Unexpected exception during assertion. No matcher found for request:
> PATCH /head HTTP/1.1
> Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
> Content-Length: 21
> Host: localhost:52271
> Connection: Keep-Alive
> Accept-Encoding: gzip
> User-Agent: okhttp/3.4.1
{"property": "value"}
Tried the following matchers:
1. Request matchers group:
- method: is <DELETE>
Failed because METHOD did NOT match.
Expected: is <DELETE>
but: was <PATCH>
2. Request matchers group:
- method: is <PATCH>
- request order: is <2>
Failed because REQUEST ORDER did NOT match.
Expected: is <2>
but: was <1>
3. Request matchers group:
- method: is <PUT>
Failed because METHOD did NOT match.
Expected: is <PUT>
but: was <PATCH>
4. Request matchers group:
- method: is <GET>
Failed because METHOD did NOT match.
Expected: is <GET>
but: was <PATCH>
5. Request matchers group:
- method: is <POST>
Failed because METHOD did NOT match.
Expected: is <POST>
but: was <PATCH>
6. Request matchers group:
- method: is <PATCH>
- query parameters: is map containing [is "key"->an instance of java.lang.String]
Failed because QUERY PARAMETERS did NOT match.
Expected: is map containing [is "key"->an instance of java.lang.String]
but: map was []