Dotam pronounced as dot-am, means dotfiles automation。
As myself are not only a developer but also a devops. I use drone for CI/CD automation, but for some senses drone may not meet my needs, like: when a finish some code, I should change the release version for many files(deploy.yml for kubernetes, .drone.yml for CI/CD, Makefile, and some other script files) If I forgot to change one i need to re-commit them.
So, why there isn't a tool can do something like ansible
which can help me maintain these files
using template file. Both it can also run some pipeline
tasks like drone. Because sometimes drone
runs task slowly in a remote environment and to use it's cache feature is hard(we need config git plugin to cache it, but
at the same time we also need to implement a system lock for resource racing).
I did some research, but no one meets this, so I try to build this one.
- language independent
- simple, low study curve
- support most popular DSL(json, yml, hcl)
- built-in plugins(template, docker, git)
- build custom plugins easily
PS: optimizing performance is a long term job, so as early version it will not be a high priority if you are good at this, pls PR!
Follow the Installation section to install it, it's quit easy.
Then what you need is a Dotamfile.{json,yml,yaml,hcl}
tells dotam
what to do,
below is a demo, normally you can generate it with dotam init
temp "RELEASE" {
src = ".dotam/RELEASE"
dest = "."
var {
version = "{{versions.release}}"
docker {
repo = "deoops/dotam"
tag = "{{versions.release}}"
auth {
username = "tom"
password = "_args.reg_pass"
var "versions" {
prod = "v0.1.1"
release = "v0.1.3-beta"
After editing the config file, you can run dotam build
. That's it!
brew tap deoops-net/tap
brew install dotam
Go to Release page to download a prebuild version.
go install
comming soon!
git clone
cd dotam
make test
make install
dotam build [Dotamfile.{yml,hcl,json}]
by default, dotam
will try to find a Dotamfile
with json, hcl, yml|yaml file extension.
but you can also specify one to let him run it: dotam build Dotamfile.json
dotam init [-t yml|yaml,json,hcl]
this will generate a demo file into current folder, you can use -t
to specify a file extension
Normally we need to maintain multi static files, but usually the files needs some dynamic properties such as:
- we need to specify a Docker tag for CI files.
- we need to specify some version or tags for deployment files of kubernetes.
- we may also write something into a
file to let our program read and log it.
Change these manually is boring, so we need a method that can define once then use any where.
Template module is quite simple, here is a example:
temp "Makefile" {
# specify the source file for rendering
src = ".dotam/Makefile"
# the destination dir
dest = "."
# specify the variables used for rendering
var {
# such as we want to trans a production version for Makefle
version = "{{versions.production}}"
// defines the variables for rendering
var {
versions {
prodution = "v1.0.0"
That in a Makefile we can use the variable wrote above:
.PHONEY: build
npm run build ${BUILD_VERSION}
Docker module can help us build and push images to a specify registry. here is a demo:
docker {
repo = "deoops/dotam"
tag = "_args.version"
auth {
username = "_args.reg_user"
password = "_args.reg_pass"
caporal {
host = "your deployed caporal host"
name = "container name your want to start or update"
opts {
// the -p flag of docker run
publish = ["8080:8080"]
// the network flag of docker run
network = ""
As you can see we use particular variable _args
, this will retrieve data from the command line
parameters. As the example above to can type the command like this: dotam build version=v1.0.12 reg_user=tom reg_pass=pass
That is quite simple, why you should use the Docker module not use a build tool like Makefile? In a further version, i will integrate a remote api-server for scheduling containers with this module.For teams already built there k8s cluster, there is no need, but for some small teams a strong and simple docker scheduler is necessary.
caporal is an early version of container scheduling api server, basiclly it's now only support simple jobs like run or update a container remotely.but it will be under development for more features.
Not Implemented
For some static variables you can just use {{variable}} mentioned above. For some advanced template features, you can follow the pongo2 project
- if you have questions when using this tool, feel free to send me an email:
[email protected].