midnight blue #3e2660 hsla(265, 43%, 26%, 1.0)
tumbleweed #d1a46d
screamin green #02f695
tropical rain forest #23592d
royal purple #4f3081 hsla(263, 46%, 35%, 1.0)
sea green #8be3b6
--text-normal: hsla(45, 94%, 66%, 1); --background-start: hsla(265, 80%, 24%, 1); --background-end: hsla(263, 46%, 35%, 1);
head background: hsla(263, 95%, 35%, 1); navButton = background: hsla(45, 94%, 66%, 1); (ie text-normal)
hsla(15, 100%, 60%, 1) - This is a bright yellow color that will contrast nicely with your current colors and help the menu icon stand out.
hsla(214, 68%, 50%, 1) - This is a deep blue color that will create a striking contrast with your header color and help the menu icon pop.
hsla(33, 100%, 50%, 1) - This is a bold orange color that will complement the text color and add a vibrant touch to the menu icon.
hsla(318, 90%, 45%, 1) - This is a dark purple color that will create a strong contrast with the header color and help the menu icon stand out.
hsla(52, 100%, 60%, 1) - This is a bright and saturated yellow that will contrast nicely with your text color and help the menu button stand out.
hsla(38, 100%, 50%, 1) - This is a slightly more subdued yellow, with a lower saturation level, that will still provide a nice contrast with the text color.
hsla(62, 95%, 40%, 1) - This is a deeper yellow with a slightly orange tint that will complement the warmth of the text color and add some richness to the overall design.
hsla(48, 100%, 35%, 1) - This is a muted yellow with a greenish tint that will create a subtle contrast with the text color and add a touch of complexity to the color scheme.