The project presented here consists in the implementation of a discrete Kalman filter, as done in this link.
This project has been tested in Ubuntu (version 14.04), and needs the following dependencies: g++, eigen3 and allegro4. In order to install these dependencies in an Ubuntu machine, run the following commands in a terminal window (in this case, the terminal is opened in the folder where the project is located, e.g., project-directory
➜ project-directory sudo apt-get install g++
➜ project-directory sudo apt-get install libeigen3-dev
➜ project-directory sudo apt-get install liballegro4.2‐dev
Once that the above dependencies has been installed, the program can be compiled by means of the makefile
. More precisely, it will be sufficient to run the following command in the terminal:
➜ project-directory make
After the compilation, the makefile
can be used to run the program, as follows:
➜ project-directory make run
The program needs sudo privileges to be executed.
can also be used to clean the program, in this case just run the command:➜ project-directory make clean
For a detailed description of the project structure see the docs.