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Ceyhun ÖZGÜN edited this page Aug 29, 2018 · 13 revisions

Welcome to the Speak, Translate and See with AWS Chrome Extension Wiki!

You can install the extension from Chrome Web Store.

You can find the source here.


  1. Go to Chrome Web Store extension page.
  2. Click 'Add To Chrome'.
  3. After the extension installed click the 'Set AWS Credentials' toolbar button.
  4. Enter your AWS credentials for accessing Amazon Polly, Amazon Translate and Amazon Rekognition. Please keep your AWS credentials safe and enter a credential with the minimum read-only permissions for Polly, Translage and Rekognition.

Using the extension

Go to a page and try the extension.

Amazon Polly

  1. Select a text in the page and right-click the selection. Select 'Read Selected Text Using Amazon Polly'. You can select the language and listen to the text.

Amazon Translate

  1. Select a text in the page and right-click the selection. Select 'Translate Selected Text Using Amazon Translate'. You can select the source and target languages and listen to the main text and the translated text using speaker icons.

Amazon Rekognition

  1. Click Authy token input and right-click the input. Select 'Set Authy Token From Camera Using Amazon Rekognition'. Give permission to use camera and the video starts to be shown in a div. Open Authy app on your phone and place your phone screen in the front of your camera after the token is shown. After the code is shown in the div, click the video div to take picture and read the code.

  2. Click any image in the page and right-click the image. Select 'Detect Text Using Amazon Rekognition'. Please note that this function is available on <img tags only. It won't work for divs with a background image. The image is shown in the dialog and the image is sent to Rekognition for detecting text. Please note that Amazon Rekognition can detect up to 50 for now. The detected text is shown in the textarea below.

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