Manual section: | 1 |
Date: | @Date@ |
Version: | @Version@ |
Manual group: | MetPX-Sarracenia |
- [--blocksize <value>]
- [-pb|--post_broker <broker>]
- [-c|--config <configfile>]
- [--delete <boolean>]
- [-pbd|--post_base_dir <path>]
- [-e|--events <event|event|...>]
- [-pe|--post_exchange <exchange>]
- [-fp|--force_polling <boolean>]
- [-pos|--post_on_start]
- [-fs|--follow_symlinks <boolean>]
- [-header <name>=<value>]
- [-h|-help|--help]
- [-p|--path path]
- [-real|--realpath <boolean>]
- [-rn|--rename <path>]
- [-sub|--subtopic <key>]
- [--sleep <time> ]
- [-to|--to <destination>,<destination>,... ]
- [-tp|--topic_prefix <key>]
- [-pbu|--post_base_url <url>]
- [-sum|--sum <string>]
- File Detection Strategies
- File Detection Strategy Table
sr_watch [ -pbu|--post_base_url url ] [ -pb|--post_broker broker_url ]...[ -p|--path ] [reload|restart|start|status|stop] [path]
Watches a directory and publishes posts when files in the directory change ( added, modified, or deleted). Its arguments are very similar to sr_post. In the MetPX-Sarracenia suite, the main goal is to post the availability and readiness of one's files. Subscribers use sr_subscribe to consume the post and download the files.
Posts are sent to an AMQP server, also called a broker, specified with the option [ -pb|--post_broker broker_url ].
The broker option sets all the credential information to connect to the RabbitMQ server
- post_broker amqp{s}://<user>:<pw>@<brokerhost>[:port]/<vhost>
(default: amqps://anonymous:[email protected]/ )
All sr_ tools store all sensitive authentication info in the credentials.conf file. Passwords for SFTP, AMQP, and HTTP accounts are stored in URLs there, as well as other pointers to things such as private keys or FTP modes.
For more details, see: sr_subscribe(1) credentials
The [-post_base_url|--pbu|--url url] option specifies the protocol, credentials, host and port to which subscribers will connect to get the file.
Format of argument to the url option:
The [-p|--path path] option tells sr_watch what to look for. If the path specifies a directory, sr_watches creates a post for any time a file in that directory is created, modified or deleted. If the path specifies a file, sr_watch watches only that file. In the announcement, it is specified with the path of the product. There is usually one post per file.
An example of an execution of sr_watch checking a file:
sr_watch -s sftp://[email protected]/ -p /data/shared/products/foo -pb amqp:// -action start
Here, sr_watch checks events on the file /data/shared/products/foo. Default events settings reports if the file is modified or deleted. When the file gets modified, sr_watch reads the file /data/shared/products/foo and calculates its checksum. It then builds a post message, logs into as user 'guest' (default credentials) and sends the post to defaults vhost '/' and post_exchange 'xs_stanley' (default exchange)
A subscriber can download the file /data/shared/products/foo by logging as user stanley on using the sftp protocol to assuming he has proper credentials.
The output of the command is as follows
[INFO] '20150813161959.854 sftp://[email protected]/ /data/shared/products/foo'
source=guest parts=1,256,1,0,0 sum=d,fc473c7a2801babbd3818260f50859de
In MetPX-Sarracenia, each post is published under a certain topic. After the '[INFO]' the next information gives the fBtopic* of the post. Topics in AMQP are fields separated by dot. In MetPX-Sarracenia it is made of a topic_prefix by default : version V02 , an action post , followed by the subtopic by default : the file path separated with dots, here,
After the topic hierarchy comes the body of the notification. It consists of a time 20150813161959.854 , and the source url of the file in the last 2 fields.
