[...] is a nonpartisan institute that seeks to expand understanding of the presidency, policy, and political history, providing critical insights for the nation's governance challenges.
- Affiliated with the University of Virginia
- On GitHub at https://github.com/miller-center
- Appendices for
, not source files - The First Year 2017 site seems to be sourced from @miller-center/first-year
- And Connecting Presidential Collections seems to be sourced from @miller-center/cpc (which refers to some apparently private repos)
- @miller-center/presidential-speeches
- Rag-tag bunch of files with unknown origins
- Appendices for
- https://github.com/jake-mason/Presidential-Speeches
- Python web scraper for
speeches. One text file per speech, down-cased and de-punctuated, no titles or dates. 962 files total. - Some K-Means clustering analysis in separate script.
- Python web scraper for
From the parent directory:
make data/millercenter/speeches.json
This fetches the listing at http://millercenter.org/president/speeches, then fetches each of the speeches on that page. As of 2017-01-22, the result is a 962-line file.
These entries look like the following, when pretty printed:
"president": "Barack Obama",
"source": "http://millercenter.org/president/obama/speeches/speech-4427",
"text": "To Chairman Dean [...] Bless the United States of America.",
"timestamp": "2008-08-28",
"title": "Acceptance Speech at the Democratic National Convention"
The text
field separates paragraphs with newlines.
There are two speeches on the speeches listing that lead to empty pages, and which are excluded from data/millercenter/speeches.json
- Barack Obama's "Remarks on the Afghanistan Pullout (June 22, 2011)"
- Barack Obama's "Address to Congress on the American Jobs Act (September 8, 2011)"
Another that has a copy-and-paste issue, which the Python script mostly fixes, so it is included.
- Abraham Lincoln's "Cooper Union Address (February 27, 1860)"
Some speeches are dialogues. Potentially useful formatting, like bold-face, has been stripped from these. E.g.,
- Bill Clinton's "Presidential Debate with Senator Bob Dole (October 6, 1996)"
- George H. W. Bush's "Debate with Michael Dukakis (September 25, 1988)"
Use jq
to get word counts for each speech (this isn't jq
's forte, so it's a bit slow), along with the president's name:
printf "%s\t%s\n" president words
<data/millercenter/speeches.json jq -r '[.president, (.text | [scan("\\s+")] | length + 1)] | @tsv'
Select only the inaugural speeches:
<data/millercenter/speeches.json jq -c 'select(.title | test("Inaugural"))'
Print just the text of William Henry Harrison's record-setting and -holding inaugural speech:
<data/millercenter/speeches.json jq -r 'select(.president=="William Harrison" and (.title | test("Inaugural"))) | .text'
Tokenize, count, and rank the top 1000 words used in inaugural addresses:
<data/millercenter/speeches.json jq -r 'select(.title | test("Inaugural")) | .text' |\
tr [:upper:] [:lower:] |\
tr -C -s "[:alnum:]'" [:space:] | tr -s [:space:] '\n' |\
sort | uniq -c | sort -gr |\
cat -n | head -1000
command | explanation |
tr [:upper:] [:lower:] |
lowercase everything |
tr -C -s "[:alnum:]'" [:space:] |
replace every sequence of non-alphanumeric/single-quote with a single space |
tr -s [:space:] '\n' |
replace every space with a newline |
sort |
sort by word so that uniq -c works |
uniq -c |
replace repeated lines with a single line of the count + content (streaming, so lines must be sorted beforehand) |
sort -gr |
re-sort by count prefix, highest to lowest |
cat -n |
number each line |
head -1000 |
show only the top 1000 words |