Published at BMVC 2018.
Paper available on ArXiv:
Paper website:
Download Massachusetts Roads Dataset from website:
Download DRIVE dataset (vessels from retina images) from website:
Download graph annotations for DRIVE dataset from website:
Set your work directory, create a directory inside named gt_dbs and copy there the downloaded datasets (roads dataset in a folder named MassachusettsRoads, DRIVE dataset in a folder named DRIVE and graph annotations for DRIVE in a folder named artery-vein).
- Generate road patches for training the patch-level model: roads/patch/
- Train patch-level model: roads/patch/
- (Optional) Evaluate patch-level model: roads/patch/evaluation/
- Apply the patch-level model iteratively over the road test images: roads/iterative/
- (Optional) Evaluate iterative results: roads/iterative/evaluation/
- Train patch-level model: vessels/patch/
- (Optional) Evaluate patch-level model: vessels/patch/evaluation/
- Apply the patch-level model iteratively over the retina test images: vessels/iterative/
- (Optional) Evaluate iterative results: vessels/iterative/evaluation/