iterator-aware


module M : Stdlib.Map.S


include Stdlib.Map.S with type key = M.key with type 'a t = 'a M.t
type key = M.key
type 'a t = 'a M.t
val empty : 'a t
val is_empty : 'a t -> bool
val mem : key -> 'a t -> bool
val add : key -> 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
val update : key -> ('a option -> 'a option) -> 'a t -> 'a t
val singleton : key -> 'a -> 'a t
val remove : key -> 'a t -> 'a t
val merge : (key -> 'a option -> 'b option -> 'c option) -> 'a t -> 'b t -> diff --git a/dev/iter/IterLabels/Map/Make/index.html b/dev/iter/IterLabels/Map/Make/index.html index ec75f75..bcd262b 100644 --- a/dev/iter/IterLabels/Map/Make/index.html +++ b/dev/iter/IterLabels/Map/Make/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -Make (iter.IterLabels.Map.Make)

Module Map.Make

Create an enriched Map module, with iterator-aware functions


module V : Stdlib.Map.OrderedType


include Stdlib.Map.S with type key = V.t
type key = V.t
type !+'a t
val empty : 'a t
val is_empty : 'a t -> bool
val mem : key -> 'a t -> bool
val add : key -> 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
val update : key -> ('a option -> 'a option) -> 'a t -> 'a t
val singleton : key -> 'a -> 'a t
val remove : key -> 'a t -> 'a t
val merge : +Make (iter.IterLabels.Map.Make)

Module Map.Make

Create an enriched Map module, with iterator-aware functions


module V : Stdlib.Map.OrderedType


include Stdlib.Map.S with type key = V.t
type key = V.t
type !+'a t
val empty : 'a t
val is_empty : 'a t -> bool
val mem : key -> 'a t -> bool
val add : key -> 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
val update : key -> ('a option -> 'a option) -> 'a t -> 'a t
val singleton : key -> 'a -> 'a t
val remove : key -> 'a t -> 'a t
val merge : (key -> 'a option -> 'b option -> 'c option) -> 'a t -> 'b t -> diff --git a/dev/iter/IterLabels/Map/index.html b/dev/iter/IterLabels/Map/index.html index fdc5d8b..f9ae537 100644 --- a/dev/iter/IterLabels/Map/index.html +++ b/dev/iter/IterLabels/Map/index.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -Map (iter.IterLabels.Map)

Module IterLabels.Map

module type S = sig ... end
module Adapt +Map (iter.IterLabels.Map)

Module IterLabels.Map

module type S = sig ... end
module Adapt (M : Stdlib.Map.S) : S with type key = M.key and type 'a t = 'a M.t

Adapt a pre-existing Map module to make it iterator-aware

module Make (V : Stdlib.Map.OrderedType) : S with type key = V.t

Create an enriched Map module, with iterator-aware functions

diff --git a/dev/iter/IterLabels/Map/module-type-S/index.html b/dev/iter/IterLabels/Map/module-type-S/index.html index 598b49a..d78fb2e 100644 --- a/dev/iter/IterLabels/Map/module-type-S/index.html +++ b/dev/iter/IterLabels/Map/module-type-S/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -S (iter.IterLabels.Map.S)

Module type Map.S

include Stdlib.Map.S
type key
type !+'a t
val empty : 'a t
val is_empty : 'a t -> bool
val mem : key -> 'a t -> bool
val add : key -> 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
val update : key -> ('a option -> 'a option) -> 'a t -> 'a t
val singleton : key -> 'a -> 'a t
val remove : key -> 'a t -> 'a t
val merge : +S (iter.IterLabels.Map.S)

Module type Map.S

include Stdlib.Map.S
type key
type !+'a t
val empty : 'a t
val is_empty : 'a t -> bool
val mem : key -> 'a t -> bool
val add : key -> 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
val update : key -> ('a option -> 'a option) -> 'a t -> 'a t
val singleton : key -> 'a -> 'a t
val remove : key -> 'a t -> 'a t
val merge : (key -> 'a option -> 'b option -> 'c option) -> 'a t -> 'b t -> diff --git a/dev/iter/IterLabels/Set/Adapt/index.html b/dev/iter/IterLabels/Set/Adapt/index.html index af93c6b..b228a32 100644 --- a/dev/iter/IterLabels/Set/Adapt/index.html +++ b/dev/iter/IterLabels/Set/Adapt/index.html @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -Adapt (iter.IterLabels.Set.Adapt)

