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87 lines (57 loc) · 3.59 KB

Neovim Settings


  • Clone this repository under ~/.config.

Personal settings

  • General settings are written in set.lua.
  • Keymap settings (that doesn't involve plugins) are written in keymap.lua


I use lazy.nvim to manage plugins. General package settings are written in lazy.lua. Detailed settings for each package are written in after/plugin/*.lua.

I use:

To add a package:

  1. add configurations to lua/cromz22/lazy.lua
  2. create after/plugin/package-name-or-whatever.lua and write detailed settings there if needed

Type :Lazy home to manage installed packages.


I use LuaSnip for snippets.

To add one:

  1. create file snippets/language-name.lua
    • language-name has to match with filetype (:set filetype?)
  2. add snippet there

Language Server, Linter, Formatter

To use language servers, nvim-lspconfig is required. To manage language servers, linter, and formatter, I use mason. mason-lspconfig closes some gaps between the two. Make sure npm can be used so that pyright and bash-language-server can be used.

I use:

To add one:

  1. install one through mason (:Mason)
  2. add LSP server to servers variable in after/plugin/lsp.lua
  3. add formatter to FormatCode function after/plugin/lsp.lua