The remaining line gives informations that are placed in the amqp message header. Here it consists of source=guest , which is the amqp user, parts=1,256,0,0,1 , which suggests to download the file in 1 part of 256 bytes (the actual filesize), trailing 1,0,0 gives the number of block, the remaining in bytes and the current block. sum=d,fc473c7a2801babbd3818260f50859de mentions checksum information, here, d means md5 checksum performed on the data, and fc473c7a2801babbd3818260f50859de is the checksum value. When the event on a file is a deletion, sum=R,0 R stands for remove.
Another example watching a file:
sr_watch -dr /data/web/public_data -s -p bulletins/alphanumeric/SACN32_CWAO_123456 -pb amqp:// -action start
By default, sr_watch checks the file /data/web/public_data/bulletins/alphanumeric/SACN32_CWAO_123456 (concatenating the base_dir and relative path of the source url to obtain the local file path). If the file changes, it calculates its checksum. It then builds a post message, logs into as user 'guest' (default credentials) and sends the post to defaults vhost '/' and post_exchange 'sx_guest' (default post_exchange)
A subscriber can download the file using http without authentication on
An example checking a directory:
sr_watch -dr /data/web/public_data -pbu -p bulletins/alphanumeric -pb amqp:// -action start
Here, sr_watch checks for file creation(modification) in /data/web/public_data/bulletins/alphanumeric (concatenating the base_dir and relative path of the source url to obtain the directory path). If the file SACN32_CWAO_123456 is being created in that directory, sr_watch calculates its checksum. It then builds a post message, logs into as user 'guest'
A subscriber can download the created/modified file using http without authentication on
Please refer to the sr_subscribe(1) manual page for a detailed description of common settings, and methods of specifying them.
The value should be one of:
0 - autocompute an appropriate partitioning strategy (default)
1 - always send files in a single part.
<sz> - used a fixed partition size (example size: 1M )
Files can be announced as multiple blocks (or parts). Each part has a separate checksum. The parts and their checksums are stored in the cache. Partitions can traverse the network separately, and in paralllel. When files change, transfers are optimized by only sending parts which have changed.
The autocomputation algorithm determines a blocksize that encourages a reasonable number of parts for files of various sizes. As the file size varies, the automatic computation will give different results. This will result in resending information which has not changed as partitions of a different size will have different sums. Where large files are being appended to, it makes sense to specify a fixed partition size.
In cases where a custom downloader is used that does not understand partitioning, it is necessary to avoid having the file split into parts, so one would specify '1' to force all files to be sent as a single part.
The value of the blocksize is an integer that may be followed by letter designator [B|K|M|G|T] meaning: for Bytes, Kilobytes, Megabytes, Gigabytes, Terabytes respectively. All these references are powers of 2.
broker is the broker to connect to to send the post.
A file filled with options.
In force_polling mode, assume that directories empty themselves, so that every file in each path should be posted at every polling pass, instead of just new ones. Use caching to ignore the ones seen before. In polling mode, the speed of recognition of files is limited to the speed at which a tree can be traversed. The scanning method needs to be chosen based on the performance sought.
The base_dir option supplies the directory path that, when combined with the relative one from source url , gives the local absolute path to the data file to be posted.
A list of event types to monitor separated by a 'pipe symbol'. Available events: create, delete, link, modify
The create, modify, and delete events reflect what is expected: a file being created, modified, or deleted. If link is set, symbolic links will be posted as links so that consumers can choose how to process them. If it is not set, then no symbolic link events will ever be posted.
move or rename events result in a special double post pattern, with one post as the old name and a field newname set, and a second post with the new name, and a field oldname set. This allows subscribers to perform an actual rename, and avoid triggering a download when possible.
sr_watch publishes to an exchange named xs_"broker_username" by default. Use the post_exchange option to override that default.
By default, sr_watch selects an (OS dependent) optimal method to watch a directory. For large trees, the optimal method can be manyfold (10x or even 100x) faster to recognize when a file has been modified. In some cases, however, platform optimal methods do not work (such as with some network shares, or distributed file systems), so one must use a slower but more reliable and portable polling method. The force_polling keyword causes sr_watch to select the polling method in spite of the availability of a normally better one. KNOWN LIMITATION: When force_polling is set, the sleep setting should be at least 5 seconds. It is not currently clear why.