Module Set.Adapt

Create an enriched Set module from the given one


module X : Stdlib.Set.S


include Stdlib.Set.S with type elt = X.elt with type t = X.t
type elt = X.elt
type t = X.t
val empty : t
val is_empty : t -> bool
val mem : elt -> t -> bool
val add : elt -> t -> t
val singleton : elt -> t
val remove : elt -> t -> t
val union : t -> t -> t
val inter : t -> t -> t
val disjoint : t -> t -> bool
val diff : t -> t -> t
val compare : t -> t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val subset : t -> t -> bool
val iter : (elt -> unit) -> t -> unit
val map : (elt -> elt) -> t -> t
val fold : (elt -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
val for_all : (elt -> bool) -> t -> bool
val exists : (elt -> bool) -> t -> bool
val filter : (elt -> bool) -> t -> t
val filter_map : (elt -> elt option) -> t -> t
val partition : (elt -> bool) -> t -> t * t
val cardinal : t -> int
val elements : t -> elt list
val min_elt : t -> elt
val min_elt_opt : t -> elt option
val max_elt : t -> elt
val max_elt_opt : t -> elt option
val choose : t -> elt
val choose_opt : t -> elt option
val split : elt -> t -> t * bool * t
val find : elt -> t -> elt
val find_opt : elt -> t -> elt option
val find_first : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt
val find_first_opt : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt option
val find_last : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt
val find_last_opt : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt option
val to_seq_from : elt -> t -> elt Stdlib.Seq.t
val to_rev_seq : t -> elt Stdlib.Seq.t
val add_seq : elt Stdlib.Seq.t -> t -> t
val of_iter : elt iter -> t
val to_iter : t -> elt iter
val to_list : t -> elt list
val of_list : elt list -> t
val of_seq : elt iter -> t
val to_seq : t -> elt iter
+Adapt (iter.IterLabels.Set.Adapt)

Module Set.Adapt

Create an enriched Set module from the given one


module X : Stdlib.Set.S


include Stdlib.Set.S with type elt = X.elt with type t = X.t
type elt = X.elt
type t = X.t
val empty : t
val is_empty : t -> bool
val mem : elt -> t -> bool
val add : elt -> t -> t
val singleton : elt -> t
val remove : elt -> t -> t
val union : t -> t -> t
val inter : t -> t -> t
val disjoint : t -> t -> bool
val diff : t -> t -> t
val compare : t -> t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val subset : t -> t -> bool
val iter : (elt -> unit) -> t -> unit
val map : (elt -> elt) -> t -> t
val fold : (elt -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
val for_all : (elt -> bool) -> t -> bool
val exists : (elt -> bool) -> t -> bool
val filter : (elt -> bool) -> t -> t
val filter_map : (elt -> elt option) -> t -> t
val partition : (elt -> bool) -> t -> t * t
val cardinal : t -> int
val elements : t -> elt list
val min_elt : t -> elt
val min_elt_opt : t -> elt option
val max_elt : t -> elt
val max_elt_opt : t -> elt option
val choose : t -> elt
val choose_opt : t -> elt option
val split : elt -> t -> t * bool * t
val find : elt -> t -> elt
val find_opt : elt -> t -> elt option
val find_first : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt
val find_first_opt : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt option
val find_last : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt
val find_last_opt : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt option
val to_seq_from : elt -> t -> elt Stdlib.Seq.t
val to_rev_seq : t -> elt Stdlib.Seq.t
val add_seq : elt Stdlib.Seq.t -> t -> t
val of_iter : elt iter -> t
val to_iter : t -> elt iter
val to_list : t -> elt list
val of_list : elt list -> t
val of_seq : elt iter -> t
val to_seq : t -> elt iter
diff --git a/dev/iter/IterLabels/Set/Make/index.html b/dev/iter/IterLabels/Set/Make/index.html index 9feb7c5..fb6366a 100644 --- a/dev/iter/IterLabels/Set/Make/index.html +++ b/dev/iter/IterLabels/Set/Make/index.html @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -Make (iter.IterLabels.Set.Make)

Module Set.Make

Functor to build an extended Set module from an ordered type


module X : Stdlib.Set.OrderedType


include Stdlib.Set.S with type elt = X.t
type elt = X.t
type t
val empty : t
val is_empty : t -> bool
val mem : elt -> t -> bool
val add : elt -> t -> t
val singleton : elt -> t
val remove : elt -> t -> t
val union : t -> t -> t
val inter : t -> t -> t
val disjoint : t -> t -> bool
val diff : t -> t -> t
val compare : t -> t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val subset : t -> t -> bool
val iter : (elt -> unit) -> t -> unit
val map : (elt -> elt) -> t -> t
val fold : (elt -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
val for_all : (elt -> bool) -> t -> bool
val exists : (elt -> bool) -> t -> bool
val filter : (elt -> bool) -> t -> t
val filter_map : (elt -> elt option) -> t -> t
val partition : (elt -> bool) -> t -> t * t
val cardinal : t -> int
val elements : t -> elt list
val min_elt : t -> elt
val min_elt_opt : t -> elt option
val max_elt : t -> elt
val max_elt_opt : t -> elt option
val choose : t -> elt
val choose_opt : t -> elt option
val split : elt -> t -> t * bool * t
val find : elt -> t -> elt
val find_opt : elt -> t -> elt option
val find_first : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt
val find_first_opt : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt option
val find_last : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt
val find_last_opt : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt option
val to_seq_from : elt -> t -> elt Stdlib.Seq.t
val to_rev_seq : t -> elt Stdlib.Seq.t
val add_seq : elt Stdlib.Seq.t -> t -> t
val of_iter : elt iter -> t
val to_iter : t -> elt iter
val to_list : t -> elt list
val of_list : elt list -> t
val of_seq : elt iter -> t
val to_seq : t -> elt iter
+Make (iter.IterLabels.Set.Make)

