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Congestion Aware Load Balancing


In previous exercises, you implemented ECMP which (ideally) distributes flows uniformly over multiple parallel paths. However, ECMP does not take into account that the size of flows varies greatly (typically, there are a few very big flows and many small flows). Even if flows are uniformly distributed over many paths, this can lead to problems if many big flows are concentrated on the same path. Addressing this issue -- which can lead to congestion -- is the goal of this exercise.

We will leverage the fact that P4 allows reading queuing information (i.e. for example how many packets are waiting to be transmitted) and use this information to detect congestion (i.e. if a queue contain many packets). In this case, the flow that suffers from congestion should be moved to another path. We will try to avoid congestion using a very simple technique: every time an egress (switch before the destination host) detects that a packet experienced congestion it will send a notification message to the ingress switch, which upon receiving it will randomly move the flow to another path. Obviously, this is by far not the best way of exploring available paths, but it will be enough to just show how to collect information as packets cross the network, communicate between switches and make them react to network states.

As a starting point for this exercise, we use the code from last week's simple router (you can use the solution that we provide in the skeleton or your own code, if you managed to solve it). In this exercise we might use more than one topology, so using the from the previous exercise will come very handy.

Before starting

Before you start this exercise, update p4-utils, some new features and bugs were fixed during the last week:

cd ~/p4-tools/p4-utils
git pull

You will have to install two new tools we will use during the exercise:

  1. nload: a console application which monitors network traffic and bandwidth usage in real time.

    sudo apt-get install nload
  2. iperf3: the newer version of iperf that provides new options:

    cd /tmp
    sudo apt-get remove iperf3 libiperf0
    sudo dpkg -i libiperf0_3.1.3-1_amd64.deb iperf3_3.1.3-1_amd64.deb
    rm libiperf0_3.1.3-1_amd64.deb iperf3_3.1.3-1_amd64.deb

What is already provided

For this exercise we provide you with the following files:

  • p4app-line.json: describes the topology we want to create with the help of mininet and p4-utils package. This linear topology will be used for our first test.
  • a Python scripts that initializes the topology using Mininet and P4-Utils. One can use indifferently or p4app.json to start the network.
  • p4app.json: describes the topology we used in the ecmp exercise, 2 switches connected through 4 middle switches.
  • p4src/loadbalancer.p4: we will use the solution of the 05-Simple_Routing exercise as starting point.
  • a small python script to generate tcp probe packets to read queues.
  • a small python script to receive tcp probes that include a telemetry header.
  • routing controller of the 05-Simple_Routing exercise as starting point.
  • nload_tmux_*.sh: scripts that will create a tmux window, and nload in different panes.
  • send_traffic_*.py: python scripts that use iperf3 to automatically generate flows to test our solution.

New configuration fields in p4app.json

In this exercise you will find two new configuration fields: exec_scripts and default_bw (inside the topology description).

  1. exec_scripts: it allows you to add scripts that will be automatically called after the topology starts. The scripts will be called in the root namespace, not inside any host. For example in the provided topologies, we use this field to call the every time you start (or reboot) the topology. Thus, you don't have to run the controller manually anymore. If for debugging reasons you want to start the controller yourself just remove this option (setting reboot_run to false does not suffice).

  2. default_bw: you can see we used this option inside the topology description. This can be used to set the bandwidth of all the links in the topology. In this exercise, we are setting them to 10mbps.

Notes about p4app.json

For this exercise we will use the l3 assignment strategy. Unlike the mixed strategy where hosts connected to the same switch formed a subnetwork and each switch formed a different domain. In the l3 assignment, we consider switches to only work at the layer 3, meaning that each interface must belong to a different subnetwork. If you use the namings hY and sX (e.g h1, h2, s1, s2...), the IP assignment will go as follows:

  1. Host IPs: 10.x.y.2, where x is the id of the gateway switch, and y is the host id.
  2. Switch ports directly connected to a host: 10.x.y.1, where x is the id of the gateway switch, and y is the host id.
  3. Switch to Switch interfaces: 20.sw1.sw2.<1,2>. Where sw1 is the id of the first switch (following the order in the p4app link definition), sw2 is the id of the second switch. The last byte is 1 for sw1's interface and 2 for sw2's interface.