When directories are consumed by processes using the subscriber *delete* option, they stay empty, and
every file should be reported on every pass. When subscribers do not use *delete*, sr_watch needs to
know which files are new. It does so by noting the time of the beginning of the last polling pass.
File are posted if their modification time is newer than that. This will result in many multiple posts
by sr_watch, which can be minimized with the use of cache. One could even depend on the cache
entirely and turn on the *delete* option, which will have sr_watch attempt to post the entire tree
every time (ignoring mtime).
When starting sr_watch, one can either have the program post all the files in the directories watched or not.
The follow_symlinks option causes symbolic links to be traversed. If follow_symlinks is set and the destination of a symbolic link is a file, then that destination file should be posted as well as the link. If the destination of the symbolic link is a directory, then the directory should be added to those being monitored by sr_watch. If follow_symlinks is false, then no action related to the destination of the symbolic link is taken.
Add a <name> header with the given value to advertisements. Used to pass strings as metadata in the advertisements to improve decision making for consumers. Should be used sparingly. There are limits on how many headers can be used, and minimizing the size of messages has important performance impacts.
Display program options.
sr_post evaluates the filesystem path from the path option and possibly the post_base_dir if the option is used.
If a path defines a file then this file is watched.
If a path defines a directory then all files in that directory are watched...
If this path defines a directory, all files in that directory are watched and should sr_watch find one (or more) directory(ies), it watches it(them) recursively until all the tree is scanned.
The AMQP announcements are made of the tree fields, the announcement time, the url option value and the resolved paths to which were withdrawn the post_base_dir present and needed.
The realpath option resolves paths given to their canonical ones, eliminating any indirection via symlinks. The behaviour improves the ability of sr_watch to monitor trees, but the trees may have completely different paths than the arguments given. This option also enforces traversing of symbolic links.
With the rename option, the user can suggest a destination path for its files. If the given path ends with '/' it suggests a directory path... If it doesn't, the option specifies a file renaming.
The subtopic default can be overwritten with the subtopic option.
The time to wait between generating events. When files are written frequently, it is counter productive to produce a post for every change, as it can produce a continuous stream of changes where the transfers cannot be done quickly enough to keep up. In such circumstances, one can group all changes made to a file in sleep time, and produce a single post.
A comma-separated list of destination clusters to which the posted data should be sent. Ask pump administrators for a list of valid destinations.
default: the hostname of the broker being posted to.
FIXME: a good list of destination should be discoverable.
By default, the topic is made of the default topic_prefix : version V02 , an action post , followed by the default subtopic: the file path separated with dots (dot being the topic separator for amqp). You can overwrite the topic_prefix by setting this option.
The post_base_url option sets the protocol, credentials, host and port under which the product can be fetched.
The post body contains three fields: the announcement time, this post_base_url value and the path, relative from post_base_dir, if necessary.
The concatenation of the two last fields of the post gives the complete URL subscribers use to download the file.
All file posts include a checksum. It is placed in the amqp message header will have as an entry sum with default value 'd,md5_checksum_on_data'. The sum option tell the program how to calculate the checksum. It is a comma separated string. Valid checksum flags are
where 0 : no checksum... value in post is a random integer (only for testing/debugging.)
d : do md5sum on file content (default for now, compatibility)
n : do md5sum checksum on filename
p : do SHA512 checksum on filename and partstr [#]_
s : do SHA512 on file content (default in future)
z,a : calculate checksum value using algorithm a and assign after download.
Other checksum algorithms can be added. See Programming Guide.
[1] | only implemented in C. ( see MetPX#117 ) |
The fundamental job of sr_watch is to notice when files are available to be transferred. The appropriate strategy varies according to:
- the number of files in the tree to be monitored,
- the minimum time to notice changes to files that is acceptable, and
- the size of each file in the tree.
