Overview | Installation | SITHCon | Examples
Here we present a deep Scale-Invariant Temporal History Convolution network (SITHCon) that uses a logarithmically compressed temporal representation at each level. Because time rescaling of the input results in a translation of the memory representation over log time, and because the output of the convolution is equivariant to translations, this network can generalize to out-of-sample data that are temporal rescalings of a learned pattern. We compare the performance of SITHCon to a Temporal Convo- lution Network (TCN) on classification and regression problems with both univariate and mul- tivariate time series. We find that SITHCon, unlike TCN, generalizes robustly over rescalings of about an order of magnitude. Moreover, we show that the network can generalize over exponentially large scales without retraining the weights simply by extending the range of the logarithmically- compressed temporal memory.
The easiest way to install the SITHCon module is with pip.
pip install .
SITHCon requires at least PyTorch 1.8.1. It works with cuda, so please follow the instructions for installing pytorch and cuda here.
SITHCon is a pytorch module implementing the neurally inspired SITH representation of working memory for use in neural networks. The paper outlining the work detailed in this repository was published at ICML 2022 here.
Jacques, B., Tiganj, Z., Sarkar, Aakash, Howard, M., & Sederberg, P. (2021, December 6). A deep convolutional neural network that is invariant to time rescaling
The SITHCon layer effeciently detects patterns in timeseries data by training a convolutional layer to be applied on \emph{compressed time} instead of actual time. SITHCon layers will first transform input timeseries into a compressed time representation at every time point, creating a set of nodes that evolve at different speeds through time. Some nodes code for the recent past and these nodes also evolve extremely quickly through time. Some nodes code for the distant past of a timeseries, and these nodes evolve more slowly and integrate information from a much wider amount of the past.
This compressed representation is equivariant to changes in scale, meaning if you change the scale of the input being presented, the compressed time representation will translate across the nodes but maintain the same shape. When combined with a convoltuional layer and a maxpooling layer, you generate scale-invariant features as the output for the SITHCon Layer.
The SITHCon module in pytorch will initialize as a series of SITHCon layers, parameterized by the argument layer_params
, which is a list of dictionaries. Below is an example initializing a 2 layer SITHCon module, where the input time-series only has 1 feature.
from sithcon import SITHCon_Classifier
from torch import nn as nn
# Tensor Type. Use torch.cuda.FloatTensor to put all SITH math
# on the GPU.
ttype = torch.FloatTensors
sp1 = dict(in_features=1,
tau_min=.1, tau_max=4000, buff_max=6500,
dt=1, ntau=400, k=35, g=0.0, ttype=ttype,
channels=35, kernel_width=23, dilation=2,
dropout=None, batch_norm=None)
sp2 = dict(in_features=sp1['channels'],
tau_min=.1, tau_max=4000, buff_max=6500,
dt=1, ntau=400, k=35, g=0.0, ttype=ttype,
channels=35, kernel_width=23, dilation=2,
dropout=None, batch_norm=None)
layer_params = [sp1, sp2]
# Predicting 10 classes
model = SITHCon_Classifier(10, layer_params, act_func=nn.ReLU).cuda()
Here, we have the first layer only having 15 taustar from tau_min=1.0
to tau_max=25
. The second layer is set up to go from 1.0
to 100.0
, which gives it 4 times the temporal range. We found that the logarithmic increase of layer sizes to work well for the experiments in this repository.
The SITHCon_Classifier module expects an input signal of size (batch_size, 1, sith_params1["in_features"], Time).
If you want to use only the SITH module, which is a part of any SITHCon layer, you can initialize a SITH using the following parameters. Note, these parameters are also used in the dictionaries above.
- tau_min: float The center of the temporal receptive field for the first taustar produced.
- tau_max: float The center of the temporal receptive field for the last taustar produced.
- buff_max: int The maximum time in which the filters go into the past. NOTE: In order to achieve as few edge effects as possible, buff_max needs to be bigger than tau_max, and dependent on k, such that the filters have enough time to reach very close to 0.0. Plot the filters and you will see them go to 0.
- k: int Temporal Specificity of the taustars. If this number is high, then taustars will always be more narrow.
- ntau: int Number of taustars produced, spread out logarithmically.
- dt: float The time delta of the model. There will be int(buff_max/dt) filters per taustar. Essentially this is the base rate of information being presented to the model
- g: float Typically between 0 and 1. This parameter is the scaling factor of the output of the module. If set to 1, the output amplitude for a delta function will be identical through time. If set to 0, the amplitude will decay into the past, getting smaller and smaller. This value should be picked on an application to application basis.
- ttype: Torch Tensor This is the type we set the internal mechanism of the model to before running. In order to calculate the filters, we must use a DoubleTensor, but this is no longer necessary after they are calculated. By default we set the filters to be FloatTensors. NOTE: If you plan to use CUDA, you need to pass in a cuda.FloatTensor as the ttype, as using .cuda() will not put these filters on the gpu.
Initializing SITH will generate several attributes that depend heavily on the values of the parameters.
- c: float
c = (tau_max/tau_min)**(1./(ntau-1))-1
. This is the description of how the distance between taustars evolves. - tau_star: DoubleTensor
tau_star = tau_min*(1+c)**torch.arange(ntau)
. This is the array filled with all of the centers of all the tau_star receptive fields. - filters: ttype The generated convolutional filters to generate SITH output. Will be applied as a convolution to the input time-series.
In the experiments
folder are the experiments that were included in the paper. Everything to recreate the results therein is included. Everything is in jupyter notebooks. We have also included everything needed to recreate the figures from the paper, but with your results if you change file names around.
It should be noted that there are 3 main experiments that the SITHCon model was tested on. We examined AudioMNIST, a timeseries classification dataset, MorseAdding, as task introduced by us that forces networks to classify morse code digits and add values associated with them together while ignoring distractor items, and finally MorseDecoder, which is a simpler time-series classification task than AudioMNIST, as there is no noise associated with these data, they are just morse code digits extended by repeating each bit of information many times.
In all three of these tasks we show exceptional performance with SITHCon, but we also show that SITHCon is able to maintain its level of performance on different time-scaling of the items without retraining.