This project uses tox
for managing test environments (4.4.x). There are some pre-configured environments
that can be used for linting and formatting code when you're preparing contributions to the charm:
tox run -e fmt # update your code according to linting rules
tox run -e lint # code style
tox run -e unit # unit tests
tox run -e integration # integration tests
tox # runs 'format', 'lint', and 'unit' environments
This charm is used to deploy Superset Server in a k8s cluster. For local deployment, follow the following steps:
When you’re trying things out, it’s good to be in an isolated environment, so you don’t have to worry too much about cleanup. It’s also nice if you don’t need to bother too much with setup. In the Juju world you can get both by spinning up an Ubuntu virtual machine (VM) with Multipass, specifically, using their Juju-ready charm-dev
sudo snap install multipass
multipass launch --cpus 4 --memory 8G --disk 30G --name superset-vm charm-dev
That's it! Your dependencies are all set up, please run multipass shell superset-vm
and skip to Create a model
# Install microk8s from snap:
sudo snap install microk8s --channel=1.27-strict/stable
# Setup an alias for kubectl:
sudo snap alias microk8s.kubectl kubectl
# Add your user to the Microk8s group:
sudo usermod -a -G snap_microk8s $USER
# Switch to the 'microk8s' group:
newgrp snap_microk8s
# Wait for microk8s to be ready:
microk8s status --wait-ready
# Enable the necessary Microk8s addons:
sudo microk8s.enable dns
sudo microk8s.enable rbac
sudo microk8s.enable hostpath-storage
# Wait for addons to be rolled out:
microk8s.kubectl rollout status deployments/coredns -n kube-system -w --timeout=600s
microk8s.kubectl rollout status deployments/hostpath-provisioner -n kube-system -w --timeout=600s
# Install lxd from snap:
sudo snap install lxd --classic --channel=5.0/stable
# Install charmcraft from snap:
sudo snap install charmcraft --classic --channel=latest/stable
# Charmcraft relies on LXD. Configure LXD:
lxd init --auto
# Install the Juju CLI client, juju:
sudo snap install juju --channel=3.1/stable
# Make Juju directory
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/juju
# Install a "juju" controller into your "microk8s" cloud:
juju bootstrap microk8s superset-controller
# Create a 'model' on this controller:
juju add-model superset-k8s
# Enable DEBUG logging:
juju model-config logging-config="<root>=INFO;unit=DEBUG"
# Check progress:
juju status
juju debug-log
This is an optional step intended to make the update-status hook more responsive. The default value is 5m.
Following deployment, the status of the application will be checked at this regular interval. By setting this to 1m the deployment will be able to reach an Active
status soon after application start. Leaving this at 5m will require waiting 5 minutes following deployment for application verification.
Be aware if you update this configuration on the model it will apply to all charms on that model.
# customise update status hook interval:
juju model-config update-status-hook-interval=1m
# Copy the repository
git clone
cd superset-k8s-operator
# Pack the charm:
charmcraft pack
# deploy the web server
juju deploy ./superset-k8s_ubuntu-22.04-amd64.charm --resource superset-image=apache/superset:2.1.0 superset-k8s-ui
# deploy a worker
juju deploy ./superset-k8s_ubuntu-22.04-amd64.charm --resource superset-image=apache/superset:2.1.0 --config charm-function=worker superset-k8s-worker
# deploy the beat scheduler
juju deploy ./superset-k8s_ubuntu-22.04-amd64.charm --resource superset-image=apache/superset:2.1.0 --config charm-function=beat superset-k8s-beat
# Check deployment was successful:
juju status
Redis acts as both a cache and message broker for Superset services. It's a requirement to have a redis relation in order to start the Superset application.
# deploy redis charm
juju deploy redis-k8s --channel edge
# relate redis charm
juju relate redis-k8s superset-k8s-ui
# remove relation
juju remove-relation redis-k8s superset-k8s-ui
# remove application
juju remove-application redis-k8s
The recommended method for relating applications to the Redis Charm is using the redis-k8s.v0.redis
library, and utilising stored state for accessing relation data. There is an issue for updating this to use the data interfaces library in future.
PostgreSQL is used as the database that stores Superset metadata (slices, connections, tables, dashboards etc.). It's a requirement to have a PostgreSQL relation to start the Superset application.
# deploy postgresql charm
juju deploy postgresql-k8s --channel 14/stable
# relate postgresql charm
juju relate postgresql-k8s superset-k8s-ui
# remove relation
juju remove-relation postgresql-k8s superset-k8s-ui
# remove application
juju remove-application postgresql-k8s
This relation makes use of the data_platform_libs.v0.data_interfaces
library. The charm can be found on Charmhub and on github.
To validate Google Oauth authentication:
# Port forward the web server
kubectl port-forward pod/superset-k8s-0 8088:8088 -n superset-k8s
You can then follow instructions in the to set up the Google redirect_uri
to http://localhost:8088/oauth-authorized/google
Please note: redirect_uri
should be updated to https://<host>/oauth-authorized/google
when deploying to production.
Once you have authenticated with Google, to verify the user credentials that have been created you can access these through the PostgreSQL charm as follows:
# Get the postgresql password
juju run postgresql-k8s/leader get-password
# Make note of the postgresql unit IP
juju status
# SSH into the application
juju ssh --container postgresql postgresql-k8s/leader bash
# Use psql as the postgres user
psql --host=<unit ip> --username=operator --password postgres
# Connect to the superset database
\c superset
# Verify the credentials created for your user
SELECT * FROM ab_user WHERE email = '<your email>';
juju remove-application superset-k8s-ui superset-k8s-beat superset-k8s-worker --force