This package implements the notation provided in Domain Storytelling.
The current icons comes from Font Awesome. However, elements of all other packages (aws, fontawesome, material ...) can be simply included and used.
Domain Storytelling defines the artifacts between actors and work objects as activities.
In PlantUML world, it basically the Arrow
, i.e. -->
, .l.>
, ...
However, the text related to an activity must follow a specific format with an optional sequence number and a label.
The procedure Activity
can be used to follow the format.
The procedure can be used according to two fashions.
The first one is when the sequence number and the label are parts of the Arrow's text.
Actor("consumer", "consumer")
Actor("stand", "concession stand attendant")
consumer --> popcorn : Activity("01", "orders")
popcorn --> stand : Activity("", "from")
The second one is when the sequence number is set as a cardinality of the actor and the label is the Arrow's text.
Actor("consumer", "consumer")
Actor("stand", "concession stand attendant")
consumer Activity("01") --> popcorn : orders
popcorn --> stand : from
The bootstrap may provide PlantUML artifacts like constants, procedures or style statements.
' loads the domainstorytelling bootstrap
The package provides 3 modules.
- domainstorytelling/Actor with 2 items
- domainstorytelling/Object with 5 items
- domainstorytelling/Group with 21 items
The package provides 3 examples.