Module Set.Make

Functor to build an extended Set module from an ordered type


module X : Stdlib.Set.OrderedType


include Stdlib.Set.S with type elt = X.t
type elt = X.t
type t
val empty : t
val is_empty : t -> bool
val mem : elt -> t -> bool
val add : elt -> t -> t
val singleton : elt -> t
val remove : elt -> t -> t
val union : t -> t -> t
val inter : t -> t -> t
val disjoint : t -> t -> bool
val diff : t -> t -> t
val compare : t -> t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val subset : t -> t -> bool
val iter : (elt -> unit) -> t -> unit
val map : (elt -> elt) -> t -> t
val fold : (elt -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
val for_all : (elt -> bool) -> t -> bool
val exists : (elt -> bool) -> t -> bool
val filter : (elt -> bool) -> t -> t
val filter_map : (elt -> elt option) -> t -> t
val partition : (elt -> bool) -> t -> t * t
val cardinal : t -> int
val elements : t -> elt list
val min_elt : t -> elt
val min_elt_opt : t -> elt option
val max_elt : t -> elt
val max_elt_opt : t -> elt option
val choose : t -> elt
val choose_opt : t -> elt option
val split : elt -> t -> t * bool * t
val find : elt -> t -> elt
val find_opt : elt -> t -> elt option
val find_first : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt
val find_first_opt : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt option
val find_last : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt
val find_last_opt : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt option
val to_seq_from : elt -> t -> elt Stdlib.Seq.t
val to_rev_seq : t -> elt Stdlib.Seq.t
val add_seq : elt Stdlib.Seq.t -> t -> t
val of_iter : elt iter -> t
val to_iter : t -> elt iter
val to_list : t -> elt list
val of_list : elt list -> t
val of_seq : elt iter -> t
val to_seq : t -> elt iter
diff --git a/dev/iter/IterLabels/Set/index.html b/dev/iter/IterLabels/Set/index.html index 4d04f49..63f9fe8 100644 --- a/dev/iter/IterLabels/Set/index.html +++ b/dev/iter/IterLabels/Set/index.html @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -Set (iter.IterLabels.Set)

Module IterLabels.Set

module type S = sig ... end
module Adapt (X : Stdlib.Set.S) : S with type elt = X.elt and type t = X.t

Create an enriched Set module from the given one

module Make (X : Stdlib.Set.OrderedType) : S with type elt = X.t

Functor to build an extended Set module from an ordered type

+Set (iter.IterLabels.Set)

Module IterLabels.Set

module type S = sig ... end
module Adapt (X : Stdlib.Set.S) : S with type elt = X.elt and type t = X.t

Create an enriched Set module from the given one

module Make (X : Stdlib.Set.OrderedType) : S with type elt = X.t

Functor to build an extended Set module from an ordered type

diff --git a/dev/iter/IterLabels/Set/module-type-S/index.html b/dev/iter/IterLabels/Set/module-type-S/index.html index 43a3991..b744132 100644 --- a/dev/iter/IterLabels/Set/module-type-S/index.html +++ b/dev/iter/IterLabels/Set/module-type-S/index.html @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -S (iter.IterLabels.Set.S)

Module type Set.S

include Stdlib.Set.S
type elt
type t
val empty : t
val is_empty : t -> bool
val mem : elt -> t -> bool
val add : elt -> t -> t
val singleton : elt -> t
val remove : elt -> t -> t
val union : t -> t -> t
val inter : t -> t -> t
val disjoint : t -> t -> bool
val diff : t -> t -> t
val compare : t -> t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val subset : t -> t -> bool
val iter : (elt -> unit) -> t -> unit
val map : (elt -> elt) -> t -> t
val fold : (elt -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
val for_all : (elt -> bool) -> t -> bool
val exists : (elt -> bool) -> t -> bool
val filter : (elt -> bool) -> t -> t
val filter_map : (elt -> elt option) -> t -> t
val partition : (elt -> bool) -> t -> t * t
val cardinal : t -> int
val elements : t -> elt list
val min_elt : t -> elt
val min_elt_opt : t -> elt option
val max_elt : t -> elt
val max_elt_opt : t -> elt option
val choose : t -> elt
val choose_opt : t -> elt option
val split : elt -> t -> t * bool * t
val find : elt -> t -> elt
val find_opt : elt -> t -> elt option
val find_first : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt
val find_first_opt : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt option
val find_last : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt
val find_last_opt : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt option
val to_seq_from : elt -> t -> elt Stdlib.Seq.t
val to_rev_seq : t -> elt Stdlib.Seq.t
val add_seq : elt Stdlib.Seq.t -> t -> t
val of_iter : elt iter -> t
val to_iter : t -> elt iter
val to_list : t -> elt list
val of_list : elt list -> t
val of_seq : elt iter -> t
val to_seq : t -> elt iter
+S (iter.IterLabels.Set.S)

