This example provides a minimal (2k lines) and faithful implementation of the following object detection / instance segmentation papers:
- Faster R-CNN: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Region Proposal Networks
- Feature Pyramid Networks for Object Detection
- Mask R-CNN
- Cascade R-CNN: Delving into High Quality Object Detection
with the support of:
- Multi-GPU / multi-node distributed training, multi-GPU evaluation
- Cross-GPU BatchNorm (aka Sync-BN, from MegDet: A Large Mini-Batch Object Detector)
- Group Normalization
- Training from scratch (from Rethinking ImageNet Pre-training)
This is likely the best-performing open source TensorFlow reimplementation of the above papers.
- OpenCV, TensorFlow ≥ 1.6
- pycocotools/scipy:
for i in cython 'git+' scipy; do pip install $i; done
- Pre-trained ImageNet ResNet model from tensorpack model zoo
- COCO data. It needs to have the following directory structure:
# image files that are mentioned in the corresponding json
# image files that are mentioned in corresponding json
You can use either the 2014 version or the 2017 version of the dataset.
To use the common "trainval35k + minival" split for the 2014 dataset, just
download the annotation files instances_minival2014.json
to annotations/
as well.
It is recommended to get familiar the relevant papers listed above before using this code. Otherwise you may end up doing something unreasonable.
To train on a single machine (with 1 or more GPUs):
./ --config \
BACKBONE.WEIGHTS=/path/to/ImageNet-R50-AlignPadding.npz \
Alternatively, use TRAINER=horovod
which supports distributed training as well, but less straightforward to run.
Refer to HorovodTrainer docs for details.
All options can be changed by either the command line or the
file (recommended).
Some reasonable configurations are listed in the table below.
See for details about how to correctly set BACKBONE.WEIGHTS
and other configs.
To predict on given images (needs DISPLAY to show the outputs):
./ --predict input1.jpg input2.jpg --load /path/to/Trained-Model-Checkpoint --config SAME-AS-TRAINING
To evaluate the performance of a model on COCO:
./ --evaluate output.json --load /path/to/Trained-Model-Checkpoint \
Several trained models can be downloaded in the table below. Evaluation and prediction have to be run with the corresponding configs used in training.
These models are trained on train2017 and evaluated on val2017 using mAP@IoU=0.50:0.95. Unless otherwise noted, all models are fine-tuned from ImageNet pre-trained R50/R101 models in tensorpack model zoo, using 8 NVIDIA V100s.
Performance in Detectron can be reproduced.
Backbone | mAP (box;mask) |
Detectron mAP 1 (box;mask) |
Time (on 8 V100s) |
Configurations (click to expand) |
R50-FPN | 34.8 | 6.5h | super quickMODE_MASK=False FRCNN.BATCH_PER_IM=64 PREPROC.TRAIN_SHORT_EDGE_SIZE=[500,800] PREPROC.MAX_SIZE=1024 |
R50-C4 | 35.6 | 34.8 | 22.5h | standardMODE_MASK=False MODE_FPN=False |
R50-FPN | 37.5 | 36.7 | 10.5h | standardMODE_MASK=False |
R50-C4 | 36.2;31.8 ⬇️ | 35.8;31.4 | 23h | standardMODE_FPN=False |
R50-FPN | 38.2;34.8 | 37.7;33.9 | 12.5h | standardthis is the default |
R50-FPN | 38.9;35.4 ⬇️ | 38.6;34.5 | 24h | 2xTRAIN.LR_SCHEDULE=2x |
R50-FPN-GN | 40.4;36.3 ⬇️ | 40.3;35.7 | 29h | 2x+GNFPN.NORM=GN BACKBONE.NORM=GN FPN.FRCNN_HEAD_FUNC=fastrcnn_4conv1fc_gn_head FPN.MRCNN_HEAD_FUNC=maskrcnn_up4conv_gn_head TRAIN.LR_SCHEDULE=2x |
R50-FPN | 41.7;36.2 ⬇️ | 16h | +CascadeFPN.CASCADE=True |
R50-FPN-GN | 46.1;40.1 ⬇️ | 36h (on 16 V100s) | 4x+GN+Cascade+TrainAugFPN.CASCADE=True FPN.NORM=GN BACKBONE.NORM=GN FPN.FRCNN_HEAD_FUNC=fastrcnn_4conv1fc_gn_head FPN.MRCNN_HEAD_FUNC=maskrcnn_up4conv_gn_head PREPROC.TRAIN_SHORT_EDGE_SIZE=[640,800] TRAIN.LR_SCHEDULE=4x |
R101-C4 | 40.1;34.6 ⬇️ | 27h | standardMODE_FPN=False BACKBONE.RESNET_NUM_BLOCKS=[3,4,23,3] |
R101-FPN | 40.7;36.8 ⬇️ 2 | 40.0;35.9 | 17h | standardBACKBONE.RESNET_NUM_BLOCKS=[3,4,23,3] |
R101-FPN-GN (From Scratch) |
47.7;41.7 ⬇️ 3 | 47.4;40.5 | 28h (on 64 V100s) | 9x+GN+Cascade+TrainAugFPN.CASCADE=True BACKBONE.RESNET_NUM_BLOCKS=[3,4,23,3] FPN.NORM=GN BACKBONE.NORM=GN FPN.FRCNN_HEAD_FUNC=fastrcnn_4conv1fc_gn_head FPN.MRCNN_HEAD_FUNC=maskrcnn_up4conv_gn_head PREPROC.TRAIN_SHORT_EDGE_SIZE=[640,800] TRAIN.LR_SCHEDULE=9x BACKBONE.FREEZE_AT=0 |
1: Numbers taken from Detectron Model Zoo. We compare models that have identical training & inference cost between the two implementations. Their numbers can be different due to small implementation details.
2: Our mAP is 7 point better than the official model in matterport/Mask_RCNN which has the same architecture. Our implementation is also 5x faster.
3: This entry does not use ImageNet pre-training. Detectron numbers are taken from Fig. 5 in Rethinking ImageNet Pre-training. Note that our training strategy is slightly different: we enable cascade throughout the entire training. As far as I know, this model is the best open source TF model on COCO dataset.
See and for more details.