Get all task belongs to your account use below url.
URL : /api/new_order/
You can get date wise insted of get method use below url.
URL : /api/new_order/?date=2019-10-24
Method : GET
Auth required : Yes
Headers required:
x-client-data: <client_token>
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: <auth_token>
Code : 200 OK
Content example
"data": [{
"id": 1157,
"cust_id": 1266,
"status": "Allocated",
"type": "0",
"notes": "",
"created_at": "2018-07-21 08:56:53",
"deleted_at": null,
"updated_at": "2018-07-21 08:57:08",
"lat": "",
"lng": "",
"delivery_to": null,
"delivery_phone": null,
"timestamps": null,
"is_cust_delivery": 1,
"remarks": null,
"added_by": 46158,
"cust_phone": "+919594949663",
"signature": null,
"schedule_date_time": "2018-07-21 23:25:00",
"is_new_address": 1,
"cust_address": "",
"loc_lng": "-83.42058",
"loc_lat": "42.495522",
"method": "Pickup",
"is_geo_fence": 1,
"geo_fence_meter": 200,
"delivery_time": null,
"contact_person": null,
"pickup_location": null,
"order_id": "2345",
"multidelivery": null,
"multipickup": null,
"pickup_long": "12.94996",
"pickup_ladd": "80.237728",
"picktime": "2018-07-21 15:10:00",
"sender_name": null,
"sender_number": "",
"pick_address": "",
"cust_email": null,
"mob": null,
"exact_delivery": null,
"sent_address": null,
"comments": null,
"cust_name": "hmjhfhjf",
"allocated_emp": "prince n",
"allocated_emp_id": 46497,
"cust": {
"id": 1266,
"name": "",
"loc_lat": "42.495522",
"loc_lng": "-83.42058",
"address": ""
"status": "ok"
Content :
"data": "<Error Msg>",
"status": "error"