Module type Set.S

include Stdlib.Set.S
type elt
type t
val empty : t
val is_empty : t -> bool
val mem : elt -> t -> bool
val add : elt -> t -> t
val singleton : elt -> t
val remove : elt -> t -> t
val union : t -> t -> t
val inter : t -> t -> t
val disjoint : t -> t -> bool
val diff : t -> t -> t
val compare : t -> t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val subset : t -> t -> bool
val iter : (elt -> unit) -> t -> unit
val map : (elt -> elt) -> t -> t
val fold : (elt -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
val for_all : (elt -> bool) -> t -> bool
val exists : (elt -> bool) -> t -> bool
val filter : (elt -> bool) -> t -> t
val filter_map : (elt -> elt option) -> t -> t
val partition : (elt -> bool) -> t -> t * t
val cardinal : t -> int
val elements : t -> elt list
val min_elt : t -> elt
val min_elt_opt : t -> elt option
val max_elt : t -> elt
val max_elt_opt : t -> elt option
val choose : t -> elt
val choose_opt : t -> elt option
val split : elt -> t -> t * bool * t
val find : elt -> t -> elt
val find_opt : elt -> t -> elt option
val find_first : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt
val find_first_opt : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt option
val find_last : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt
val find_last_opt : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt option
val to_seq_from : elt -> t -> elt Stdlib.Seq.t
val to_rev_seq : t -> elt Stdlib.Seq.t
val add_seq : elt Stdlib.Seq.t -> t -> t
val of_iter : elt iter -> t
val to_iter : t -> elt iter
val to_list : t -> elt list
val of_list : elt list -> t
val of_seq : elt iter -> t
val to_seq : t -> elt iter
diff --git a/dev/iter/IterLabels/index.html b/dev/iter/IterLabels/index.html index 3f41513..111d897 100644 --- a/dev/iter/IterLabels/index.html +++ b/dev/iter/IterLabels/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -IterLabels (iter.IterLabels)

Module IterLabels

Simple and Efficient Iterators

Version of Iterator with labels

  • since 0.5.5
type +'a t = ('a -> unit) -> unit

An iterator of values of type 'a. If you give it a function 'a -> unit it will be applied to every element of the iterator successively.

type +'a iter = 'a t

NOTE Type ('a, 'b) t2 = ('a -> 'b -> unit) -> unit has been removed and subsumed by ('a * 'b) t

  • since 1.0
type 'a equal = 'a -> 'a -> bool
type 'a hash = 'a -> int


val from_iter : (('a -> unit) -> unit) -> 'a t

Build an iterator from a iter function

val from_labelled_iter : (f:('a -> unit) -> unit) -> 'a t

Build an iterator from a labelled iter function

  • since 1.2
val from_fun : (unit -> 'a option) -> 'a t

Call the function repeatedly until it returns None. This iterator is transient, use persistent if needed!

val empty : 'a t

Empty iterator. It contains no element.

val singleton : 'a -> 'a t

Singleton iterator, with exactly one element.

val doubleton : 'a -> 'a -> 'a t

Iterator with exactly two elements

val init : f:(int -> 'a) -> 'a t

init f is the infinite iterator f 0; f 1; f 2; ….

  • since 0.9
val cons : 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t

cons x l yields x, then yields from l. Same as append (singleton x) l

val snoc : 'a t -> 'a -> 'a t

Same as cons but yields the element after iterating on l

val return : 'a -> 'a t

Synonym to singleton

val pure : 'a -> 'a t

Synonym to singleton

val repeat : 'a -> 'a t

Infinite iterator of the same element. You may want to look at take and the likes if you iterate on it.

val iterate : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a t

iterate f x is the infinite iterator x, f(x), f(f(x)), ...

val forever : (unit -> 'b) -> 'b t

Iterator that calls the given function to produce elements. The iterator may be transient (depending on the function), and definitely is infinite. You may want to use take and persistent.

val cycle : 'a t -> 'a t

Cycle forever through the given iterator. Assume the given iterator can be traversed any amount of times (not transient). This yields an infinite iterator, you should use something like take not to loop forever.


val iter : f:('a -> unit) -> 'a t -> unit

Consume the iterator, passing all its arguments to the function. Basically iter f seq is just seq f.

val iteri : f:(int -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a t -> unit

Iterate on elements and their index in the iterator

val for_each : seq:'a t -> ('a -> unit) -> unit

Consume the iterator, passing all its arguments to the function. for_each seq f is the same as iter f seq, i.e., iter with arguments reversed.

  • since 1.4
val for_eachi : seq:'a t -> (int -> 'a -> unit) -> unit

Iterate on elements and their index in the iterator. for_eachi seq f is the same as iteri f seq, i.e., iteri with arguments reversed.

  • since 1.4
val fold : f:('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> init:'a -> 'b t -> 'a

Fold over elements of the iterator, consuming it

val foldi : f:('a -> int -> 'b -> 'a) -> init:'a -> 'b t -> 'a

Fold over elements of the iterator and their index, consuming it

val fold_map : f:('acc -> 'a -> 'acc * 'b) -> init:'acc -> 'a t -> 'b t

fold_map f acc l is like map, but it carries some state as in fold. The state is not returned, it is just used to thread some information to the map function.

  • since 0.9
val fold_filter_map : +IterLabels (iter.IterLabels)

Module IterLabels

Simple and Efficient Iterators

Version of Iterator with labels

  • since 0.5.5
type +'a t = ('a -> unit) -> unit

An iterator of values of type 'a. If you give it a function 'a -> unit it will be applied to every element of the iterator successively.

type +'a iter = 'a t

NOTE Type ('a, 'b) t2 = ('a -> 'b -> unit) -> unit has been removed and subsumed by ('a * 'b) t

  • since 1.0
type 'a equal = 'a -> 'a -> bool
type 'a hash = 'a -> int


val from_iter : (('a -> unit) -> unit) -> 'a t

Build an iterator from a iter function

val from_labelled_iter : (f:('a -> unit) -> unit) -> 'a t

Build an iterator from a labelled iter function

  • since 1.2
val from_fun : (unit -> 'a option) -> 'a t

Call the function repeatedly until it returns None. This iterator is transient, use persistent if needed!

val empty : 'a t

Empty iterator. It contains no element.

val singleton : 'a -> 'a t

Singleton iterator, with exactly one element.

val doubleton : 'a -> 'a -> 'a t

Iterator with exactly two elements

val init : f:(int -> 'a) -> 'a t

init f is the infinite iterator f 0; f 1; f 2; ….

