##How to deploy locally
- checkout and export this project as maven project in eclipse
- create a run configuration for this project
- with goals:
jetty:run -Djetty.port=9090
- with name:
- with base directory:
- with goals:
- you can change the port (9090) to whatever you want
- check your project
##run on ngrok
- now you have to setup ngrok which is the easiest way to expose your local server to the world
- now run ngrok for port 9090 as
ngrok http -subdomain=mybot -log=stdout 9090
- check your project
- now add webhook url as show in fb tutorial
##output in fb messenger
- once you are done with fb webhook setup, you can message on your page and will get automated replies as shown in pictures below
Normal text by a user
Postbacks (button click by a user in messenger)