This project contains a battery-optimzed PoC firmware for Espressif ESP32 chips (like ESP32-WROOM or ESP32-WROVER, but not ESP32-S2). After flashing our firmware, the device sends out Bluetooth Low Energy advertisements such that it can be found by Apple's Find My network. This firmware consumes slightly more power when more than 1 key is used. The controller wakes up every 30 minutes and switches the key.
- Esptool installed or
- Espressif's Flash Download Tools installed if you prefer a graphical way
- Download and unpack the firmware
- Copy your previously generated PREFIX_keyfile in the same folder write_flash 0x1000 bootloader.bin \
0x8000 partitions.bin \
0x10000 firmware.bin \
0x110000 PREFIX_keyfile
If any problem occurs, erase flash manually before flashing: erase_flash
You might need to reset your device after running the script before it starts sending advertisements.