  • since 0.9
val cons : 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t

cons x l yields x, then yields from l. Same as append (singleton x) l

val snoc : 'a t -> 'a -> 'a t

Same as cons but yields the element after iterating on l

val return : 'a -> 'a t

Synonym to singleton

val pure : 'a -> 'a t

Synonym to singleton

val repeat : 'a -> 'a t

Infinite iterator of the same element. You may want to look at take and the likes if you iterate on it.

val iterate : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a t

iterate f x is the infinite iterator x, f(x), f(f(x)), ...

val forever : (unit -> 'b) -> 'b t

Iterator that calls the given function to produce elements. The iterator may be transient (depending on the function), and definitely is infinite. You may want to use take and persistent.

val cycle : 'a t -> 'a t

Cycle forever through the given iterator. Assume the given iterator can be traversed any amount of times (not transient). This yields an infinite iterator, you should use something like take not to loop forever.


val iter : f:('a -> unit) -> 'a t -> unit

Consume the iterator, passing all its arguments to the function. Basically iter f seq is just seq f.

val iteri : f:(int -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a t -> unit

Iterate on elements and their index in the iterator

val for_each : seq:'a t -> ('a -> unit) -> unit

Consume the iterator, passing all its arguments to the function. for_each seq f is the same as iter f seq, i.e., iter with arguments reversed.

  • since 1.4
val for_eachi : seq:'a t -> (int -> 'a -> unit) -> unit

Iterate on elements and their index in the iterator. for_eachi seq f is the same as iteri f seq, i.e., iteri with arguments reversed.

  • since 1.4
val fold : f:('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> init:'a -> 'b t -> 'a

Fold over elements of the iterator, consuming it

val foldi : f:('a -> int -> 'b -> 'a) -> init:'a -> 'b t -> 'a

Fold over elements of the iterator and their index, consuming it

val fold_map : f:('acc -> 'a -> 'acc * 'b) -> init:'acc -> 'a t -> 'b t

fold_map f acc l is like map, but it carries some state as in fold. The state is not returned, it is just used to thread some information to the map function.

  • since 0.9
val fold_filter_map : f:('acc -> 'a -> 'acc * 'b option) -> init:'acc -> 'a t -> diff --git a/dev/iter/index.html b/dev/iter/index.html index f308ce0..3c3d150 100644 --- a/dev/iter/index.html +++ b/dev/iter/index.html @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -index (iter.index)

iter index

Library iter

This library exposes the following toplevel modules:

Library iter.bigarray

The entry point of this library is the module: IterBigarray.

+index (iter.index)

iter index

Library iter

This library exposes the following toplevel modules:

Library iter.bigarray

The entry point of this library is the module: IterBigarray.

