music sharing script
example :
If you have a FTP connexion, this script aim to be the simplest way to share music albums. Features :
- No database required
- Display of albums as a page
- HTML5 mp3 player
- Download of single tracks & full album archive
- Auto-create zip archive of full albums
- Folders (albums, demos ..)
- Log visitor activity (no google analytics ...) as .csv file
Install :
Copy The script on a php server, no database required
Modifiy variables such as $artist in index.php as configuration.
Add an album :
-Just create a folder in /audio named with number-title, example : /0-example
-Inside the folder, name mp3 like this number-title.mp3, example : 1-title.mp3, 2-title.mp3 etc ...
-Rename the cover art (exact name) : cover.jpg
-Put any .html OR .txt file with the text to be displayed, example : about.html
Full example of an album architecture:
0000-Album 1 Title Folder 1-title.mp3 2-title.mp3 3-title.mp3 cover.jpg (required) about.html flac.rar (optionnal) .config (optionnal)
Zip archive :
When the archive is requested, if the file doesn't exist yet, zip.php create a zip archive in /archive with all the content of the folder.
The /archive folder should be writable.
If later the album folder (in /audio) has somehow changed (mp3 replaced for example), just delete the archive in /archive and the .zip will be regenerated on next request.
Include a lossless files archive :
Put a .rar file with files inside it and the link will be created
Description HTML
Put any .html file in the folder
Put a .config file into folder Write option inside : NOZIP : disabled zip/rar download on the page
author : Charles Torris
contact : [email protected]