It is responsible for accepting queries and redirecting requests to the Key-Value servers, collecting the results and presenting them to the user.
- Execute:
- eg:
java -jar kv-broker/target/kv-broker-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar ~/Desktop/m111_kv_christidis_nikolaos/kv-broker/sampleServerFile.txt 3
- eg:
java -jar kv-broker/target/kv-broker-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar ~/Desktop/m111_kv_christidis_nikolaos/kv-broker/sampleServerFile.txt ~/Desktop/m111_kv_christidis_nikolaos/kv-broker/sampleData.txt 3
- Sample output:
nchristidis@nchristidis-gl502vmk ~/Desktop/m111_kv_christidis_nikolaos (main)$ java -jar kv-server/target/kv-server-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar 8081 >>>server__127.0.0.1### kvServer is up and running at: / server with name: server__127.0.0.1 is up at host:
- eg:
Parameters: -s serverFile.txt --> file which has hostname and ports so that broker can connect -i dataToIndex.txt --> not mandatory / path to file generated from `data-injector` which contains data that will be send from broker to kv-server -k 2 --> replication factor
Keep in mind that parameters are passed as positional (not name binding ones), correct usage:
java -jar kv-broker/target/kv-broker-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar ~/Desktop/m111_kv_christidis_nikolaos/kv-broker/sampleServerFile.txt 3