diff --git a/dev/odoc.support/odoc.css b/dev/odoc.support/odoc.css index 7230f82..83ebcf0 100644 --- a/dev/odoc.support/odoc.css +++ b/dev/odoc.support/odoc.css @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ @charset "UTF-8"; /* Copyright (c) 2016 The odoc contributors. All rights reserved. Distributed under the ISC license, see terms at the end of the file. - odoc 2.3.0 */ + odoc 2.4.0 */ /* Fonts */ /* noticia-text-regular - latin */ @@ -95,7 +95,10 @@ :root, .light:root { - --main-background: #FFFFFF; + + scroll-padding-top: calc(var(--search-bar-height) + var(--search-padding-top) + 1em); + + --main-background: #FFFFFF; --color: #333333; --link-color: #2C94BD; @@ -116,6 +119,7 @@ --toc-color: #1F2D3D; --toc-before-color: #777; --toc-background: #f6f8fa; + --toc-background-emph: #ecf0f5; --toc-list-border: #ccc; --spec-summary-border-color: #5c9cf5; @@ -124,6 +128,12 @@ --spec-summary-hover-background: #ebeff2; --spec-details-after-background: rgba(0, 4, 15, 0.05); --spec-details-after-shadow: rgba(204, 204, 204, 0.53); + + --search-results-border: #bbb; + --search-results-shadow: #bbb; + + --search-snake: #82aaff; + } .dark:root { @@ -151,6 +161,7 @@ --li-code-color: #999; --toc-color: #777; --toc-background: #252525; + --toc-background-emph: #2a2a2a; --hljs-link: #999; --hljs-keyword: #cda869; @@ -161,6 +172,10 @@ --hljs-variable: #cf6a4c; --spec-label-color: lightgreen; + + --search-results-border: #505050; + --search-results-shadow: #404040; + } @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { @@ -195,6 +210,7 @@ --toc-color: #777; --toc-before-color: #777; --toc-background: #252525; + --toc-background-emph: #2a2a2a; --toc-list-border: #ccc; --spec-summary-hover-background: #ebeff2; --spec-details-after-background: rgba(0, 4, 15, 0.05); @@ -209,6 +225,10 @@ --hljs-variable: #cf6a4c; --spec-label-color: lightgreen; + + --search-results-border: #505050; + --search-results-shadow: #404040; + } } @@ -246,26 +266,50 @@ body { } body { - margin-left: calc(10vw + 20ex); - margin-right: 4ex; - margin-top: 20px; - margin-bottom: 50px; + margin-left: auto; + margin-right: auto; + padding: 0 4ex; } body.odoc { - max-width: 100ex; + max-width: 132ex; + display: grid; + grid-template-columns: min-content 1fr; + column-gap: 4ex; + row-gap: 2ex; } body.odoc-src { margin-right: calc(10vw + 20ex); } +.odoc-content { + grid-row: 4; + grid-column: 2; +} + +.odoc-preamble > *:first-child { + /* This make the first thing in the preamble align with the sidebar */ + padding-top: 0; + margin-top: 0; +} + header { margin-bottom: 30px; } +header.odoc-preamble { + grid-column: 2; + grid-row: 3; +} + nav { - font-family: "Fira Sans", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; + font-family: "Fira Sans", sans-serif; +} + +nav.odoc-nav { + grid-column: 2; + grid-row: 2; } /* Basic markup elements */ @@ -396,7 +440,7 @@ a.anchor { a.source_link { float: right; color: var(--source-color); - font-family: "Fira Sans", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; + font-family: "Fira Sans", sans-serif; font-size: initial; } @@ -405,13 +449,17 @@ a.source_link { we restart the sequence there like h2 */ h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, .h7, .h8, .h9, .h10 { - font-family: "Fira Sans", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; + font-family: "Fira Sans", sans-serif; font-weight: 400; padding-top: 0.1em; line-height: 1.2; overflow-wrap: break-word; } +.odoc-preamble h1 { + margin-top: 10px; +} + h1 { font-weight: 500; font-size: 2.441em; @@ -459,7 +507,7 @@ h4 { font-size: 1.12em; } -/* Comment delimiters, hidden but accessible to screen readers and +/* Comment delimiters, hidden but accessible to screen readers and selected for copy/pasting */ /* Taken from bootstrap */ @@ -479,7 +527,7 @@ h4 { /* Preformatted and code */ tt, code, pre { - font-family: "Fira Mono", courier; + font-family: "Fira Mono", monospace; font-weight: 400; } @@ -549,10 +597,10 @@ div.odoc-spec,.odoc-include { .spec.type .variant, .spec.type .record { margin-left: 2ch; +} + +.spec.type li.variant, .spec.type li.record { list-style: none; - display: flex; - flex-wrap: wrap; - row-gap: 4px; } .spec.type .record > code, .spec.type .variant > code { @@ -569,9 +617,8 @@ div.odoc-spec,.odoc-include { padding: 0.25em 0.5em; margin-left: 10%; border-radius: 3px; - flex-grow:1; background: var(--main-background); - box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px lightgrey; + box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px lightgrey; } div.def { @@ -739,19 +786,32 @@ td.def-doc *:first-child { line-height: 1.2; } +/* When a search bar is present, we need the sticky sidebar to be a bit lower, + so `top` is higher */ + +.odoc-search + * + .odoc-toc { + --toc-top: calc(var(--search-bar-height) + var(--search-padding-top) + 20px); + max-height: calc(100vh - 2 * var(--toc-top)); + top: var(--toc-top) +} + .odoc-toc { - position: fixed; - top: 0px; - bottom: 0px; - left: 0px; - max-width: 30ex; - min-width: 26ex; - width: 20%; + --toc-top: 20px; + width: 28ex; background: var(--toc-background); overflow: auto; color: var(--toc-color); padding-left: 2ex; padding-right: 2ex; + grid-row-start: 3; + grid-row-end: 5; + grid-column: 1; + height: fit-content; + border: solid 1px var(--border); + border-radius: 