Note that it is the third time we assign IP addresses to a switch. However, it is very important to note that actually p4-utils will not assign those IPs to the switches, but it will save them so they can be virtually used for some switch functionality (we will see what this means later).

You can find all the documentation about p4app.json in the p4-utils documentation.

Understanding the router's P4 program

The data plane program of this exercise is identical to the solution of last week's 05-Simple_Routing exercise (you are free to use your own solution instead of the one we provide you if you prefer, however the following description will be based on the ECMP solution we provide).

Take a moment to go through the P4 code again to remind yourself how the program works before continuing.

In this exercise we will give less hints (compared with previous exercises), and you will be able to decide for your self how to implement some pieces of the algorithm. In order to compensate a bit with that, you will have two weeks to solve this exercise.

Observing the problem

Before starting the exercise, lets use the current code and observe how flows collide.

  1. Start the medium size topology, which has 4 hosts connected to another 4 hosts, witch 4 pats in between:

    sudo p4run --config p4app-medium.json


    sudo python
  2. Open a tmux terminal (or if you are already usign tmux, open another window). And run monitoring script ( This script, will use tmux to create a window with 4 panes, in each pane it will lunch a nload session with a different interface (from s1-eth1 to s1-eth4), which are the interfaces directly connected to h1-h4.

  3. Send traffic from h1-h4 to h5-h8. There is a script that will do that for you automatically. It will run 1 flow from each host:

    python <time_to_send>
  4. If you want to send 4 different flows, you can just run the command again, it will first stop all the iperf3 sessions, alternatively, if you want to stop the flow generation you can kill them:

    sudo killall iperf3

If each flow gets placed to a different path (very unlikely) you should get a bandwidth close to 9.5mbps (remember, we set the link's bandwidth to that). For example, after trying once, we got that 3 flows collide in the same path, and thus they get ~3mpbs, and one flow gets full bandwidth:

The objective of this exercise is to provide the network the means to detect these kind of collisions and react.

Detecting Congestion

Before implementing the real solution we will first do a small modification to the starting p4 program so to show how to read queue information. Some of the code we will implement in this section will have to be changed for the final solution. Our objective in this example is to add the telemetry header if the packet does not have it (first switch), and then update its enq_qdepth value setting it to the highest we find along the path.

  1. First add a new header to the program and call it telemetry. This header will have two fields: enq_qdepth (16 bits) and nextHeaderType (16 bits, too). When added, this header needs to be placed between the ethernet and ipv4 (take that into account when you define the deparser).

  2. Update deparser accordingly.

  3. When packets carry the telemetry header, the ethernet.etherType has to be set to 0x7777. Update the parser accordingly. Note, that the telemetry header has a nextHeaderType that can be used by the parser to know which will be the next header. Typically ipv4 (0x800).

  4. All the queueing information is populated when the packet is enqueued by the traffic manager to its output port. Thus, the queueing information is only available at the egress pipeline. In order to make this simple test work, you will have to implement the following logic at the egress pipeline:

    1. If the tcp header is valid, and the tcp.dstPort == 7777 (trick we use to send probes, see scapy sending script).
    2. If there is no telemetry header add it, and set the depth field to standard_metadata.enq_qdepth (which is the number of packets in the queue when this packet was enqueued, you can see all the queue metadata fields in the v1model.p4. Modify the ethernet type to the one mentioned above, set the nextHeaderType to the ipv4 ethernet type.
    3. If there is already a telemetry header, set the depth field to the standard_metadata.enq_qdepth only if its higher.

At this point your switches should add the telemetry header to all the tcp packets with dst port 7777. This telemetry header will carry the worst queue depth found across the path. To test if your toy congestion reader works do the following:

  1. Start the linear topology, it has 3 switches connected in series, and 2 hosts connected to each extreme.

    sudo p4run --config p4app-line.json


    sudo python
  2. Open a terminal in h1 and h3. And run the and scripts.

    mx h3
    mx h1 python 1000

You should now see that the receiver prints the queue depth observed by the probes we are sending (packets with dst port == 7777). Of course, since we are not sending any traffic queues are always 0.

