- Advance:侧重在手势交互、帧动画、自定义动画及仿真类型的动画框架库,A powerful animation framework for iOS and OS X.
- AnimatedCollectionViewLayout:UICollectionView条目切换动画过渡效果,A UICollectionViewLayout subclass that adds custom transitions/animations to the UICollectionView without effecting your existing code.
- D3View:一句代码轻松实现IOS的常用动画效果-Swift
- Dance:强大并且简单的动画视图,能够在iOS 10中引入新的UIViewPropertyAnimator。A radical & elegant animation library for iOS.
- EasyAnimation:A Swift library to take the power of UIView.animateWithDuration(_:, animations:...) to a whole new level - layers, springs, chain-able animations and mixing view and layer animations together!
- FlightAnimator:基于 CoreAnimation 构建的动画库,使用 block 可以轻松创建动画。支持 43 种动画曲线,支持串联动画,极其强大。Natural Blocks Based Core Animation Framework
- Hero:酷炫的iOS动画引擎,Elegant transition library for iOS & tvOS
- IBAnimatable:基于 Xcode 插件技术快速原型开发工具。Design and prototype UI, interaction, navigation, transition and animation for App Store ready Apps in Interface Builder with IBAnimatable.参考教程:iOS主流动画开源库深入分析:IBAnimatable
- Interpolate:给各种手势加上默认的动画效果,也可以自定义动画。Swift interpolation for gesture-driven animations
- ios-charts:画图标,Beautiful charts for iOS apps!
- Jelly:几行代码定制ViewController动画,Jelly provides a way to integrate different kinds of highly customizable view controller transitions into your iOS-App with just a few lines of code
- Material:显示特效框架,A beautiful Material Design framework in Swift.
- MotionMachine:功能强大、优雅、模块化动画库。A powerful, elegant, and modular animation library for Swift.
- MPParallaxView:3D图像动态效果
- NVActivityIndicatorView:一个加载动画的合集库
- ParticlesLoadingView:通过 SpriteKit 内置工具粒子发射器实现酷炫的可定制装载动画,A customizable SpriteKit particles animation on the border of a view.
- Spring:iOS动画框架
- StarWars.iOS:炫酷的星战动画效果,This component implements transition animation to crumble view-controller into tiny pieces.参考文:Swift炫酷动效StarWars.iOS剖析
- Stellar:通过物理引擎 UIDynamic 实现超酷物理动画类库,简化 UIKit Dynamics 的操作,轻松实现各种动画效果。A fantastic Physical animation library for swift
- View2ViewTransition:简单的框架实现两个视图切换及转场,Custom interactive view controller transition from one view to another view.
- XLActionController:具有丰富可定制风格及动效的 Action 控制类库,Fully customizable and extensible action sheet controller written in Swift 2
- YapAnimator:一个基于物理环境的动画系统,比如惯性和弹簧,这些都是内置并且是默认启用的,它可以帮助你通过较少的代码来创建出更加自然的动画。Your fast and friendly physics-based animation system.
- AutocompleteField:文本自动补全工具,Add word completion to your UITextFields
- Attributed:这个库是为了代替目前NSAttributedString的编程接口。
- AttributedTextView:创建一个支持多个链接的UITextView,Easiest way to create an attributed UITextView with support for multiple links.
- DigitalKeyboard:简单的生份证数字键盘
- EasyUITextFields:IB 方式配置 UITextField 组件输入规则(格式、验证、长度、跳转顺序)
- EmojiTextView:好玩的 tap 文本即转 Emoji 输入组件,Tap to swap out words with emojis. Inspired by Messages.app on iOS 10.
- Euler:定制操作符实现直观、简洁的数学表达式
类库,Swift Custom Operators for Mathematical Notation - FontBlaster:以编程的方式,将自定义字体加入你的app
- FontAwesomeKit.Swift:iOS FontAwesome 工具箱,使用 icon 像使用 string 一样方便。A better choice for iOS Developer to use FontAwesome Icon with UI.
- GlitchLabel:一种闪瞎眼的字体渲染样式
- Markingbird:Markdown 解析器,翻译自 MarkdownSharp,后者是 Stack Overflow 使用的 Markdown 解析器。Markdown processor written in Swift (translation of MarkdownSharp)
- Marklight:Markdown 语法高亮显示编辑库,Markdown syntax highlighter for iOS
- RichTextView:使用 TextKit 定制全功能的 TextView
- SwiftRichString:几乎富文本字符串的一切都在这个库中找到,Elegant & Painless Attributed Strings Management Library in Swift
- SwiftyDown:Swift 实现的 markdown 解析器,Simple, Elegant, Powerful markdown parser written in swift.
