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2020, 2022
logging for code engine, logs for code engine, job logs for code engine, app logs for code engine, build logs for code engine, logs


Viewing logs

{: #view-logs}

Logging can help you troubleshoot issues in {{}}. {: shortdesc}

Viewing logs from the console

{: #view-logs-ui}

When you work with {{}} apps and jobs in the console with logging enabled, logs are forwarded to an {{}} service where they are indexed, enabling full-text search through all generated messages and convenient querying based on specific fields. {: shortdesc}

To view logs for an app or a job in the {{}} console, you must create an {{}} instance in the same region as your {{}} project. You are not required to create this instance before you work with your {{}} app or job. {{}} makes it easy to enable logging for your apps and jobs.

You need to enable logging for {{}} only one time per region, per account. {: note}

{{}} requires {{}} platform logs be configured to receive {{}} logging data.

To check for active {{}} instances, see the Observability dashboard.

{{}} automatically sets log filters. From the {{}} page, you can modify and scope the preset filter to display log data at a specific level or a more granular level of a specific app, job, or build run. For example, the filter _platform:'{{}}' app:myjob-jobrun-t6m7l filters log data to the specific myjob-jobrun-t6m7l job run level; whereas, _platform:'Code Engine' app:myjob scopes the log data to the job level.

When you use the {{}} free tier, be sure to keep your platform logs window open to receive your {{}} logging data. Log data is not retained when you use the Lite service plan and is lost when you close the window.

When you use a {{}} paid tier, you do not need to leave your logging window open. Log data is preserved for a configurable amount of time, depending on your plan. You can adjust log filters and apply searches for past log entries.

Review the service plan information as you consider retention, search, and log analysis needs. {: tip}

Viewing app logs from the console

{: #view-applogs-ui}

  1. Go to an app that you created and deployed. From the Projects page on the {{}} console{: external}, select your project and then select Applications. Select the app that you want to work with.
  2. From your {{}} app page, you can add logging capabilities. If you have not previously created a {{}} instance, click Add logging. If you have previously created a {{}} instance, Launch logging displays and you do not need to complete this step.
    1. Click Add logging to create the {{}} instance. This action opens the {{}} service.
    2. From the {{}} service, create your logging instance. To confirm that your logging instance is created, check the Observability dashboard.
    3. From your {{}} app page, click Configure logging. This time, select a {{}} instance to receive platform logs. {{}} requires platform logs be configured to receive {{}} logging data. Choose the logging instance that was created in the prior step. Click Select.
  3. Now that platform logging is configured, from your {{}} app page, click Launch logging to open your platform logs window. Be sure to keep this platform logs window open to receive your logging data if you are using the {{}} free tier. You don't need to keep this window open if you are using a {{}} paid tier as log data is preserved for a configurable amount of time, depending on your plan. To confirm that platform logs are set for your region, check the Observability dashboard.
  4. Test your application. Click Test application and then click Send request in the Test application pane. To open the application in a web page, click Application URL.

You have completed the steps to configure your {{}} instance such that it can receive platform logging for your {{}} app.

Alternatively, you can also configure a {{}} instance by using the Observability dashboard to create the instance, and then by configuring platform logs. After you create your instance, click Configure platform logs. Select the {{}} instance to receive the platform log data by specifying a region and your log instance.

Viewing job logs from the console

{: #view-joblogs-ui}

  1. Navigate to a job that you created and deployed. From the Projects page on the {{}} console{: external}, select your project and then select Jobs. Select the job that you want to work with.
  2. From your {{}} job page, you can add logging capabilities. If you have not previously created a {{}} instance, from the Actions menu, click Add logging. If you have previously created a {{}} instance, the Actions menu displays Launch logging displays and you do not need to complete this step.
    1. From the Actions menu, click Add logging to create the {{}} instance. This action opens the {{}} service.
    2. From the {{}} service, create your logging instance. To confirm that your logging instance is created, check the Observability dashboard.
    3. From your {{}} job page, in the Actions menu, click Add logging again. This time, select a {{}} instance to receive platform logs. {{}} requires platform logs be configured to receive {{}} logging data. Choose the logging instance that was created in the prior step. Click Select.
  3. Now that platform logging is configured, from your {{}} job page, from the Actions menu, click Logging to open your platform logs window. Be sure to keep this platform logs window open to receive your logging data if you are using the {{}} free tier. Don't keep this window open if you are using a {{}} paid tier.
  4. Run your job. From the Job runs area, click Submit job to run your job. Provide the job run configuration values or you can take the default values. Click Submit job to run your job. You can view platform logs from the test of your application in the platform logs window.

You have completed the steps to configure your {{}} instance such that it can receive platform logging for your {{}} job.

Alternatively, you can also configure a {{}} instance by using the Observability dashboard to create the instance, and then by configuring platform logs. After you create your instance, click Configure platform logs. Select the {{}} instance to receive the platform log data by specifying a region and your log instance.

Viewing build logs from the console

{: #view-build-ui}

You can display logs for specific build run instances from the console. {: shortdesc}

  1. Go to the {{}} dashboard.
  2. Select a project (or create one).
  3. From the project page, click Image builds.
  4. Click the name of your build to open the build page for a defined build, or create a build.
  5. From the build page for your defined build, click the name of the instance of your build run in the Build runs section. You might need to click Submit build to create a build run.
  6. From the build run instance page, you can view the build log information. Expand the specific build steps for detailed logging information.

