I publish most of my work and make it open source for other people to use and reuse.
Here you can find all the repositories I shared.
- Carlos Becker - Auto updated list of activities + sponsors.
- Anthony Fu - Has nice icons.
- Christian Muehlhaeuser - Lengthy.
- TJ Holowaychuk
- Ema Suriano - Nice table.
- Mael Nison - Nice picture on side.
- Martin Sandsmark - Nice organized list of projects.
- Alex Ellis - Minimal & clear calls to action.
- egoist - Showing sponsors is nice.
- Phil Pluckthun
- Brandon Bayer - Nice & clear calls to action.
- Piotr Chmolowski - Clean.
- Brian Lovin - Detailed.
- Matthias
- Brandur - Clean & self updating.
- Michele Riva
- lichess - Clean & to the point.
- Siren - Like the Project Page | Paper | Data links links + no extra things in readme.
- next.js - Clean, nice logo.
- Notable - Like the icons after the heading & nice screenshots.
- Can append
to GitHub repo URL to jump to README of the repo. - Selecting some text in a GitHub comment and pressing
will make a reply of that text. - GitHub jump workflow is one of the best things you can install to navigate GitHub like a God.
- I slightly modified it to jump to different parts of the repo with modifiers like going to issues, releases, opening new issue or even cloning the repo instantly.
- I can include media files like GIFs in the repository itself and then just reference them from readme to embed them.
- I can include and mix in HTML in GitHub readme's. This is super useful for embedding images because you can customize
values to make the READMEs look a lot nice. - I can tack in various GitHub related templates like
as well ascode_of_conduct.md
and evencontributing.md
folder at the root of my project. - Add .atom to the URL of a commit listing on GitHub and you can subscribe to any repo, directory or file history, ideal for git scraping.
- To open code from GitHub, just add "blitz" to the domain name (
- This is my work-flow for contributing on GitHub - Shell centric workflow.
- ghb0t
- Hub - Awesome wrapper over
command. - GitHub release stats - Find how many people have downloaded various GitHub releases of people.
- GitHub contributions chart - Show user's contribution charts across the years.
- Fork cleaner - Cleans up old and inactive forks on your GitHub account.
- gitsome - Supercharged Git/GitHub command line interface.
- GitHub Trending - Tracking the most popular GitHub repos, updated daily.
- How to collaborate on GitHub - Mini book about collaborating on GitHub.
- Gitrob - Tool to help find potentially sensitive files pushed to public repositories on GitHub.
- Octoverse
- utterances - Lightweight comments widget built on GitHub issues. (Web)
- github-drama - Curated collection of "dramatic" GitHub interactions.
- DevHub - TweetDeck for GitHub - Android, iOS and Web.
- Probot - Framework for building GitHub Apps to automate and improve your workflow.
- Git History - Quickly browse the history of any GitHub file.
- GitStalk - Discover who's upto what on Github. (Code)
- ghr - Creates GitHub Release and uploads artifacts in parallel.
- GitMemory - Pretty nice stats on GitHub data like profiles.
- all-contributors - Recognize all contributors, not just the ones who push code.
- release-notes - Generate release notes from pull request description.
- gh-card - GitHub Repository Card for Every Web Site.
- GitHub Package Registry (2019) (HN)
- GitHub Sponsors (HN)
- Nice Contribution Guidelines template
- Collection of GitHub issue and pull request templates
- Happy Git and GitHub for the useR
- GitHub users with most contributors (worldwide) - Can also see by location.
- GitHub GraphQL API client for browsers and Node
- shhgit - Find GitHub secrets in real time.
- Octobox - Helps you manage your GitHub notifications efficiently so you can spend less time managing and more time getting things done.
- Pull Review - Assign pull request reviewers intelligently.
- stargazed - Creating your own Awesome List of GitHub Stars.
- Monorepo - Framework for code review automation. It allows writing plugins (codechecks) in JavaScript.