- SwiftyText:基于TextKit的文本渲染和手势处理库,SwiftyText in Swift based on Text Kit
- SwiftyMarkdown:Markdown解析器,可以将 Markdown 转换成 NSAttributedString
- TextFieldEffects:Custom UITextFields effects inspired by Codrops
- TextAttributes:An easier way to compose attributed strings
- Translucid:文字背景镂空特效,Lightweight library to set an Image as text background.
- TTGTagCollectionView:显示一些“标签”样式的内容,教程:开源项目-TTGTagCollectionView
- WSTagsField:可定制、易用的标签文本框输入组件,An iOS text field that represents different Tags
- brickkit-ios:功能强大并附有完整示例的布局库,A delightful layout library for iOS and tvOS.
- EasyPeasy:编程方式自动布局框架库,Auto Layout made easy
- Cartography:适配工具,A declarative Auto Layout DSL for Swift
- SnapKit:A Swift Autolayout DSL for iOS & OS X,参考:
- [Swift Snapkit 看这篇基本就"够"了][53]
- [Swift 3 - 用 SnapKit 添加 SafariViewController 为 childViewController][54]
- [Stevia][55]:给人用的Auto layout库,Elegant view layout for iOS
- [TangramKit][56]:一套iOS界面视图布局框架。其内核是基于对UIView的layoutSubviews方法的重载以及对子视图的bounds和center属性的设置而实现的。TangramKit is a powerful iOS UI framework implemented by Swift. It integrates the functions with Android layout,iOS AutoLayout,SizeClass, HTML CSS float and flexbox and bootstrap. 参考:[iOS下的界面布局利器-MyLayout布局框架][57]
- [TinyConstraints][58]:使自动布局更人性化的语法糖,Tiny Constraints is the syntactic sugar that makes Auto Layout sweeter for human use.
- [WHC_AutoLayoutKit][59]:简单功能最强大的自动布局开源库,IOS platforms currently in use the fastest the simplest development to build the UI layout automatically open source library, strong dynamic layout constraint handling capacity
- [Blurable][60]:通过协议扩展高斯模糊任意 UIView,Apply a Gaussian Blur to any UIView with Swift Protocol Extensions
- [CartoonEyes][61]:前置摄像头捕获图像后,采用 Core Image 脸部识别 CIDetector 和漫画效果滤镜复合出卡通效果眼睛。Composite Cartoon Eyes over Face from Front Camera with CoreImage
- [FAImageCropper][62]:仿Instagram图片裁剪工具,Image Cropper like Instagram
- [Fusuma][63]:类似Instagram风格的图片浏览及相机拍照功能库,Instagram-like photo browser and a camera feature with a few line of code in Swift.
- [Gifu][64]:GIF库,High-performance animated GIF support for iOS in Swift
- [GPUImage2][65]:一个GPU加速视频和图像处理Swift框架。GPUImage 2 is a BSD-licensed Swift framework for GPU-accelerated video and image processing.
- [ImageViewer][66]:图片全屏预览组件及类库
- [MetalAcc][67]:基于GPU加速图片处理,包括高性能的滤镜。GPU-based media processing library using Metal written in Swift
- [moa][68]:自动进行异步下载并显示图片的插件,An image download extension for image view written in Swift for iOS, tvOS and macOS.
- [notGIF][69]:一款管理、查看和分享相册中 GIF 的 App,Play & Share your GIFs in Photos
- [LegofySwift][70]:将图片自动生成为 1x1 乐高积木拼接而成的图形框架库,Make images look as if they are made out of 1x1 LEGO blocks
- [PHImageKit][71]:图像下载&缓存,以及GIF显示库。Simple yet powerful image downloading, caching and GIF playback framework.
- [SKPhotoBrowser][72]:图片浏览工具,支持多种显示模式,支持缓存图片,支持缩放。Simple PhotoBrowser/Viewer inspired by facebook, twitter photo browsers written by swift
- [Sharaku][73]:类似Ins的图片滤镜库
- [SwiftyGif][74]:GIF解析库,High performance GIF engine
- [SwiftSVG][75]:实现高性能 SVG 解析,并且支持多种输入格式。A single pass SVG parser with multiple interface options (String, NS/UIBezierPath, CAShapeLayer, and NS/UIView)
- [TinyCrayon-iOS-SDK][76]:一款可以免费使用(但是有广告)的 SDK ,可以使你能够为 iOS 应用添加图像蒙版功能。A smart and easy-to-use image masking and cutout SDK for mobile apps.
