To make contributions to this charm, you'll need a working development setup.
First, install the required version of tox
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
You can create an environment for development with tox
tox devenv -e integration
source venv/bin/activate
This project uses tox
for managing test environments. There are some
pre-configured environments that can be used for linting and formatting code
when you're preparing contributions to the charm:
tox run -e format # update your code according to linting rules
tox run -e lint # code style
tox run -e static # static type checking
tox run -e unit # unit tests
tox run -e integration # integration tests
tox # runs 'format', 'lint', 'static', and 'unit' environments
This repo uses CI/CD workflows as outlined by operator-workflows. The four workflows are as follows:
: This is a series of tests including linting, unit tests and library checks which run on every pull request.integration_test.yaml
: This runs the suite of integration tests included with the charm and runs on every pull request.publish_charm.yaml
: This runs either by manual dispatch or on every push to the main branch. Once a PR is merged with one of these branches, this workflow runs to ensure the tests have passed before building the charm and publishing the new version to the edge channel on Charmhub.promote_charm.yaml
: This is a manually triggered workflow which publishes the charm currently on the edge channel to the stable channel on Charmhub.
These tests validate extensive linting and formatting rules. Before creating a
PR, please run tox
to ensure proper formatting and linting is performed.
This charm is used to deploy Airbyte server in a k8s cluster. For a local deployment, follow the following steps:
# Install Microk8s from snap
sudo snap install microk8s --classic --channel=1.25
# Install charmcraft from snap
sudo snap install charmcraft --classic
# Add the 'ubuntu' user to the Microk8s group
sudo usermod -a -G microk8s ubuntu
# Give the 'ubuntu' user permissions to read the ~/.kube directory
sudo chown -f -R ubuntu ~/.kube
# Create the 'microk8s' group
newgrp microk8s
# Enable the necessary Microk8s addons
microk8s enable hostpath-storage dns
# Install the Juju CLI client, juju. Minimum version required is juju>=3.1.
sudo snap install juju --classic
# Install a "juju" controller into your "microk8s" cloud
juju bootstrap microk8s airbyte-controller
# Create a 'model' on this controller
juju add-model airbyte
# Enable DEBUG logging
juju model-config logging-config="<root>=INFO;unit=DEBUG"
# Check progress
juju status --relations --watch 2s
juju debug-log
# Pack the charm
charmcraft pack # the --destructive-mode flag can be used to pack the charm using the current host.
# Deploy the charm
juju deploy ./airbyte-k8s_ubuntu-22.04-amd64.charm --resource airbyte-api-server=airbyte/airbyte-api-server:0.60.0 --resource airbyte-bootloader=airbyte/bootloader:0.60.0 --resource airbyte-connector-builder-server=airbyte/connector-builder-server:0.60.0 --resource airbyte-cron=airbyte/cron:0.60.0 --resource airbyte-pod-sweeper=bitnami/kubectl:1.29.4 --resource airbyte-server=airbyte/server:0.60.0 --resource airbyte-workers=airbyte/worker:0.60.0
# Deploy ui charm (Only if modifying UI charm, otherwise deploy using `juju deploy airbyte-ui-k8s --channel edge`)
juju deploy ./airbyte-ui-k8s_ubuntu-22.04-amd64.charm --resource airbyte-webapp=airbyte/webapp:0.60.0
# Relate operator to postgresql
juju deploy postgresql-k8s --channel 14/edge --trust
juju relate airbyte-k8s postgresql-k8s
# Relate operator to minio
juju deploy minio --channel edge
juju relate airbyte-k8s minio
# Deploy Temporal operators
juju deploy temporal-k8s
juju deploy temporal-admin-k8s
juju relate temporal-k8s:db postgresql-k8s:database
juju relate temporal-k8s:visibility postgresql-k8s:database
juju relate temporal-k8s:admin temporal-admin-k8s:admin
# Wait for units to settle and create default namespace
juju run temporal-admin-k8s/0 tctl args="--ns default namespace register -rd 3"
# Relate to Airbyte ui operator
juju relate airbyte-k8s airbyte-ui-k8s
# Generate private key
openssl genrsa -out airbyte.key 2048
# Generate a certificate signing request
openssl req -new -key airbyte.key -out airbyte.csr -subj "/CN=airbyte-k8s"
# Create self-signed certificate
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in airbyte.csr -signkey airbyte.key -out airbyte.crt -extfile <(printf "subjectAltName=DNS:airbyte-k8s")
# Create a k8s secret
kubectl create secret tls airbyte-tls --cert=airbyte.crt --key=airbyte.key
# Deploy ingress controller
microk8s enable ingress:default-ssl-certificate=airbyte/airbyte-tls
# Deploy nginx operator
juju deploy nginx-ingress-integrator --channel edge
juju relate airbyte-ui-k8s nginx-ingress-integrator
# Clean-up before retrying
# Either remove individual applications
# (The --force flag can optionally be included if any of the units are in error state)
juju remove-application airbyte-k8s
juju remove-application airbyte-ui-k8s
juju remove-application postgresql-k8s --destroy-storage
juju remove-application minio
juju remove-application nginx-ingress-integrator
# Or remove whole model
juju destroy-model airbyte --destroy-storage