- Change dependencies to Mopidy/Python >=3
- Fix distribution bundle
Skipped: broken release.
Skipped: broken release.
Thanks to https://github.com/tobiasstrebitzer for the changes below:
- Update angular from 1.2.7 to 1.5.6.
- Update angular-spotify from 1.4.2 to 1.5.1 to resolve various bugs related to recent changes in the Spotify-API.
- Updated Spotify API response resolutions in various locations, necessary to work with the upgraded angular-spotify version.
- Resolves null/undefined type handling / conditionals in various locations, which have caused unwanted side-effects and bugs.
- Refactored the Discover/Browse section to consistently deliver browse results and omit inefficient and redundant queries to the Spotify API.
- Refactored Artist detail page to load basic metadata (artist image, cover image) via the Spotify API.
- Refactored Artist list page and controller, by changing the API collection from "User Artists" to "Followed Artists" (it seems the "User Artists" API is no longer provided by Spotify).
- Remove deprecated TasteProfile and replace for Spotify API #200
- Upgrade Angular to 1.5.0
- Add official Spotify library and override method
- Use new Spotify API endpoints #188
- Improve playback speed
- Fix QueueManager broken connection fixer
- Fix broken queue #177
- Fix broken Sync service #176
- Merge PR #170
- Add stations to tracklist instead queue #174
- Automatically restore broken socket connection
- Get queue length before inserting #141
- Fix items undefined bug
- Add local playlist search on search results #145
- Change repeat behaviour to single repeat #154
- Remove set consume #146
- Do track URI existence check which brings back now playing #161
- Keep focus on same field while opening search page #167
- Remove hard coded port fallbacks #110
- Make complete tile clickable #162
- Show feedback when adding request #159
- Fix wrong behaviour of volume control #155
- Add dynamic port as fallback #110
Fixed last protocol URL issues #129
Add all tracks when clicking in a tracklist #130
Tested proper working with Mopidy 1.1.0
Fixes problems when loading +100 Spotify playlists #122 #124
Added dynamic Websocket protocol #125
Fixed playing items from browse #123
Show all artists in player
Added master mode to Sync service #71
Rebuild the queue manager to get it more in line with other music clients (for example Spotify) #49
Fixed adding items (like playlists and albums) to queue
Added playlist's image and square cover image in tracklist header
Use SHIFT so select a range of tracks #99
Added volume control in mobile interface #96
Removed 'Please connect to Spotify first' notification when service is enabled
Some other small bug fixes
Sync service working again #80
Dropped support for < Mopidy 1.0
Fixed endless repeating tracklist
Some little speed improvements
Added 'Various Artists' to albums PR #85
Added debug option which starts Mopify with non-minified files
Added cgPrompt to gitignore #83
Added playlist follow/unfollow button #79;
Mopify can now update itself #22
Show tile overlay when on mobile device #58
Merged mopify-sync and mopify into one extension #68
Fixed tracklist loading in big screens #76
Added artists to album view #75
Localized featured playlists #69
Fixed showing Spotify login window while logged in
Improved Spotify's use of
Show connected servives in mobile menu
Added Sync service
Lowered current track's font-size in responsive view
Changed tracklist's Shuffle button action #57
Link current playing track to album #59
Added shortcuts to control the player (Use
to open cheatsheet) #50 -
Load less tracks when scrolling through tracklist to prevent freeze #29
Improved Spotify service authentication handling
Added interval which checks the current playing track
Update current track on next/prev action (event when Mopidy doesn't fire its event)
Some other bug fixes
- Set consume mode on true by default
Added first responsive pages (BETA). At the moment only focused and tested on Nexus 5
Added Spotify Library managing (Songs, Artists, Albums, Playlists)
Support for selecting multiple tracks
Some little bug fixes
Added Spotify token refresh button
- Fixed auto starting timer on
Added favicon. BTW: I'm still in need for some visual identity (like a logo) for Mopify... #42
Added button which displays more search results. #40
Context menu now lays above the player controllers #39
Song updater removed out of
event #37 -
Added interval which adds a second to the current time which will give Mopidy more rest #37
Add tooltips to directive icons #36
Replaced hard-coded country codes for user provided country code #35
Update volume and pause/play status after external changes #34
Created modal for adding tracks to a playlist #33
Added option to add an entire album to a playlist #33
- Added 'Delete' option to the station's context menu #26
- Fixed loading Spotify playlists from user 'null' when connecting to early #24
Changed how playlists are filtered to make sure you only see your own playlists when managing
Default Mopidy IP setting is changed to the user's host
Implemented 'Add album to queue'
Wait until all featured search result track are loaded before showing
Undefined bug when a playlists doesn't have an image
Some text changes and improvements
- Fixed undefined error which occurred duo the new service settings
Added basic responsive support. Still in need of fine-tuning and support for mobile devices
Added playlist folder browsing (one level depth at the moment)
Added options to Spotify to enable or disable the use of Spotify as playlist source
- Fixed the 'Connect to Spotify' message in the Station search when Spotify is connected
playlists undefined
bug which occurred when less than 50 Spotify playlists were loaded -
Added source map for minified JavaScript file
- Released beta version of the completely renewed Mopify