David O'Callaghan [email protected] 2011-03-30
checkcerts runs tests against certificates. The tests can check aspects of a certificate's profile against requirements or standards.
This software was developed based on a requirement from IGTF to check compliance of certificates against the Grid Certificate Profile GFD-C.125.
The software requires a number of perl packages which are widely available with operating system distributions or from CPAN (cpan.org).
- Getopt::Long
- Pod::Usage
- Test::Harness
- Test::More
- Set::Scalar
- Crypt::OpenSSL::X509 (* v1.7 See NOTE below)
(* NOTE) The supplied test suite "gfd125-ca.t" uses a version of Crypt::OpenSSL::X509 that is not yet widely distributed. It can be downloaded from http://github.com/dsully/perl-crypt-openssl-x509/.
For a brief usage guide run checkcerts.pl with no options. For a more detailed manual run checkcerts.pl --man.
To try it out, run:
./checkcerts.pl -t gfd125-ca.t -c cacert.pem
You should expect to see a number of failures.