5px; + position:sticky; + max-height: calc(100vh - 2 * var(--toc-top)); + top: var(--toc-top) } .odoc-toc ul li a { @@ -759,15 +819,287 @@ td.def-doc *:first-child { font-size: 0.95em; color: var(--color); font-weight: 400; - line-height: 1.6em; + line-height: 1.2em; display: block; } -.odoc-toc ul li a:hover { +.odoc-sidebar ul li a:hover { box-shadow: none; text-decoration: underline; } +:root { + --search-bar-height: 25px; + --search-padding-top: 1rem; +} + +.odoc-search { + position: sticky; + top: 0; + background: var(--main-background); + /* This amounts to fit-content when the search is not active, but when you + have the search results displayed, you do not want the height of the search + container to change. */ + height: calc(var(--search-bar-height) + var(--search-padding-top)); + width: 100%; + padding-top: var(--search-padding-top); + z-index: 1; + grid-row: 1; + grid-column-start: 1; + grid-column-end: 3; +} + + +.odoc-search .search-inner { + width: 100%; + position: relative; + left: 0; + display: grid; + /* The second column is for the search snake, which has 0 width */ + grid-template-columns: 1fr 0fr; + grid-row-gap: 1rem; + /* The second row is for the search results. It has a width, but only */ + grid-template-rows: min-content 0px; + background: transparent; +} + +.odoc-search .search-bar { + position: relative; + z-index: 2; + font-size: 1em; + transition: font-size 0.3s; + box-shadow: 0px 0px 0.2rem 0.3em var(--main-background); + height: var(--search-bar-height); +} + +.odoc-search:focus-within .search-bar { + font-size: 1.1em; +} + +.odoc-search:not(:focus-within) .search-result { + display: none; +} + +.odoc-search .search-result:empty { + display: none; +} + +.odoc-search .search-result { + grid-row: 2; + background: var(--toc-background); + position: absolute; + left: 0; + right: 0; + border: solid; + border-color: var(--search-results-border); + border-width: 1px; + border-radius: 6px; + box-shadow: 0 3px 10px 2px var(--search-results-shadow), 0 0 3px 4px var(--main-background), 0px -1rem 0px 0px var(--main-background); + /* Works better on smallish screens with this */ + max-height: calc(min(40rem, 50vh)); + overflow-y: auto; +} + +.search-bar { + /* inputs are of fixed size by default, even if you display:block them */ + width: 100%; +} + + +.odoc-search .search-no-result { + color: var(--color); + border-bottom: var(--search-results-border) solid 1px; + background-color: inherit; + outline: 0; + padding: 10px; + padding-right: 0.5rem; +} + +.search-bar-container { + display: flex; + align-items: stretch; + border-bottom: 1rem solid var(--main-background); +} + +.search-snake { + grid-row: 1; + grid-column: 2; + display: flex; + align-items: center; + width: 0; + z-index: 2; + position: relative; + left: 0; + margin-top: 4px; + margin-bottom: 4px; + /* Otherwise the search snake flickers for very fast searches. */ + transition: opacity 0.2s; + opacity: 0; +} + +.search-snake.search-busy { + opacity: 1; +} + +.search-snake:before { + content: " "; + display: block; + aspect-ratio: 1 / 1; + height: 100%; + margin-right: 4px; + border-radius: 50%; + border: 3px solid #aaa; + border-color: var(--search-snake) transparent var(--search-snake) transparent; + animation: search-snake 1.2s linear infinite; + position: absolute; + right: 0; +} + +@keyframes search-snake { + 0% { + transform: rotate(0deg); + } + + 100% { + transform: rotate(360deg); + } +} + +:root { + --kind-font-size-factor: 0.8; +} + +.odoc-search .search-entry { + color: var(--color); + display: grid; + /* Possible kinds are the following : + "doc" "type" "mod" "exn" "class" "meth" "cons" "sig" "cons" "field" "val" + and "ext". + As the longest is 5 characters (and the font monospace), we give 5 + character size to the column. However the font used for kind is a little + smaller, so we adjust by this factor. + */ + grid-template-columns: [kinds] calc(var(--kind-font-size-factor) * 5ch) [titles] 1fr; + column-gap: 0.5rem; + border-bottom: var(--search-results-border) solid 1px; + background-color: inherit; + outline: 0; + padding: 0.4rem 0.4rem 0.7rem 0.7rem; +} +.odoc-search .search-entry p { + margin: 0; + overflow: hidden; + text-overflow: ellipsis; + white-space: nowrap; +} + +.odoc-search .search-entry:focus-visible { + box-shadow: none; + background-color: var(--target-background); +} + +.odoc-search .search-entry:hover { + box-shadow: none; + background-color: var(--toc-background-emph); +} + +.odoc-search .search-entry .entry-kind { + grid-row: 1/2; + grid-column: 1/2; + line-height: 1.4rem; + font-size: calc(var(--kind-font-size-factor) * 1em); + font-weight: bold; + text-align: right; + position: relative; + bottom: 0; +} + +.odoc-search .search-entry pre { + border: none; + margin: 0; +} + +.odoc-search .search-entry pre code { + font-size: 1em; + background-color: var(--li-code-background); + color: var(--li-code-color); + border-radius: 3px; + padding: 0 0.3ex; +} + +.odoc-search .search-entry .entry-title { + width: 100%; + display: block; + grid-column: 2/2; + grid-row: 1/2; + align-self: end; + line-height: 1.4rem; + white-space: nowrap; + overflow: hidden; + text-overflow: ellipsis; +} + +.odoc-search .entry-name { + font-weight: bold; +} + +.odoc-search .prefix-name { + font-weight: bold; +} + +.odoc-search .search-entry .prefix-name { + opacity: 