- Brainstorm ideas for GitHub Sponsors tiers
- ChangeCast - Create beautiful, performant, accessible changelogs from your Github releases.
- Release - Generate changelogs with a single command.
- Release Auth - Handles the OAuth authentication with GitHub's webflow for release.
- Triage - Interactive command-line GitHub issue & notification triaging tool.
- VS Code Issues Triaging workflow
- reviewdog - Automated code review tool integrated with any code analysis tools regardless of programming language.
- GitHub Contribution Chart Generator
- Awesome GitHub
- Repl from Repo (HN)
- github-cli - Minimal CLI for making GitHub API calls.
- GitHub Star History and Stats (Code)
- Most active GitHub users in Worldwide (Code)
- github2mr - Export all your github repositories to a form suitable for 'myrepos' to work with.
- Auto - Generate releases based on semantic version labels on pull requests. (Web) (Tweet)
- GitHub Polls - Polls for user feedback in GitHub issues.
- gh - GitHub CLI tool. (Article) (HN) (HN 2) (HN 3) (Reddit)
- gg - Github Gists from the command line.
- The past and the future of hub (2020)
- Trends - Ultra high performance GitHub trending application. (Code)
- Highfive - GitHub hooks to provide an encouraging atmosphere for new contributors.
- grep.app - Search across a half million git repos. (HN)
- Derek - Reduces fatigue for maintainers by automating governance and delegating permissions to your team and community.
- lerna-changelog - PR-based changelog generator with monorepo support.
- ghg - Get the executable from github releases.
- Improving GitHub Issue Labels
- Dasher - Create flexible dashboards with GitHub queries.
- backport - Simple CLI tool that automates the process of backporting commits on a GitHub repo.
- Reviewable - GitHub code reviews done right.
- How to Scope Down PRs (2020)
- GitHub Experiments - Explore the future of software development.
- Release Please - Generates GitHub PRs for library releases based on the conventionalcommits.org commit specification and SemVer.
- Weekly Digest - Weekly summary of activity on your GitHub repository.
- List of Badges, in Markdown
- GitHub Protips: Tips, tricks, hacks, and secrets (2020)
- GitBuddy - Your buddy in managing and maintaining GitHub repositories.
- Triage Party - Tool for triaging incoming GitHub issues for large open-source projects.
- The Many Benefits of Good Pull Request Descriptions (+ How to Write One) (2020)
- GitHub Trending Repos - Track GitHub trending repositories in your favorite programming language by native GitHub notifications.
- gren - Github release notes and changelog generator.
- LabelSync - Delightful companion to manage Github Labels across multiple repositories.
- GitHub Satellite Virtual 2020 - Work (HN)
- LabelSync - Sync labels. Across all repositories.
- Shields.io - Concise, consistent, and legible badges in SVG and raster format. (Code)
- GitHub Subscriber - Follow github users. (Code)
- GitHub repos scraper - Tracking the most popular Github repos, updated daily.
- Sponsors API - GitHub Sponsor avatar listings in your Readme.
- github-release - Small commandline app written in Go that allows you to easily create and delete releases of your projects on Github.
- Site Policy on GitHub (Code)
- GitHub Settings - Pull Requests for GitHub repository settings.
- GitHub Explore - Community-curated topic and collection pages on GitHub. (Code)
- Anonymous GitHub - System to anonymize GitHub repositories before referring to them in a double-blind paper submission. (Code)
- GitHub Docs (Code) (Open Sourcing GitHub Docs)
- GitHub Stars - Lift up the people who inspire and educate your communities with the GitHub Stars program.
- Building a self-updating profile README for GitHub (2020) (HN)
- GitHub public roadmap (HN)
- Repos Beyond Code: A Collection of Creative Uses of GitHub (2018)
- Sponsor Verifier - Site for users to verify their sponsorships to be sent goodies.
- GitHub Archive Program & Arctic Code Vault
- GitHub Readme Stats - Get dynamically generated GitHub stats on your readmes.