  1. Run from the root namespace, you do not have to login into h1. This script will generate two flows from h1 and h2 to h3 and h4. These two flows will collide (since there is one single path). If you continue sending probes you should see how the queue fills up to 63 and starts oscillating (due to tcp nature).

Important note

In this introductory task you had to add an extra header (4 bytes) to just probe packets. In the next task you will do that for every single packet. This will have a consequence you should we aware of. If a host sends a packet of size 9500 (the MTU of the links in the topology)

Keeping the telemetry in-network

In the previous section we were setting the telemetry header as the packet entered the network with a specific destination port and kept the telemetry header until the destination. We just did that for the sake of showing you how the queue depth changes as we make flows collide in one path.

In our real implementation, only switches from the inside the network will use the telemetry header to detect congestion and move flows. Thus, packets leaving the internal network (going to a host) should not have the telemetry header in them. Therefore, we need to remove it before the packet reaches a host.

To do that you will need to know which type of node (host or switch) is connected to each switch's port. As we have seen in other exercises, to do something like that we need to use a table, the control plane and the topology object that knows how nodes are connected. In brief, in this section you have to:

  1. Define a new table and action in the ingress pipeline, that will be used to know which output port the packet is going to. This table should match to the egress_spec. And call an action that sets to which type of node the packet will be going to (save that in a metadata field). For example you can use the number 1 for hosts and 2 for switches.

  2. Modify the program such that it fills this table. You can do that by writing inside the set_egress_type_table function. For each switch you should populate the table with a port and the node type is connected to (host(1) or switch(2)).

  3. Apply this table at the ingress control after when egress_spec is already known.

  4. Modify the egress code you implemented before:

    1. Do not check for the tcp port 7777 anymore (remove that part of the code, for the final real implementation).
    2. If the telemetry header is valid and the next hop is a switch: Update the enq_qdepth field if its bigger than the current one.
    3. If the telemetry header is valid but the next hop is a host: Remove the telemetry header, and set the etherType to ipv4 one.
    4. If there is no telemetry header and the next hop is a switch: Add the telemetry header, set the depth field, nextHeaderType and set the ethernet type to 0x7777.

At this point, for each tcp packet that enters the network, your switches should add the telemetry header and remove it when exiting to a host. To test that this is working you can send tcp traffic and check with wireshark (monitoring an internal link) that indeed the ethernet header is 0x7777 and that the next 4 bytes belong to the telemetry header, and that traffic exiting the network (going to hosts) look normal.

Important: due to adding extra bytes to packets you will not be able to run the mininet> iperf command anymore directly from the cli. If you do not specify it with an option (-M) iperf sends packets that will use the maximum MTU size of the sender's output interface. Therefore, if hosts send packets with the maximum MTU, and then the first switch adds 4 bytes they will be dropped by the interfaces. In our network created using P4-utils the mtu is set to 9500. You can see that the send_traffic* scripts we provide you tell iperf to not send packets bigger than 9000 bytes to avoid this problem.

Congestion notification

In this section you will have to implement the egress logic that detects congestion for a flow, and send a feedback packet to the ingress switch (the switch this flow used to enter the network). To generate a packet and send it to the ingress switch you will have to clone the packet that triggers the congestion, modify it and send it back to the switch.

Your tasks are:

  1. You will have to extend the part in which egress switches remove the telemetry header. Now, the switch should also check if the received queue depth is above a threshold. As default queues are 64 packets long, so use something between 30 and 60 as a threshold to trigger the notification message.

  2. Upon congestion the switch will receive a burst of packets that would trigger the notification message. You can avoid that by adding a timeout per flow. For instance, every time you send a notification message for flow X you save in a register the current time stamp. The next time you need to send a notification message, you check in the register if the time difference is bigger than some seconds (for example 0.5-1 seconds). This procedure should somehow be similar to what you already implemented for the flowlet switching exercise.

