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Prebid Mobile React Native SDK

React native SDK for header bidding application built with React Native.

Library is fully implemented, however it was not tested yet. You can use for open beta purposes.


npm install --save prebid-mobile-react-native


Library provides set of classes to work with header bidder ad exchanges. Please see classes description below. Also you can find demo here.


To start working with library you should create adUnits. Ad units should be registered in Prebid.

const interstitial = new InterstitialAdUnit('Interstitial', configId, 1080, 1920);
const headerBanner = new BannerAdUnit('HeaderBanner320x50', configId);
headerBanner.addSize(320, 50);

Library providers two types of banners:


Covers phone's screen. Constructor arguments:

  • code - adUnit marker rot recognition, user defined;
  • configId - configuration ID on exchange side;
  • width - screen width, should be taken from device info API;
  • height - screen height, should be taken from device info API;

Banner representation. Constructor arguments:

  • code - adUnit marker rot recognition, user defined;
  • configId - configuration ID on exchange side;

Banner has method addSize, with width and height arguments. You can use multiple sizes for same ad unit.

User's implementations

There is option to implement your own ad units. All you need to do it is import AdUnit class and extend it.

import { AdUnit } from 'prebid-mobile-react-native';

class MyCustomAdUnit extends AdUnit {
  // Implementation here


Adapters are interfaces for communication with exchanges. Current version has only AppNexus exchange implementation - PrebidServerAdapter.

const prebidServerAdapter = new PrebidServerAdapter(accountId, 1000, prebidAdapterFactory);

Adapter for AppNexus exchange. Constructor arguments:

  • accountId - account ID on exchange side;
  • buildRequestTimeout - time to request build, milliseconds (see details below);
  • factory - function to build request;

As getting device information and geo location takes some time, library designed in way, when you build ad request wrapped in Promise. Promise rejects in buildRequestTimeout time if you don't resolve promise before. Factory function should have 2 arguments: request and resolve:

const prebidAdapterFactory = (req, resolve) => {
  // build request here
  // call resolve() when request ready
User's implementations

There is option to implement your own adapters. All you need to do it is import Adapter class and extend it.

import { Adapter } from 'prebid-mobile-react-native';

class MyCustomAdapter extends Adapter {
  // Implementation here


Prebid is top level API which manages the process. Prebid class has start method to request ads and stop to stop requests.

There is one constructor argument - object with Prebid settings, ad units, adapters and callbacks.


this.prebid = new Prebid({
  settings: {
    adRequestPeriod: 5 * 60 * 1000,
    adRequestTimeout: 6 * 1000,
    strategy: strategies.ON_EVERY_RESPONSE,
  adUnits: [interstitial, headerBanner],
  adapters: [prebidServerAdapter],
  callbacks: {
    onAuction: [onAuctionCallback],


Section is not required. There are default settings. Settings section supports next Prebid settings:

  • adRequestPeriod - Period of exchange call, milliseconds. Default is 2 min (library requests ads every 2 min);
  • adRequestTimeout - Time to get ads, milliseconds. Default is 5 sec (if no response after 5 sec, timeout error occurs);
  • strategy - callback strategy invocation, default strategies.ON_ALL_RESPONSES;

Strategy defines callback strategy invocation. You can see list of possible callbacks below. Now you should know that you receive ads earlier/later, more/less based on strategy;

import { strategies } from 'prebid-mobile-react-native';

There are three strategies:

  • strategies.ON_FIRST_RESPONSE - call onAuction callback on first response. Skip all other responses;
  • strategies.ON_ALL_RESPONSES - call onAuction callback when all responses (or errors) completed;
  • strategies.ON_EVERY_RESPONSE - call onAuction callback on every response;

If you need keep things simple and get the best price, use ON_ALL_RESPONSES strategy. Then you will be able to choose the best price from all responses;

If you need keep things simple and show ads as soon as possible, use ON_FIRST_RESPONSE strategy.

If you want to control all the process, you can choose ON_EVERY_RESPONSE strategy. Then your callback invoked every time library get response from one of exchanges;


list of AdUnits defined above


List of Adapters defined above


Callbacks section responsible for library events registration. In current implementation only onAuction and onError events implemented.


Invoked when auction ready (depends on strategies). You can provide list of callbacks which will be called.

Function receives auction argument - object, which contains all the responses, errors, adUnits and auction status.

const onAuctionCallback = (auction) => {
  // your logic here

Invoked when adapter error occurs. You can provide list of callbacks which will be called.

Function receives adapter type and error as arguments.

const onErrorCallback = (adapterType, error) => {
  // your logic here


You can find working demo here


You are able to contribute if you find any bugs. But before sending pull request please make sure you covered bug with unit test and all other test didn't fail