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Development Windows setup

hernick-qc edited this page Dec 11, 2015 · 40 revisions

This page describes the procedures for setting up a Windows machine to compile dRonin firmware and GCS software.

Download Required Programs

Git 2.6.3 or later - (older versions of git_bash have problems with the Makefiles so be sure you're on a recent build. Version 2.6.3 has been confirmed working.) (Try the 32-bit version if the 64-bit version is causing problems.)

Python 2.7.x - get the latest Python 2.7.x release from

Qt 5.5.1 - (use version with MinGW included, and make sure you check it on installation)

JDK (only required for compiling Android GCS) -

Install Required Programs

The following has been validated as providing a working build environment on Windows Server 2008 R2 when using the default paths that the installers provide.

  1. Install git. You will use this to clone the dRonin repository to your machine. It also provides a bash shell and other Unix-like tools.
  2. Install Python 2.7.4. Python is used when building firmware.
  3. Install Qt SDK. Qt provides much of the GUI framework behind GCS. Also, the compiler and some necessary Unix command line tools are provided.
  4. Install JDK if you want to compile AndroidGCS
  5. Install NSIS Unicode if you want to build installer packages.

Setup to build

Start a shell using the "Git bash" program shortcut in the right-click context menu.

Clone the repository to your computer by typing git clone

Type this command to install a bash_profile suitable for developing the project: cp dronin/make/winx86/bash_profile ~/.bash_profile. Next, ensure that the bash_profile is executable by typing chmod 755 ~/.bash_profile . You may have to edit bash_profile if you have changed any installation paths from the default. Then exit from the terminal and start a new "Git bash" instance.

Next, change into the dRonin source directory with cd dronin and type make arm_sdk_install to install the ARM SDK tools. Next run make openssl_install to install openssl and associated utilities. Finally, run make zip_install to install zip compression tools used in packaging.

After this you can type make all and compile everything!

You will need to add "C:\Qt\Qt5.5.1\5.5\mingw492_32\bin" and "C:\Qt\Qt5.5.1\Tools\mingw492_32\bin" (for Qt version 5.5.1) to your system PATH to run regular GCS builds from the build directory. Skipping this step will lead to errors about missing DLLs such as Qt5Cored.dll.

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