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228 lines (155 loc) · 6.57 KB

File metadata and controls

228 lines (155 loc) · 6.57 KB

Contributing Guidelines


  • Contributions of all kinds (issues, ideas, proposals), not just code, are highly appreciated.
  • Pull requests are welcome with the understanding that major changes will be carefully evaluated and discussed, and may not always be accepted. Starting with a discussion is always best!
  • All contributions including documentation, filenames and discussions should be written in English language.


Our issue tracker can be used to report issues and propose changes to the current or next version of the Web Data Connector.

Understand the Basics

Relevant Docs

App Execution Flow


The connector uses's OAuth 2.0 flow for native applications

After determining it is running in a Tableau environment the app redirects to supplying the following as query params:

  • client_id
  • redirect_uri
  • response_type
  • code_challenge_method
  • code_challenge

The user is asked to select and log in to data.word instance and authorize the application. If successful the app redirects to the provided redirect_uri with a code query param.

The app then makes a POST request to providing the following in the body of the request:

  • The code returned
  • client_id,
  • client_secret,
  • grant_type,
  • code_verifier

If the code_challenge corresponds to the code_verifier and all other values are valid responds with a token.

The app redirects the user to its homepage and saves the token for use in subsequesnt API requests.

Interactive phase

Users are presented with a text field where they are supposed to put in a valid dataset URL.

On submission the tableau.submit() function is called.

Data gathering phase

This phase is initiated after tableau.submit() is called. Stages:

  1. getSchema is called:
  • The SQL query SELECT * FROM TableColumns is run on the provided dataset using the{user}/{dataset} endpoint.
  • The response is parsed to return an array of objects each representing a table in the dataset. Each object contains:
    • id: The table name
    • alias: A friendly table name that can appear in Tableau
    • columns: Array of objects representing the columns in the table. Each object contains:
      • id: The column name
      • alias: A friendly column name
      • dataType: The column's data type
  • The returned array is passed to getSchema's callback
  1. getData is called by Tableau once for each table that has been selected by the end user. Stages:
  • The SQL query SELECT * FROM {current table} is run on the provided dataset using the{user}/{datset} endpoint.
  • The response is parsed to return an array of objects each representing a row in the table. Each object contains the value of each of the table's columns in the row.
  • The returned array is passed as an argument to getData's table.appendRows function.

Contribute Code

Set up machine


  • NodeJS
  • npm
  • yarn

Fork the Project

Fork the project on Github and check out your copy.

git clone[YOUR_GITHUB_NAME]/tableau-connector.git
cd tableau-connector
git remote add upstream

Run the connector

Define environment variable

Create a .env file with the following values:


Install dependencies:


Start the app:

yarn start

Run in Tableau:

  • Launch Tableau or Tableau Public.

  • Select Web Data Connector under Connect -> To a Server.

  • Enter http://localhost:3000/ in the web data connector URL field and press enter.

Run in a browser:

  • Open a browser and navigate to the following URL:

# NOTE: Add `forceTableau=true` to all app URL querystrings when in the browser

Run in Tableau Simulator

  • Clone the Web Data Connector git repository:
git clone
  • Change to the directory:
cd webdataconnector
  • Install dependencies with npm:
npm install --production
  • Start the test web server:
npm start
  • Open a browser and navigate to the following URL:
  • Click the Start Interactive Phase button.

Create a Feature Branch

Make sure your fork is up-to-date and create a feature branch for your feature or bug fix.

git checkout main
git pull upstream main
git checkout -b my-feature-branch

Write Tests

Try to write a test that reproduces the problem you're trying to fix or describes a feature that you want to build. Add tests to tests.

We definitely appreciate pull requests that highlight or reproduce a problem, even without a fix.

Run tests

yarn test

Write Code

Implement your feature or bug fix.

Make sure that yarn test completes without errors.

Write Documentation

Document any external behavior in the README.

Commit Changes

Make sure git knows your name and email address:

git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global "[email protected]"

Writing good commit logs is important. A commit log should describe what changed and why.

git add ...
git commit


git push origin my-feature-branch

Make a Pull Request

Go to[YOUR_GITHUB_NAME]/tableau-connector and select your feature branch. Click the 'Pull Request' button and fill out the form. Pull requests are usually reviewed within a few days.

Deploy to heroku


Thank you!

Thank you in advance, for contributing to this project!