The easiest tree to monitor is the smallest one. With a single directory to watch where one is posting for an sr_sarra component, then use of the delete option will keep the number of files in directory at any one point small and minimize the time to notice new ones. In such optimal conditions, noticing files in a hundredth of a second is reasonable to expect. Any method will work well for such trees, but the sr_watch defaults (inotify) are usually the lowest overhead.
sr_watch is sr_post with the added sleep option that will cause it to loop over directories given as arguments. sr_cpost is a C version that functions identically, except it is faster and uses much less memory, at the cost of the loss of plugin support. With sr_watch (and sr_cpost) The default method of noticing changes in directories uses OS specific mechanisms (on Linux: INOTIFY) to recognize changes without having to scan the entire directory tree manually. Once primed, file changes are noticed instantaneously, but requires an initial walk across the tree, a priming pass.
For example, assume a server can examine 1500 files/second. If a medium sized tree is 30,000 files, then it will take 20 seconds for a priming pass. Using the fastest method available, one must assume that on startup for such a directory tree it will take 20 seconds or so before it starts reliably posting all files in the tree. After that initial scan, files are noticed with sub-second latency. So a sleep of 0.1 (check for file changes every tenth of a second) is reasonable, as long as we accept the intial priming pass. If one selects force_polling option, then that 20 second delay is incurred for each polling pass, plus the time to perform the posting itself. For the same tree, a *sleep* setting of 30 seconds would be the minimum to recommend. Expect that files will be noticed about 1.5* the *sleep* settings on average. In this example, about when they are about 45 seconds. Some will be picked up sooner, others later. Apart from special cases where the default method misses files, it is much slower on medium sized trees than the default and should not be used if timeliness is a concern.
In supercomputing clusters, distributed files systems are used, and the OS optimized methods for recognizing file modifications (INOTIFY on Linux) do not cross node boundaries. To use sr_watch with the default strategy on a directory in a compute cluster, one usually must have an sr_watch process running on every node. If that is undesirable, then one can deploy it on a single node with force_polling but the timing will be constrained by the directory size.
As the tree being monitored grows in size, sr_watch's latency on startup grows, and if polling is used the latency to notice file modifications will grow as well. For example, with a tree with 1 million files, one should expect, at best, a startup latency of 11 minutes. If using polling, then a reasonable expectation of the time it takes to notice new files would be in the 16 minute range.
If the performance above is not sufficient, then one needs to consider the use of the shim library instead of sr_watch. First, install the C version of Sarracenia, then set the environment for all processes writing files that need to be posted to call it:
export SR_POST_CONFIG=shimpost.conf
export LD_PRELOAD=""
where shimpost.conf is an sr_cpost configuration file in the ~/.config/sarra/post/ directory. An sr_cpost configuration file is the same as an sr_post one, except that plugins are not supported. With the shim library in place, whenever a file is written, the accept/reject clauses of the shimpost.conf file are consulted, and if accepted, the file is posted just as it would be by sr_watch.
So far, the discussion has been about the time to notice a file has changed. Another consideration is the time to post files once they have been noticed. There are tradeoffs based on the checksum algorithm chosen. The most robust choice is the default: s or SHA-512. When using the s sum method, the entire file will be read in order to calculate it's checksum, which is likely to determine the time to posting. The check sum will used by downstream consumers to determine whether the file being announced is new, or one that has already been seen, and is really handy.
For smaller files, checksum calculation time is negligible, but it is generally true that bigger files take longer to post. When using the shim library method, the same process that wrote the file is the one calculating the checksum, the likelihood of the file data being in a locally accessible cache is quite high, so it is as inexpensive as possible. It should also be noted that the sr_watch/sr_cpost directory watching processes are single threaded, while when user jobs call sr_post, or use the shim library, there can be as many processes posting files as there are file writers.
To shorten posting times, one can select sum algorithms that do not read the entire file, such as N (SHA-512 of the file name only), but then one loses the ability to differentiate between versions of the file.
