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Development of Apache Edgent

Apache Edgent is an effort undergoing incubation at The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the Incubator PMC. Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects until a further review indicates that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making process have stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF projects. While incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the completeness or stability of the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to be fully endorsed by the ASF.

This describes development of Apache Edgent itself, not how to develop Edgent applications.

The Edgent community welcomes contributions, please Get Involved!

Renamed from Apache Quarks

Apache Edgent is the new name. Things are in a state of transition until all of the pieces arrive.

The "incubator-quarks" repository has been fully updated.

Until the Apache infrastructure changes are done, continue to use the Quarks mailing list, website, and repositories:

Code changes:

  • package names have the prefix "org.apache.edgent"
  • jar names have the prefix "edgent"

Users of Edgent will need to update their references to the above. It's recommended that developers of Edgent create a new workspace instead of reusing their Quarks workspace.


Once you have forked the repository and created your local clone you need to download these additional development software tools.

  • Java 8 - The development setup assumes Java 8 and Linux.
  • Apache Ant 1.9.4: The build uses Ant, the version it has been tested with is 1.9.4. -
  • JUnit 4.10: Java unit tests are written using JUnit, tested at version 4.10. -
  • Jacoco 0.7.5: The JUnit tests have code coverage enabled by default, using Jacoco, tested with version 0.7.5. -

The Apache Ant build.xml files are setup to assume that the Junit and Jacoco jars are copied into $HOME/.ant/lib.

> ls $HOME/.ant/lib
jacocoagent.jar  jacocoant.jar  junit-4.10.jar

These are optional

  • Android SDK - Allows building of Android specific modules. Set the environment variable ANDROID_SDK_PLATFORM to the location of the Android platform so that ${ANDROID_SDK_PLATFORM}/android.jar points to a valid jar.


The primary build process is using Ant, any pull request is expected to maintain the build success of clean, all, test.

The top-level Ant file edgent/build.xml has these main targets:

  • all (default) : Build all code and Javadoc into target. The build will fail on any code error or Javadoc warning or error.
  • clean : Clean the project
  • test : Run the JUnit tests, if any test fails the test run stops. Takes around five minutes.
  • reports : Generate JUnit and Code Coverage reports, use after executing the test target.
  • release : Build a release bundle, that includes subsets of the Edgent jars that run on Java 7 (target/java7) and Android (target/android).

The build process has been tested on Linux and MacOSX.

To build on Windows probably needs some changes, please get involved and contribute them!

Continuous Integration

When a pull request is opened on the GitHub mirror site, the Travis CI service runs a full build.

The latest build status for the project's branches can be seen at:

The build setup is contained in .travis.yml in the project root directory. It includes:

  • Building the project
  • Testing on Java 8 and Java 7 Not all tests may be run, some tests are skipped due to timing issues or if excessive setup is required.

If your test may randomly fail because for example it depends on publicly available test services, or is timing dependent, and if timing variances on the Travis CI servers may make it more likely for your tests to fail, you may disable the test from being executed on Travis CI using the following statement:

    public void testMyMethod() {
        // your test code comes here

Closing ant reopening a pull request will kick off a new build against the pull request.

Test reports

Running the reports target produces two reports:

  • reports/junit/index.html - JUnit test report
  • reports/coverage/index.html - Code coverage report.

Code Layout

The code is broken into a number of projects and modules within those projects defined by directories under edgent. Each top level directory is a project and contains one or more modules:

