- Dung abstract argumentation frameworks
- Semantics: grounded, complete, preferred, stable
- Import: Trivial Graph Format (TGF)
- Export: GraphML
- Structured argumentation
- Generalization of Carneades to handle:
- Cycles
- Cumulative arguments
- Issue-based Information Systems (IBIS)
- Multi-criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA)
- Import
- Simple, plain text format, based on YAML
- The Legal Knowledge Interchange Format (LKIF), used by Carneades 2
- The Carneades Argument Format (CAF), used by Carneades 3
- The JSON serialization of the Argument Interchange Format (AIF)
- Export
- GraphML
- DOT (GraphViz)
- user-definable argument evaluation functions, for deriving relative argument weights from properties of the arguments (4.1 includes some builtin argument evaluation functions)
- Language for representing argumentation schemes, based on Constraint Handling Rules (CHR)
- Argument construction, via a CHR inference engine
- Argument validation, by matching arguments to schemes
- Argumentation scheme validation, checking for syntatic and semantic errors in a theory (knowledge-base)
- Native implementation of a CHR inference engine, in Go, for constructing arguments. Removes the dependency on Prolog.
- CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations for managing argument graphs using the Open Source CoachDB document database system
- Create and upload argument graphs to a CoachDB database
- Search for, retreive and read (view) argument graphs in the database
- Update (edit) argument graphs in the database
- Delete argument graphs from the database
- Web user interfaces will be provided for all these database operations
- Goal selection, using abduction, continuing our prior work: Ballnat, S. and Gordon, T.F. Goal Selection in Argumentation Processes — A Formal Model of Abduction in Argument Evaluation Structures. Computational Models of Argument – Proceedings of COMMA 2010, IOS Press (2010), 51–62.
- Interactive, web-based argument browser and structured survey tool
- The browser will provide "guided tours" of argument graphs, to help users to understand the arguments, taking into consideration their interests and assumptions or beliefs.
- The structured survey tool is inspired by Parmenides: K Atkinson, T Bench-Capon, P McBurney, "PARMENIDES: facilitating deliberation in democracies", Artificial Intelligence and Law, 2006, and will be based on the design in: Gordon, T. F. (2013). Structured Consultation with Argument Graphs. In K. Atkinson, H. Prakken & A. Wyner (ed.), From Knowledge Representation to Argumentation in AI, Law and Policy Making (pp. 115–134). College Publications.