- note ::
- should think about using N on the sr_watch, and having multi-instance shovels recalculate checksums so that part becomes easily parallellizable. Should be straightforward, but not yet explored as a result of use of shim library. FIXME.
A last consideration is that in many cases, other processes are writing files to directories being monitored by sr_watch. Failing to properly set file completion protocols is a common source of intermittent and difficult to diagnose file transfer issues. For reliable file transfers, it is critical that both the writer and sr_watch agree on how to represent a file that isn't complete.
File Detection Strategies (Order: Fastest to Slowest ) Faster Methods Work for Larger Trees. | ||
Method | Description | Application |
Implicit posting using shim library (LD_PRELOAD) (in C) |
Many user jobs which cannot be modified to post explicitly.
Explicit posting by clients C: sr_cpost or Python: sr_post |
File delivery advertised by sr_post(1) or other sr_ components after file writing complete.
User posts only when file is complete.
sr_cpost (in C) |
works like watch if sleep > 0
sr_watch with reject : .*\.tmp$ (suffix) (default) (in Python) |
Files transferred with a .tmp suffix. When complete, renamed without suffix. Actual suffix is settable.
Receiving from most other systems (.tmp support built-in) Use to receive from Sundew. best choice for most trees on a single server or workstation. Full plugin support. works great with 10000 files only a few seconds startup. too slow for millions of files. |
sr_watch with reject ^\..* (Prefix) | Use Linux convention to hide files. Prefix names with '.' that need that. (compatibility) same performance as previous method. | Sending to systems that do not support suffix. |
sr_watch with inflight number (mtime) | Minimum age (modification time) of the file before it is considered complete.
Last choice, guarantees delay only if no other method works. Receiving from uncooperative sources. (ok choice with PDS) If a process is re-writing a file often, can use mtime to smooth out the i/o pattern, by slowing posts. |
force_polling using reject or mtime methods above | As per above 3, but uses plain old directory listings.
Only use when INOTIFY has some sort of issue, such as cluster file system in a supercomputer. needed on NFS shares with multiple writing nodes. |
Active if -debug|--debug appears in the command line... or debug is set to True in the configuration file used.
Active if -r|--randomize appears in the command line... or randomize is set to True in the configuration file used. If there are several posts because the file is posted by block (the blocksize option was set), the block posts are randomized meaning that they will not be posted in order of block number.
Active if -rc|--reconnect appears in the command line... or reconnect is set to True in the configuration file used. If there are several posts because the file is posted by block because the *blocksize option was set, there is a reconnection to the broker everytime a post is to be sent.
Every heartbeat seconds, the on_heartbeat is invoked. For periodic operations that happen relatively rarely, on the scale of many minutes, usually. The argument is actually a duration, so it can be expressed in various time units: 5m (five minutes), 2h (two hours), days, or weeks.
Every sleep seconds, file system changes occurred are processed in a batch. Prior to this processing, the on_watch plugin is invoked. It can be used to put a file in one of the watched directories... and have it published. sleep is usually a much shorter interval than the heartbeat. It is also a duration, and so can be expressed in the same units as well.
In order to avoid alerting for partially written (usually temporary) files, sr_watch does not post events for changes to files with certain names:
- files whose names begin with a dot .
- files whose names end in .tmp
FIXME: is this right? need better does it ignore part files? should it?
Many linux systems have limits on how many directories can be watched that are set quite low, to minimize kernel memory usage. If you see a message like so:
raise OSError("inotify instance limit reached")
OSError: inotify instance limit reached
In that case, use administrative privileges to set sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_instance=<enough> to a number that is big enough. More kernel memory will be allocated for this, no other effects of changing this setting are known.
sr_post(1) - post announcemensts of specific files.
sr_post(7) - the format of announcement messages.
sr_report(7) - the format of report messages.
sr_report(1) - process report messages.
sr_sarra(8) - Subscribe, Acquire, and ReAdvertise tool.
sr_subscribe(1) - The download client (main manual page.)