  • api - The APIs for Edgent. In general there is a strict split between APIs and implementations to allow multiple implementations of an API, such as for different device types or different approaches.
  • spi - Common implementation code that may be shared by multiple implementations of an API. There is no requirement for an API implementation to use the provided spi code.
  • runtime - Implementations of APIs for executing Edgent applications at runtime. Initially a single runtime is provided, etiao - EveryThing Is An Oplet - A micro-kernel that executes Edgent applications by being a very simple runtime where all functionality is provided as oplets, execution objects that process streaming data. So an Edgent application becomes a graph of connected oplets, and items such as fan-in or fan-out, metrics etc. are implemented by inserting additional oplets into the application's graph.
  • providers - Providers bring the Edgent modules together to allow Edgent applications to be developed and run.
  • connectors - Connectors to files, HTTP, MQTT, Kafka, JDBC, etc. Connectors are modular so that deployed applications need only include the connectors they use, such as only MQTT. Edgent applications running at the edge are expected to connect to back-end systems through some form of message-hub, such as an MQTT broker, Apache Kafka, a cloud based IoT service, etc.
  • apps - Applications for use in an Internet of Things environment.
  • analytics - Analytics for use by Edgent applications.
  • utils - Optional utilities for Edgent applications.
  • console - Development console that allows visualization of the streams within an Edgent application during development.
  • samples - Sample applications, from Hello World to some sensor simulation applications.
  • android - Code specific to Android.
  • test - SVT

Coding Conventions

Placeholder: see EDGENT-23

A couple of key items in the mean time:

  • use spaces not hard tabs, indent is 4 spaces
  • don't use wildcard imports
  • don't deliver code with warnings (e.g., unused imports)


SLF4J is used for logging and tracing.

Search the code for org.slf4j.LoggerFactory to see a sample of its use.

Use of Java 8 features

Edgent's primary development environment is Java 8, to take advantage of lambda expressions since Edgent's primary api is a functional one.

However in order to support Android (and Java 7) other features of Java 8 are not used in the core code. Lambdas are translated into Java 7 compatible classes using retrolambda.


  • For core code that needs to run on Android:
    • the only Java 8 feature that can be used is lambda expressions.
    • JMX functionality cannot be used.
  • For test code that tests core code that runs on Android
    • Java 8 lambda expressions can be used
    • Java 8 default & static interface methods
    • Java 8 new classes and methods cannot be used.

In general most code is expected to work on Android (but might not yet) with the exception:

  • Functionality aimed at the developer environment, such as console and development provider
  • Any JMX related code.

The ASF / GitHub Integration

The Edgent code is in ASF resident git repositories:

The repositories are mirrored on GitHub:

Use of the normal GitHub workflow brings benefits to the team including lightweight code reviewing, automatic regression tests, etc for both committers and non-committers.

For a description of the GitHub workflow see:

In summary:

  • fork the incubator-edgent GitHub repository
  • clone your fork, use lightweight per-task branches, and commit / push changes to your fork
    • descriptive branch names are good. You can also include a reference to the Jira issue. e.g., mqtt-ssl-edgent-100 for issue EDGENT-100
  • when ready, create a pull request. Committers will get notified.
    • include EDGENT-XXXX (the Jira issue) in the name of your pull request
    • for early preview / feedback, create a pull request with [WIP] in the title.
      Committers won’t consider it for merging until after [WIP] is removed.

Since the GitHub incubator-edgent repository is a mirror of the ASF repository, the usual GitHub based merge workflow for committers isn’t supported.

Committers can use one of several ways to ultimately merge the pull request into the repo at the ASF. One way is described here:

Notes with the above PR merge directions:

  • use an https url unless you have a ssh key setup at GitHub: git remote add mirror

Using Eclipse

The repo contains Eclipse project definitions for the top-level directories that contain code, such as api, runtime, connectors.

Using the plugin Eclipse Git Team Provider allows you to import these projects into your Eclipse workspace directly from your fork.

  1. From the File menu select Import
  2. From the Git folder select Projects from Git and click Next
  3. Select Clone URI and click Next
  4. Under Location enter the URI of your fork (the other fields will be filled in automatically) and click Next
  5. If required, enter your passphrase to unlock you ssh key
  6. Select the branch, usually master and click Next
  7. Set the directory where your local clone will be stored and click Next (the directory edgent under this directory is where you can build and run tests using the Ant targets)
  8. Select Import existing Eclipse projects and click Next
  9. In the Import Projects window, make sure that the Search for nested projects checkbox is selected. Click Finish to bring in all Edgent projects

The project _edgent exists to make the top level artifacts such as build.xml manageable via Eclipse. Unfortunately folders for the other projects (e.g., api) also show up in the _edgent folder and are best ignored.

Note. Specifics may change depending on your version of Eclipse or the Eclipse Git Team Provider.