- [UIImageView-BetterFace-Swift][77]:更好显示人脸的缩略图工具
- [BCColor][78]:轻量级颜色工具库,支持调整图片颜色,支持从图片提取主题颜色A lightweight but powerful color kit
- [Hue][79]:16 进制转 UIColor、判断颜色是深是浅、添加 Alpha 通道、设置渐变色、计算图片主要颜色……一切你能想到的颜色操作,Hue is the all-in-one coloring utility that you'll ever need.
- [IGColorPicker][80]:颜色选择器。A customizable color picker for iOS in Swift
- [imageColors][81]:提取图片主色、次色、景物色、背景色及所有涉及颜色工具库,Get the colours that matter
- [NightNight][82]:Swift 版夜晚模式切换库,Elegant way to integrate night mode to swift projects
- [StyleKit][83]:可配置的UI Style工具库,A powerful & easy to use styling framework written in Swift
- [SwiftTheme][84]:Powerful theme/skin manager for iOS 7+ 主题/换肤, 夜间模式
- [DisplaySwitcher][85]:不同布局之间的平滑切换,Custom transition between two collection view layouts
- [Dwifft][86]:更加优雅的 reloadData 实现
- [Iconic][87]:快速生成矢量图标,Auto-generated icon font library for iOS
- [StyleKit][88]:CSS for iOS
[53]: http://www.jianshu.com/p/7da4ce96ab30 "Swift Snapkit 看这篇基本就"够"了" [54]: http://o1xhack.com/2017/03/08/swift-learning/addchildview-safari-cn/ [55]: https://github.com/s4cha/Stevia "Stevia" [56]: https://github.com/youngsoft/TangramKit "TangramKit" [57]: http://www.jianshu.com/p/603fd470bbb0 [58]: https://github.com/roberthein/TinyConstraints "TinyConstraints" [59]: https://github.com/netyouli/WHC_AutoLayoutKit "WHC_AutoLayoutKit" [60]: https://github.com/FlexMonkey/Blurable "Blurable" [61]: https://github.com/FlexMonkey/CartoonEyes "CartoonEyes" [62]: https://github.com/fahidattique55/FAImageCropper "FAImageCropper" [63]: https://github.com/ytakzk/Fusuma "Fusuma" [64]: https://github.com/kaishin/Gifu [65]: https://github.com/BradLarson/GPUImage2 "GPUImage2" [66]: https://github.com/MailOnline/ImageViewer "ImageViewer" [67]: https://github.com/wangjwchn/MetalAcc "MetalAcc" [68]: https://github.com/evgenyneu/moa "moa" [69]: https://github.com/atuooo/notGIF "notGIF" [70]: https://github.com/StefanLage/LegofySwift "LegofySwift" [71]: https://github.com/producthunt/PHImageKit "PHImageKit" [72]: https://github.com/suzuki-0000/SKPhotoBrowser [73]: https://github.com/makomori/Sharaku "Sharaku" [74]: https://github.com/kirualex/SwiftyGif "SwiftyGif" [75]: https://github.com/mchoe/SwiftSVG "SwiftSVG" [76]: https://github.com/TinyCrayon/TinyCrayon-iOS-SDK "TinyCrayon-iOS-SDK" [77]: https://github.com/croath/UIImageView-BetterFace-Swift "UIImageView-BetterFace-Swift" [78]: https://github.com/boycechang/BCColor "BCColor" [79]: https://github.com/hyperoslo/Hue "Hue" [80]: https://github.com/iGenius-Srl/IGColorPicker "IGColorPicker" [81]: https://github.com/robipresotto/imageColors "imageColors" [82]: https://github.com/Draveness/NightNight "NightNight" [83]: https://github.com/146BC/StyleKit "StyleKit" [84]: https://github.com/jiecao-fm/SwiftTheme "SwiftTheme" [85]: https://github.com/Yalantis/DisplaySwitcher "DisplaySwitcher" [86]: https://github.com/jflinter/Dwifft "Dwifft" [87]: https://github.com/dzenbot/Iconic "Iconic" [88]: https://github.com/igormatyushkin014/StyleKit "StyleKit"