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title: DedekindReals Floats Detailed Design author:

  • Ivo List status: Draft changes:
  • 2019-03-26: Initial draft ...


  • A. Bauer and P. Taylor, The Dedekind reals in abstract Stone duality, Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 19 (2009) 757-838, doi: 10.1017/S0960129509007695 DEDRAS


Package floats contains Floats 'module signature' - containing constructors and signature of 'Float' type.

We require values of Float type to be dense linear order extended with infinities (but instead of NaNs, exceptions shall be thrown). Arithmetic operation don't need to be exact - i.e. they are rounded to given precision.

BigDecimalFloats is a concrete implementation based on Java BigDecimal type.

Relevant ASD

The content of this chapter are excerpts from DEDRAS:

Axiom 4.1 ASD has base type N, and products...

Axiom 4.2 equality on discrete types...

Axiom 4.3 N is generated from 0, variables, successor...

Definition 4.12 If the diagonal subspace, X⊂X×X, is open or closed then we call X discrete or Hausdorff respectively.

Definition 4.14 A space X that admits existential or universal quantification is called overt or compact respectively.

Axiom 4.15 N is overt.

Definition 6.1 A dense linear order without endpoints is an overt Hausdorff object Q (Definitions 4.12 and 4.14) with an open binary relation < that is, for p,q,r : Q,

  1. transitive and interpolative (dense): (p < r) ⇔ (∃q. p < q < r)
  2. extrapolative (without endpoints): (∃p. p < q) ⇔ ⊤ ⇔ (∃r. q < r)
  3. linear (total or trichotomous): (p ≠ q) ⇔ (p < q) ∨ (q < p).

Lemma 6.3 ... The usual order on N induces another (well founded) order ≺ on Q that we call simplicity.

Examples 6.4 Such countable Q may consist of

  1. all fractions n/m with m ≠ 0, where "simpler" fractions have smaller denominators;
  2. dyadic or decimal fractions k/2^n and k/10^n ;
  3. finite continued fraction expansions; or
  4. roots of polynomials with integer coefficients, where the notion of simplicity is given by the degree and coefficients of the polynomials;

Lemma 6.16 Let q0 < q1 < ··· < qn be a strictly ascending finite sequence of rationals, and let (δ,υ) be rounded, located and bounded, with δq0 and υqn. Then this (pseudo-)cut belongs to at least one of the overlapping open intervals (q0 ,q2), (q1, q3), ..., (qn−2, qn).

Axiom 11.1 Q is a discrete, densely linearly ordered (Definition 6.1) commutative ring.

Axiom 11.2 Q obeys the Archimedean principle, for p,q : Q, q > 0 ⇒ ∃n:Z. q(n − 1) < p < q(n + 1).

Remark 11.3 ... We could weaken the properties of addition and multiplication on Q ... to the form of the four ternary relations a < d + e, u + t < z, a < d × u, u × t < z,

Design decisions

Main consumer of Floats is Intervals module.

Extending with infinities

BigDecimal satisfies properties of dense linear order without endpoints. By adding infinite values we break this contract.

Infinities are useful on the next level when doing interval arithmetics. Without them Intervals module would need to take over handling special cases: \top, \bottom interval, which are now expressed as [-inf, inf] and [inf, -inf] and half open intervals [a,inf], [-inf, b] (and additional two cases), making altogether 6+1 cases. A basic arithmetic operations would therefore need cases-analysis for a large number of combinations.

Another arguments is that some libraries (like MPFR) already have infinities included. In such case wrapping the library into our implementation would be easier.

Infinities are also (ab)used for extrapolation.

Exceptions instead of NaNs

Instead of having a NaN value, an exception shall be thrown. This decision is done, because it doesn't have any meaning to have intervals with NaN endpoints. In such cases we want this to be \top or \bottom interval.



Floats implement dense linear order like Definition 6.2, but with endpoints. Linearity and transitivity is covered in this section. Interpolations and extrapolations are covered in a following section.

Requirement: linearity

Float values shall be linearly ordered.

Rationale: Linear order is assumed by upstream software units and is needed for correctness.

Verification: It is linear, because compareTo method always returns without exceptions. Verify by code inspection.

Coverage: compareTo

Requirement: transitivity

compareTo method shall be transitive, i.e. if a < b and b < c then a < c.

Rationale: Transitivity is assumed by upstream software units and is needed for correctness.

Verification: Generate random a,b,c and verify the property holds.

Coverage: compareTo

Requirement: equals

The equals method shall return true iff compareTo method returns 0.

Rationale: Prevent accidental mistakes (Java's BigDecimal.equals compares also precision).

Verification: By code inspection.

Coverage: compareTo, equals

Requirement: min and max

CompareTo operation shall be consistent with min and max operation, i.e. a,b >= min(a,b) and a,b <= max(a,b). Max(a,b), Min(a,b) \in {a,b}

Rationale: Correctness.

Verification: Verify consistency on random numbers as well as on special values.