0.7; +} + +.odoc-search .entry-rhs { + white-space: nowrap; +} + +.odoc-search .search-entry .entry-content { + flex-grow: 1; + flex-shrink: 1; + min-width: 0; +} + +.odoc-search .search-entry .entry-comment { + max-height: 1.5em; + overflow: hidden; + text-overflow: ellipsis; + white-space: nowrap; + font-size: 0.95em; + grid-row: 2/2; + grid-column: 2/2; +} + +.odoc-search .search-entry .entry-comment ul { + white-space: nowrap; + display: inline; +} + +.odoc-search .search-entry .entry-comment li { + display: inline; + white-space: nowrap; +} + +.odoc-search .search-entry .entry-comment ul>li::before { + content: '•'; +} + +.odoc-search .search-entry .entry-comment div { + display: inline; + white-space: nowrap; +} + +.odoc-search .search-entry .entry-comment p { + display: inline; + white-space: nowrap; +} + +.odoc-search .search-entry .entry-comment code { + display: inline; + white-space: nowrap; +} + /* First level titles */ .odoc-toc>ul>li>a { @@ -776,6 +1108,7 @@ td.def-doc *:first-child { .odoc-toc li ul { margin: 0px; + padding-top: 0.25em; } .odoc-toc ul { @@ -783,8 +1116,9 @@ td.def-doc *:first-child { } .odoc-toc ul li { - margin: 0; + padding: 0.25em 0; } + .odoc-toc>ul>li { margin-bottom: 0.3em; } @@ -801,7 +1135,8 @@ td.def-doc *:first-child { margin: 1em; } -.odoc-table td, .odoc-table th { +.odoc-table td, +.odoc-table th { padding-left: 0.5em; padding-right: 0.5em; border: 1px solid black; @@ -816,7 +1151,13 @@ td.def-doc *:first-child { @media only screen and (max-width: 110ex) { body { margin: 2em; + padding: 0; + } + + body.odoc { + display: block; } + .odoc-toc { position: static; width: auto; @@ -836,6 +1177,7 @@ td.def-doc *:first-child { color: black; background: white; } + body nav:first-child { visibility: hidden; } @@ -955,23 +1297,74 @@ td.def-doc *:first-child { text-decoration: underline; } -.VAL, .TYPE, .LET, .REC, .IN, .OPEN, .NONREC, .MODULE, .METHOD, .LETOP, .INHERIT, .INCLUDE, .FUNCTOR, .EXTERNAL, .CONSTRAINT, .ASSERT, .AND, .END, .CLASS, .STRUCT, .SIG { - color: #859900;; -} - -.WITH, .WHILE, .WHEN, .VIRTUAL, .TRY, .TO, .THEN, .PRIVATE, .OF, .NEW, .MUTABLE, .MATCH, .LAZY, .IF, .FUNCTION, .FUN, .FOR, .EXCEPTION, .ELSE, .TO, .DOWNTO, .DO, .DONE, .BEGIN, .AS { +.VAL, +.TYPE, +.LET, +.REC, +.IN, +.OPEN, +.NONREC, +.MODULE, +.METHOD, +.LETOP, +.INHERIT, +.INCLUDE, +.FUNCTOR, +.EXTERNAL, +.CONSTRAINT, +.ASSERT, +.AND, +.END, +.CLASS, +.STRUCT, +.SIG { + color: #859900; + ; +} + +.WITH, +.WHILE, +.WHEN, +.VIRTUAL, +.TRY, +.TO, +.THEN, +.PRIVATE, +.OF, +.NEW, +.MUTABLE, +.MATCH, +.LAZY, +.IF, +.FUNCTION, +.FUN, +.FOR, +.EXCEPTION, +.ELSE, +.TO, +.DOWNTO, +.DO, +.DONE, +.BEGIN, +.AS { color: #cb4b16; } -.TRUE, .FALSE { +.TRUE, +.FALSE { color: #b58900; } -.failwith, .INT, .SEMISEMI, .LIDENT { +.failwith, +.INT, +.SEMISEMI, +.LIDENT { color: #2aa198; } -.STRING, .CHAR, .UIDENT { +.STRING, +.CHAR, +.UIDENT { color: #b58900; } @@ -997,4 +1390,4 @@ td.def-doc *:first-child { WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dev/odoc.support/odoc_search.js b/dev/odoc.support/odoc_search.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0dc659d --- /dev/null +++ b/dev/odoc.support/odoc_search.js @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +/* The browsers interpretation of the CORS origin policy prevents to run + webworkers from javascript files fetched from the file:// protocol. This hack + is to workaround this restriction. */ +function createWebWorker() { + var searchs = search_urls.map((search_url) => { + let parts = document.location.href.split("/"); + parts[parts.length - 1] = search_url; + return '"' + parts.join("/") + '"'; + }); + blobContents = ["importScripts(" + searchs.join(",") + ");"]; + var blob = new Blob(blobContents, { type: "application/javascript" }); + var blobUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob); + + var worker = new Worker(blobUrl); + URL.revokeObjectURL(blobUrl); + + return worker; +} + +var worker; +var waiting = 0; + +function wait() { + waiting = waiting + 1; + document.querySelector(".search-snake").classList.add("search-busy"); +} + +function stop_waiting() { + if (waiting > 0) waiting = waiting - 1; + else waiting = 0; + if (waiting == 0) { + document.querySelector(".search-snake").classList.remove("search-busy"); + } +} + +document.querySelector(".search-bar").addEventListener("focus", (ev) => { + if (typeof worker == "undefined") { + worker = createWebWorker(); + worker.onmessage = (e) => { + stop_waiting(); + let results = e.data; + let search_results = document.querySelector(".search-result"); + search_results.innerHTML = ""; + let f = (entry) => { + let search_result = document.createElement("a"); + search_result.classList.add("search-entry"); + search_result.href = base_url + entry.url; + search_result.innerHTML = entry.html; + search_results.appendChild(search_result); + }; + results.forEach(f); + let search_request = document.querySelector(".search-bar").value; + if (results.length == 0 && search_request != "") { + let no_result = document.createElement("div"); + no_result.classList.add("search-no-result"); + no_result.innerText = "No result..."; + search_results.appendChild(no_result); + } + }; + } +}); + +document.querySelector(".search-bar").addEventListener("input", (ev) => { + wait(); + worker.postMessage(ev.target.value); +});