  3. Furthermore, congestion events get usually created by the collision of multiple flows meaning that all of them will trigger notification messages. Moving all the flows to a new path can be suboptimal, you may end up creating congestion in other paths and living the current one empty. Thus, sometimes its better if you don't move them all. In order to do that, you could move them with a probability p (i.e., 33%). You can use the random extern to decide if the flow needs to be notified.

  4. If all the conditions above are true. You will have to send a packet notifying the ingress switch that this flow is experiencing congestion. To do that you need to generate a new packet out of the one you are forwarding. You can do that by cloning the packet (you have to clone from egress to egress). Now if you remember when you clone a packet (check l2_learning exercise) you have to add a mirroring_session id which tells the switch to which port to mirror the packet. Here you have two options:

    1. You define a mirror_session for each switch port. For that you would need to use the ingress_port and a table that maps it to a mirror id that would send it to the port the packet came from.
    2. You clone the packet to any port (lets say port 1, it really does not matter). And then you recirculate it by using the recirculate extern. This will allow you to send this packet again to the ingress pipeline so you can use the normal forwarding tables to forward the packet. I recommend you to use this second option since it does not require an extra table and you make sure the packet is properly forwarded using the routing table.
  5. Either if you use recirculation or just cloning, modify the ethernet type so your switches know that this packet is a notification packet (for example you can use 0x7778). Remember to update the parser accordingly.

  6. Hint: if you want to easily be able to send the packet to the ingress switch you can just swap the IP addresses so the packet is sent to the originator host. This will make the packet be automatically routed to the ingress switch (which it can then drop it).

  7. Hint 2: In order to differentiate between NORMAL, CLONED and RECIRCULATED packets when you implement your ingress and egress logic remember to use the standard_metadata.instance_type metadata field. Check the standard metadata documentation for that field.

To test if your implementation is sending feedback notifications to the ingress switch, try to generate congestion (for example using the line topology and script) and check if these notification packets are being sent to the ingress switch (filter packets using the special ethernet type you used for the notification packets).

Trying new paths

In this section we will close the loop and implement the logic that makes ingress switches move flows to new paths. For that you have to:

  1. For every notification packet that should be dropped at this switch (meaning that the current switch is sending it to a host). You have to update how the congested flow is hashed.

  2. For that you will need to save in a register an ID value for each flow. Every time you receive a congestion notification for a given flow you will have to update the register value with a new id (use a random number). Remember that the notification message has the source and destination IPs swapped so to access the register entry of the original flow you have to take that into account when hashing the 5-tuple to get the register index.

  3. You will also need to update the hash function used in the original program (ECMP) and add a new field to the 5-tuple hash that will act as a randomizer (something like we did for flowlet switching).

  4. Finally make sure you drop the congestion notification message.

Note: Remember to use the standard_metadata.instance_type to correctly implement the ingress and egress logic.

Testing your solution

Once you think your implementation is ready, you should repeat the steps we showed at the beginning:

  1. Start the medium size topology, which has 4 hosts connected to another 4 hosts, with 4 paths in between:

    sudo p4run --config p4app-medium.json


    sudo python
  2. Open a terminal (or if you are usign tmux, open another window). And run monitoring script ( This script, will use tmux to create a window with 4 panes, in each pane it will lunch a nload session with a different interface (from s1-eth1 to s1-eth4), which are the interfaces directly connected to h1-h4.

  3. Send traffic from h1-h4 to h5-h8. There is a script that will do that for you automatically. It will run 1 flow from each host:

    python 1000
  4. If you want to send 4 different flows, you can just run the command again, it will first stop all the iperf3 sessions, alternatively, if you want to stop the flow generation you can kill them:

    sudo killall iperf3

This time, if your algorithm works, flows should start moving until eventually converging to four different paths. Since we are using a very, very simple algorithm in which flows get just randomly re-hashed it can take some time until they converge (even a minute). Of course, this exercise was just a way to show you how to use the queueing information to make switches exchange information and react autonomously. In a more advanced solution you would try to learn what is the occupancy of all the alternative paths and just move flows if there is space.

Some notes on debugging and troubleshooting

We have added a small guideline in the documentation section. Use it as a reference when things do not work as expected.