Introduce our open source project, HALOGEN
- How we'll be working on it, why we'll learn this way
Building this will require styling knowledge we don't have, in particular flexbox. let's goooooo
Flexbox is a special
property in CSS. -
What is a display property? Let's check it out!
Fork and clone repo
Show display properties
- Use dev tools to show "computed"
Show flexbox for centering
push back up to your own repo
share halogen board, have them bookmark
start together on first super simple bootstrap of html document
show how I will push it back up to my branch, submit a pr, and merge (trunk based development)
- do like a diagram of git dots and commits.
- Show how git log works
start on stories with peeps
Let's take a look at a very simple example, and a very common use case. Go ahead and fork
and clone
this flexbox learning repository.
In CSS, it is notoriously difficult to center things. Because a lot of the old tactics used are no longer relevant in the modern web, we aren't going to be learning them. But just keep in mind that learning CSS flexbox layout solves a huge problem that gave many folks many headaches. So treasure it!