copyright | lastupdated | keywords | subcollection | ||
2022-06-15 |
notices for code engine, creative commons, notices, attributions, license |
codeengine |
{: #notices}
The following {{}} notices are included in this document,
{: #cca2gen}
The Program includes some or all the following works licensed under the Creative Commons.
The URL to the license is
(MD5) [derequire]
(No Copyright Found) (
{: #cca25gen}
The Program includes some or all the following works licensed under the Creative Commons.
The URL to the license is
SILK ICONS [connect]
(copyright of [FAMFAMFAM]
{: #cca3gen}
The Program includes some or all the following works licensed under the Creative Commons.
The URL to the license is
SPDX STANDARD. [spdx-expression-parse]
(Copyright not found) (
),GODOC.HTML [golang/tools]
(Copyright not found)(
),GTFS-REALTIME.PROTO [protobufjs]
(Copyright 2011 Google Inc) (
),DOCS [Atob]
(Copyright 2012-2018 AJ ONeal)(
),SPDX SPECIFICATION [spdx-expression-parse]
(Copyright not found)(
),NWPACKER.JS [nwsapi]
(Copyright not found)(
(Copyright 2010-2015 Linux Foundation and its Contributors)(
),EARLGREY [Json3]
(Copyright 2011-2012, Kit Cambridge)(
] (Copyright not found)(
),GODOCS [btoa]
(Copyright 2012-2014 AJ ONeal Tech, LLC.)(
),SPDX STANDARD [spdx-expression-parse]
(Copyright not found)(
),TMPL.GO [golang/net]
(Copyright 2017 The Go Authors (
{: #cca4gen}
The Program includes some or all the following works licensed under the Creative Commons.
The URL to the license is
SWAGGER SAMPLE API [go-openapi/spec]
(Copyright not found) (
),IMAGES [sitemap]
(Copyright not found)(
),CERT-MANAGER PROJECT LOGO [jetstack/cert-manager]
((c) byJetstack
),DOCUMENTATION [docusaurus]
(Copyright not found)(
(Copyright not found)(
),IMG2.JPG [sitemap]
(Copyright not found) (