Coverage: min, max

Requirement: signum

compareTo(0) operation shall be consistent with signum.

Rationale: Correctness.

Verification: Verify on random numbers as well as on special values.

Coverage: signum


Arithmetics is rounded. For every arithmetic operation user needs to provide desired resulting precision. Precision also defines simplicity order [DEDRAS, 6.3].

Requirement: rounding result of arithmetic operations

The result of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division on regular numbers shall be properly rounded. Proper rounding towards floor/ceiling means that:

  • the result has given precision
  • the result is lower (respectively greater) that the precise result and
  • the result is greatest (respectively least) such representable number in given precision.

Rationale: Given precision, because we need to control memory footprint. Lower/upper bound in needed for correct computation. Greatest/least is not strictly necessary and we could drop it in favour of faster computation.

Verification: No matter the underlying implementation we can test the bounds by increasing given precision and adding/subtracting an ulp. For BigDecimal implementation we assume that addition, subtraction, multiplication with precision big enough eventually returns proper result. Division may be tested using multiplication.

Source: efficiency, correct result

Coverage: add, subtract, multiply, divide (rounding)

Requirement: limits of arithmetic operations

The result of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division when one or both of the arguments is infinite shall return correct limit when it exists or throw an ArithmeticException otherwise. Similarly division by zero shall throw an ArithmeticException.

Rationale: Returning correct limit simplifies interval arithmetic and still guarantees correct results. When a limit does not exists an exception is thrown that needs to be handled by the module using Floats. We don't want incorrect result to be hidden in a low-level module.

Verification: Test float operation in parallel with operations on integers (which we may trust). For regular values use small integers, i.e. -2...2 and for infinities big integers -100, 100. Test pairs of all values. Test that float and integer operations produce same result or fail at the same time. Special cases that need to be handled separately are multiplication of zero and infinity and division of two infinite values.

Source: correct result

Coverage: edge cases of add, subtract, multiply, divide

Requirement: negation

Result of negation shall be additive inverse. In case of the infinities negation shall change the sign of infinity.

Rationale: Correctness.

Verification: Verify that a + a.negate == 0. Test infinities separately.

Coverage: Negation

Interpolation and extrapolation

Split function covers both interpolation and extrapolation. First is covered when operands are regular numbers. Second is covered when one of the operands is infinity.

Requirement: Interpolation

Split function on regular numbers a < b, shall return x, such that a < x < b.

When numbers:

  • have different sign return 0.
  • are of the same magnitude the returned value shall be near average.
  • are of different magnitude, return a number that is half the bigger magnitude.

Rationale: Interpolative property of Definition 6.1. We further optimise the return value on space, that is returning the number with given property and smallest precision. When numbers are of the same magnitude, it is in interest of upstream modules to split it evenly (without any additional knowledge).

Verification: Generate random numbers a < b and verify that a < split(a,b) < b.

Coverage: split/interpolation

Requirement: Extrapolation

Split function shall:

  • when both operands are infinite return 0
  • on -inf, b return, x < b
  • on a, inf, return a < x.

Returned number x shall have double magnitude than the input number.

Rationale: Extrapolative property of Definition 6.1. Furthermore we double the magnitude for efficiency purposes, counting on amortization.

Verification: Generate random number a, and verify that a < split(a, inf) and split(-inf, a) < a.

Coverage: split/extrapolation

Requirement: Trisection

Trisect function of a,b,p shall return x,y, such that a<x<y<b and that x,y are epsilon in given precision apart.

Rationale: Number x<y are used upstream by Lemma 6.16. We optimise on the evenness of splitting the a and b.

Verification: Verify using random values and test that property holds.

Coverage: trisect

TODO research how this optimized trisection is done properly - there are occurrencies, where this has cause progress to stop / approach zero from above without jumping into negatives

String conversions

Coverage: valueOf(String, precision), toString()

We can construct Floats from integers or strings, using static method Floats.valueOf.

Embedding of integers and floats

Coverage: valueOf(Long)

Coverage: valueOf(Double)

Special values

Coverage ZERO, posInf, negInf, isPosInf, isNegInf, isZero, isRegularNumber, signToInfity


Floats are constructed from product of two natural numbers. BigDecimal implementation in Java is a product of BigInteger intVal an integer called scale. Together the represent a number of form intVal * 10^-scale (example 6.4/2).

Scale parameter is checked for overflows and underflows and throws ArithmeticException. Code of BigDecimal is further optimised for intVals that fit into long.

There is no infinities or NaNs in BigDecimal or BigInteger.

BigInteger store sign separately to magnitude, which is an array of integers. It is a pure Java implementation.


Possible extensions

  • Implementation using MPFR.
  • Implementation using doubles (caveat rounding modes in Java) Note: rounding modes for double in Matlab have been done using JNI just switching the mode in c. This disregards Java convention that the code should run identically on all machines. It is also suprising that this just works, i.e. JRE doesn't never changes rounding mode.