- Awesome GitHub Profiles
- Octotree - GitHub on steroids. (Code)
- GitHub ReadME Project - Meet the people behind the projects you love.
- Scuttlebutt - Daemon for tracking and tweeting trending Github repositories by language.
- LinearSync - Sends GitHub issues to Linear. (Code)
- Keep your GitHub forks up to date (2020)
- GitHub Security - Code scanning & more. (Article) (HN)
- Go script to query whether a GitHub user is your sponsor at a given tier
- github-email - Get a GitHub user's email even if it's not public.
- SSH Auth Github - Small Babashka script that retrieves public keys from a specific team under a specific organization on Github.
- GitHub public feedback discussions
- gethub - Utility for cloning and fetching your remote git repositories from GitHub.
- GitDorker - Python program to scrape secrets from GitHub through usage of a large repository of dorks.
- Sell access to your GitHub repos with Gumroad (HN)
- Knightly - Nightly builds for projects and PRs.
- First Commit - Dig up the first commit of any GitHub repo. (Code)
- GitHub Useful Forks - Sorted list of starred forks for a GitHub repo. (Code)
- gitflux - Track your GitHub projects in InfluxDB and create beautiful graphs with Grafana. (Tweet)
- GitHub-DL - GitHub Repo Full Downloader. Downloads an entire GitHub repository and it's metadata.
- GitHub DMCA takedown notices
- Parity GitHub Processbot
- GitHub Pull - Keep your forks up-to-date via automated PRs.
- Refined GitHub - Browser extension that simplifies the GitHub interface and adds useful features.
- Gitako - File tree extension for GitHub.
- GitHub Source Code Leak (2020) (HN)
- GitHub Support Community (Latest)
- GitHub Unofficial Issue Tracker
- publish-release - Create GitHub releases with assets from CLI, or from JS.
- GitHub Desktop - Open source Electron-based GitHub . (Web)
- GitHub social preview images for your repos (HN)
- sponsorsme - Lightweight utility to check whether a user sponsors you.
- Github Repository Timeline (Code)
- Highfive - GitHub hooks to provide an encouraging atmosphere for new contributors.
- recent - Get the recent issues and pull-requests on github.
- github auth.js - GitHub API authentication library for JavaScript and Node.js.
- GitHub Universe (Code)
- CSS in GitHub Readmes (HN)
- GitHub Archive Program - Preserving open source software for future generations.
- Everything You Always Wanted To Know About GitHub (But Were Afraid To Ask) (HN)
- GH Archive - Project to record the public GitHub timeline, archive it, and make it easily accessible for further analysis.
- GitHub Blog Post Workflow - Show your latest blog posts from any sources or StackOverflow activity or Youtube Videos on your GitHub profile/project readme automatically using the RSS feed.
- ghtopdep - CLI tool for sorting dependents repo by stars.
- GitHub's REST API OpenAPI Description
- watch-rss - Subscribe your watched GitHub Repository's releases as RSS feeds on Inoreader.
- Building a self-updating GitHub README
- Relnotes - Automatic GitHub Release Notes.
- Only Sponsors - Platform to hide content behind GitHub Sponsors.
- Badgen - Fast badge generating service. (Code)
- Renaming the default branch on GitHub
- GitHub Stale Bots – A False Economy (2021) (HN)
- GitHub Socialify - Generate a nice image for a GitHub repo. (Code)
- Get notified when a file on GitHub has changed (2021)
- Awesome READMEs
- HN: Open-source, not open-contribution (2021)
- GitHub1s - One second to read GitHub code with VS Code. (HN)
- ghtop - See what's happening on GitHub in real time.
- ghapi - Delightful and complete interface to GitHub's amazing API.
- GitHub Surf - Surf GitHub code with VS Code. (with CLI, chrome extensions).
- GitHub VSC - Use VSCode to view and edit GitHub repos, in your browser.
- My GitHub Open PRs
- Terraform Provider GitHub
- ghstack - Submit stacked diffs to GitHub on the command line.