Viewing logs with the CLI

{: #view-logs-cli}

To view logging output with the CLI, you must have a running instance of your app or job. because Applications can scale to zero and instances of job runs complete. If an app has scaled to zero or a job run instance has completed, the output for the ibmcloud ce app logs and ibmcloud ce jobrun logs commands won't have log data. Alternatively, you can use the {{}} service to view log data. {: important}

Viewing application logs with the CLI

{: #view-applog-cli}

To view app logs for a specific app with the CLI, use the application logs command. You can display logs of all the instances of an app or display logs of a specific instance of an app. The app get command displays details about your app, including the running instances of the app.

  • To view the logs for all instances of the myapp app, specify the name of the app with the --app option; for example,

    ibmcloud ce app logs --app myapp 

    {: pre}

    Example output

    Getting logs for all instances of application 'myapp'...
    Server running at

    {: screen}

  • To view the logs for a specific instance of the app, specify the name of the specific instance of the app with the --instance option; for example,

    ibmcloud ce app logs --instance myapp-ii18y-2-deployment-7657c5f4f9-dgk5f 

    {: pre}

    Example output

    Getting logs for application instance 'myapp-a5yp2-2-deployment-65766594d4-hj6c5'...
    Server running at

    {: screen}

Viewing job logs with the CLI

{: #view-joblog-cli}

To view logs for a specific job run with the CLI, use the jobrun logs command. You can display logs of all the instances of a job run or display logs of a specific instance of a job run. The jobrun get command displays details about your job run, including the instances of the job run.

  • To view the logs for all instances of the testjobrun job run, specify the name of the job run with the --jobrun option; for example,

    ibmcloud ce jobrun logs --jobrun testjobrun

    {: pre}

    Example output

    Getting jobrun 'testjobrun'...
    Getting instances of jobrun 'testjobrun'...
    Getting logs for all instances of job run 'testjobrun'...
    Hello World!
    Hello World!
    Hello World!
    Hello World!
    Hello World!

    {: screen}

  • To view the logs for the testjobrun-1-0 job run instance, specify the name of a specific instance of the job run with the --instance option; for example,

    ibmcloud ce jobrun logs --instance testjobrun-1-0 

    {: pre}

    Example output

    Getting logs for job run instance 'testjobrun-1-0'...
    Hello World!

    {: screen}

Viewing build logs with the CLI

{: #view-build-cli}

To view build logs for a specific build run with the CLI, use the buildrun logs command. You can display logs of all the instances of a build run based on the name of the build run.

To view the logs for all instances of the mybuildrun build run, specify the name of the build run with the --name option; for example,

ibmcloud ce buildrun logs --name mybuildrun

{: pre}

Example output

Getting build run 'mybuildrun'...
Getting instances of build run 'mybuildrun'...
Getting logs for build run 'mybuildrun'...

{"level":"info","ts":1614363665.8331757,"caller":"git/git.go:169","msg":"Successfully cloned @ 8b514ce871e50d67cfea3e344b90cade4bd26e90 (grafted, HEAD, origin/main) in path /workspace/source"}
{"level":"info","ts":1614363666.82988,"caller":"git/git.go:207","msg":"Successfully initialized and updated submodules in path /workspace/source"}

INFO[0002] Retrieving image manifest node:12-alpine
INFO[0002] Retrieving image node:12-alpine
INFO[0003] Retrieving image manifest node:12-alpine
INFO[0003] Retrieving image node:12-alpine
INFO[0003] Built cross stage deps: map[]
INFO[0003] Retrieving image manifest node:12-alpine
INFO[0003] Retrieving image node:12-alpine
INFO[0004] Retrieving image manifest node:12-alpine
INFO[0004] Retrieving image node:12-alpine
INFO[0004] Executing 0 build triggers
INFO[0004] Unpacking rootfs as cmd RUN npm install requires it.
INFO[0008] RUN npm install
INFO[0008] Taking snapshot of full filesystem...
INFO[0010] cmd: /bin/sh
INFO[0010] args: [-c npm install]
INFO[0010] Running: [/bin/sh -c npm install]
npm WARN saveError ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/package.json'
npm notice created a lockfile as package-lock.json. You should commit this file.
npm WARN enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/package.json'
npm WARN !invalid#2 No description
npm WARN !invalid#2 No repository field.
npm WARN !invalid#2 No README data
npm WARN !invalid#2 No license field.

up to date in 0.267s
found 0 vulnerabilities

INFO[0011] Taking snapshot of full filesystem...
INFO[0011] COPY server.js .
INFO[0011] Taking snapshot of files...
INFO[0011] EXPOSE 8080
INFO[0011] cmd: EXPOSE
INFO[0011] Adding exposed port: 8080/tcp
INFO[0011] CMD [ "node", "server.js" ]

2021/02/26 18:21:02 warning: unsuccessful cred copy: ".docker" from "/tekton/creds" to "/tekton/home": unable to open destination: open /tekton/home/.docker/config.json: permission denied
{"severity":"INFO","timestamp":"2021-02-26T18:21:26.372494581Z","caller":"logging/config.go:116","message":"Successfully created the logger."}
{"severity":"INFO","timestamp":"2021-02-26T18:21:26.372621756Z","caller":"logging/config.go:117","message":"Logging level set to: info"}

{: screen}