This code sets up a basic React application with routing using the React Router library. Here's what it does:
Imports necessary components and styles from external files. It brings in components like Navbar, AddReview, and ReadReview as well as CSS files. App Function:
Defines the main App function/component. Utilizes the component from react-router-dom to enable routing in the application. Routes:
Sets up different routes within the component. Defines two routes: Route 1: Matches the URL '/' and renders the AddReview component when the URL matches exactly. Route 2: Matches the URL '/read-review' and renders the ReadReview component when the URL matches exactly. Rendering:
Renders the component at the top of the application, ensuring it is displayed across different routes. Renders the defined routes using the component. Comments:
Includes comments to explain the purpose of different parts of the code, such as imports, routing setup, and suggestions for exporting the component. In summary, this code sets up a simple React application with two routes ('/' and '/read-review') and uses React Router to manage navigation between these routes. It includes a Navbar component that remains visible across different pages/routes.
main.jsx file is responsible for rendering the React application into the HTML document by mounting the root component.
what each line does:
import React from 'react': Imports the React library, enabling the use of JSX syntax and React components. import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client': Imports the ReactDOM module specifically from the client build of React DOM, allowing direct access to methods like createRoot for rendering the application. Component Rendering:
ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root')).render(...): This line creates a root instance using createRoot() and renders the application into the HTML element with the ID of 'root'. createRoot(document.getElementById('root')): Creates a root instance that is responsible for rendering the React application into the DOM element with the ID 'root'. .render(...): Renders the React application. <React.StrictMode>: Wraps the App component with StrictMode. This is a tool for highlighting potential issues in the application during development, such as deprecated lifecycle methods or unsafe actions. : Renders the App component, which is the root component of the application. This component structure aligns with the code previously explained, where the App component sets up routes and defines the main structure of the application. CSS Import:
import './index.css': Imports a CSS file (presumably for styling the application) to be applied globally. In relation to the previous code snippet provided (App.jsx), the App component in App.jsx sets up the structure, routes, and components of the React application. The main.jsx file is responsible for rendering this App component into the HTML document by creating a root instance and using ReactDOM to mount the application within the HTML element with the ID 'root'.
The code consists of a functional component AddReview responsible for rendering a form to add a review. State hooks (useState) manage various elements of the form such as review stars, preview images, profile image, and product data. Functions (handleStarClick, handleProfileImageChange, handleOnBlur, handleImageChange, submitData) handle user interactions, form changes, and submission. JSX elements within the return statement create the form structure with input fields, buttons, and sections for review rating, review details, image uploads, and user information.
This component (ReadReview) displays a collection of reviews fetched from an API endpoint. It utilizes useState and useEffect hooks to manage the review data and fetch the data from the API when the component mounts.