- GitHub Diff - Compare changes across GitHub branches, commits, or tags. (Code)
- Scripting with GitHub CLI (2021)
- GitHub Learning Lab
- Octocrabby - Tools for managing GitHub block lists.
- RepoKitteh - GitHub Functions: Workflow Automation. (HN)
- Dev Protocol - Lets GitHub users tokenize their OSS projects in a few clicks. (Code)
- Lotus - Keep up with GitHub notifications without stress.
- Standard and acceptable badges list (Code)
- HUBFS - Read-only file system for GitHub and Git.
- Awesome Developer GitHub Profiles
- GistFS - Go io/fs filesystem implementation for reading files in a Github gists.
- git-xargs - Command-line tool (CLI) for making updates across multiple Github repositories with a single command.
- A Better Model for Stacked (GitHub) Pull Requests (2021) (HN)
- GHToken - Create an installation access token for a GitHub app from your terminal.
- Having a Healthy Pull Request Process for Teams
- Sponsorware for Github - Serverless function that automates the process of granting someone access to one or more private repositories after sponsoring you on Github.
- Nesting GitHub’s API in your GraphQL Schema
- Dependabot - Automated dependency updates. (Code)
- GREV - View github release statistics. (Code)
- giscus - Comments widget built on GitHub Discussions. (Article)
- Codespaces: GitHub’s Play for a Remote Development Future (2021)
- Flat Data - Explores how to make it easy to work with data in git and GitHub. (Tweet)
- GitHub OCTO - GitHub’s Office of the CTO investigates the future of software development.
- GitHub Exporter - Set of packages to make exporting artifacts from GitHub easier.
- GitHub Awesome - Browse Every Awesome List on GitHub.
- GitHub Security Lab - Securing the world’s software, together. (Code)
- Prometheus GitHub Exporter - Exposes basic metrics for your repositories from the GitHub API, to a Prometheus compatible endpoint.
- ghissue - Bulk-upload GitHub Issues.
- Maintainers - Maintain your GitHub Projects.
- GitHub Copilot - Your AI pair programmer. (HN) (Reddit) (Lobsters) (Preview)
- Grafana GitHub datasource - GitHub datasource allows GitHub API data to be visually represented in Grafana dashboards.
- Awesome GitHub Profile Readme (Web)
- HN: GitHub confirmed using all public code for training copilot regardless license (2021)
- org-stats - Get the contributor stats summary from all repos of any given organization.
- MergeQueue - Automate your Github workflows. (Docs) (HN)
- solar - Clone all your starred GitHub repos.
- GitHub Web IDE - Open GitHub repositories in online web IDE.
- GitHub Copilot: First Impressions (2021) (HN)
- Is GitHub Copilot a blessing, or a curse? (2021) (HN)
- Risk Assessment of GitHub Copilot (2021) (HN)
- go-trending - Go library for accessing trending repositories and developers at Github.
- Github Trending Twitter - Twitter bot to tweet trending repositories and developers from GitHub. (Code)
- GitHub Metrics - Generate your metrics that you can embed everywhere, including your GitHub profile readme. (Code)
- GitHub’s Engineering Team has moved to Codespaces (2021) (HN)
- Enhanced Support for Citations on GitHub (2021) (HN)
- GitHunt - Hunt the most starred projects on any date on GitHub. (Code)
- 10 Fun Things You Can Do With GitHub.dev (2021)
- GitHub Users Global Ranking (Code)
- GitHub Repositories Ranking
- gh-dependents - gh command extension to see dependents of your repository.
- GHTorrent - Effort to create a scalable, queriable, offline mirror of data offered through the Github REST API. (Code)
- GitHub Dashboard - Navigate GitHub effortlessly.
- Gitstar Ranking - Top GitHub users and repositories. (Code)
- GitHub Plugin for Steampipe - Use SQL to instantly query repositories, users, gists and more from GitHub. Open source CLI. No DB required.