A particle is a content identifier (CID) of the file in IPFS network. CIDs are based on the file’s cryptographic hash. That means:
- Any difference in the content will produce a different CID and
- The same content added to two different IPFS nodes using the same settings will produce the same CID.
A file can be retrieved from IPFS network using this hash. Particles are written into Bostrom blockchain in a form of cyberlinks.
A cyberlink is a link between two particles registered in Bostrom blockchain by a particular neuron.
Cyberlinks are the edges of the knowledge graph, particles are the vertexes (aka nodes).
Neuron is an agent that creates cyberlinks. A neuron can be:
- a private key holder;
- a cosm-wasm contract (autonomus program).
The knowledge graph is a directed weighted graph between particles.
The knowledge graph of Bostrom blockchain consists of pairs: each source particle is connected to a destination particle via cyberlink (with additional information of neuron's address and the height info). So each cyberlink recorded into blockchain in a form of:
source_particle - destination_particle - neuron - height