Here, you can find a small sample of the RealNest dataset. The 1024rows directory contains the first 1024 rows of each table, and the 100mib directory contains the largest multiple of 1024 rows such that the file size is under 100 MiB and the number of rows is less than 64 * 1024 for each table.
The data in this repository is only provided for convenience and to facilitate standardized comparisons. It can be re-generated from the original sources using the scripts in the scripts directory. By using the data in this repository, you agree to the terms of use of the original data sources. The data source for each table is given below:
# | Table / Folder Name | Data Source |
1 | amazon-berkeley-objects-listings | [1] Amazon Berkeley Objects |
2 | aws-public-blockchain-btc-transactions | [2] AWS Public Blockchain Data |
3 | aws-public-blockchain-eth-logs | [2] AWS Public Blockchain Data |
4 | aws-roda-hcls-datalake-clinvar_summary_variants-gene_specific_summary | [3] Data Lake as Code |
5 | aws-roda-hcls-datalake-clinvar_summary_variants-hgvs4variation | [3] Data Lake as Code |
6 | aws-roda-hcls-datalake-clinvar_summary_variants-submission_summary | [3] Data Lake as Code |
7 | aws-roda-hcls-datalake-gnomad-sites | [3] Data Lake as Code |
8 | aws-roda-hcls-datalake-gtex_8-rnaseqcv1_1_9_gene_tpm | [3] Data Lake as Code |
9 | aws-roda-hcls-datalake-gtex_8-rsemv1_3_0_transcript_expected_count | [3] Data Lake as Code |
10 | aws-roda-hcls-datalake-gtex_8-rsemv1_3_0_transcript_tpm | [3] Data Lake as Code |
11 | aws-roda-hcls-datalake-opentargets_latest-aotfelasticsearch | [3] Data Lake as Code |
12 | aws-roda-hcls-datalake-opentargets_latest-cooccurrences | [3] Data Lake as Code |
13 | aws-roda-hcls-datalake-opentargets_latest-diseasetophenotype | [3] Data Lake as Code |
14 | aws-roda-hcls-datalake-opentargets_latest-epmccooccurrences | [3] Data Lake as Code |
15 | aws-roda-hcls-datalake-opentargets_latest-failedcooccurrences | [3] Data Lake as Code |
16 | aws-roda-hcls-datalake-opentargets_latest-failedmatches | [3] Data Lake as Code |
17 | aws-roda-hcls-datalake-opentargets_latest-interaction | [3] Data Lake as Code |
18 | aws-roda-hcls-datalake-opentargets_latest-interactionevidence | [3] Data Lake as Code |
19 | aws-roda-hcls-datalake-opentargets_latest-knowndrugsaggregated | [3] Data Lake as Code |
20 | aws-roda-hcls-datalake-opentargets_latest-matches | [3] Data Lake as Code |
21 | aws-roda-hcls-datalake-thousandgenomes_dragen-var_partby_samples | [3] Data Lake as Code |
22 | cord-19-document_parses | [4] CORD-19 |
23 | daylight-openstreetmap-osm_elements | [5] Daylight Map Distribution of OpenStreetMap |
24 | daylight-openstreetmap-osm_features | [5] Daylight Map Distribution of OpenStreetMap |
25 | gharchive-CommitCommentEvent | [6] GitHub Archive |
26 | gharchive-ForkEvent | [6] GitHub Archive |
27 | gharchive-GollumEvent | [6] GitHub Archive |
28 | gharchive-IssueCommentEvent | [6] GitHub Archive |
29 | gharchive-IssuesEvent | [6] GitHub Archive |
30 | gharchive-MemberEvent | [6] GitHub Archive |
31 | gharchive-PullRequestEvent | [6] GitHub Archive |
32 | gharchive-PullRequestReviewCommentEvent | [6] GitHub Archive |
33 | gharchive-PullRequestReviewEvent | [6] GitHub Archive |
34 | gharchive-PushEvent | [6] GitHub Archive |
35 | gharchive-ReleaseEvent | [6] GitHub Archive |
36 | hep-adl-ethz-Run2012B_SingleMu | [7] CERN Open Data |
37 | overturemaps-us-west-2-admins | [8] Overture Maps Foundation Open Map Data |
38 | overturemaps-us-west-2-base | [8] Overture Maps Foundation Open Map Data |
39 | overturemaps-us-west-2-buildings | [8] Overture Maps Foundation Open Map Data |
40 | overturemaps-us-west-2-divisions | [8] Overture Maps Foundation Open Map Data |
41 | overturemaps-us-west-2-places | [8] Overture Maps Foundation Open Map Data |
42 | overturemaps-us-west-2-transportation | [8] Overture Maps Foundation Open Map Data |
43 | twitter-stream-2023-01 | [9] Twitter Stream Archive |
Data source numbers refer to the Attribution section of the main file.