diff --git a/_includes/fn_groupsort_reverse.html b/_includes/fn_groupsort_reverse.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5095223f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_includes/fn_groupsort_reverse.html
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+{%    comment %}
+        # Get a grouped and sorted array of posts
+        #   include-params: unsorted, groupby, sortby
+        #   returns: sorted_list array
+        # Grouped sort from:
+        #   https://gist.github.com/budparr/0ad4a7449f9604f47eec
+        #   Jekyll group_by structures have the form
+        #   [{ 'name'=>group_by_field, 'items'=>[items_in_group] },...]
+  {%  endcomment
+%}{%  assign sorted_list = site.empty_array
+%}{%  assign items_grouped = include.unsorted | group_by: include.groupby | sort: 'name' | reverse
+%}{%  for group in items_grouped
+%}{%    assign items = group.items | sort: include.sortby | reverse
+%}{%    for item in items
+%}{%      assign sorted_list = sorted_list | push: item
+%}{%    endfor
+%}{%  endfor
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_includes/fn_sortednav.html b/_includes/fn_sortednav.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a47bd993
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_includes/fn_sortednav.html
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+{%      comment %}
+          # Find this post in sorted_list and get back/next
+          #   depends: sorted_list of posts
+          #   include-params: posclass - indicates whether top or bottom style
+          #   returns: displays navigation using included backnextnav.html
+          # Original idea:
+          #   https://gist.github.com/budparr/3e637e575471401d01ec
+  {%    endcomment
+%}{%    for post in sorted_list
+%}{%      if post.title == page.title
+%}{%        unless forloop.first
+%}{%          assign prevbutton = '< Back'
+%}{%          assign prevurl = prev.url
+%}{%          assign prevtitle = prev.title
+%}{%        else
+%}{%          assign prevbutton = 'Index'
+%}{%          assign prevurl = perma | prepend: baseurl
+%}{%          assign prevtitle = 'Works Index'
+%}{%        endunless
+%}{%        unless forloop.last
+%}{%          assign next = sorted_list[forloop.index]
+%}{%          assign nextbutton = 'Next >'
+%}{%          assign nexturl = next.url
+%}{%          assign nexttitle = next.title
+%}{%        else
+%}{%          assign nextbutton = 'Index'
+%}{%          assign nexturl = perma | prepend: baseurl
+%}{%          assign nexttitle = 'Works Index'
+%}{%        endunless
+%}{%      endif
+%}{%      assign prev = post
+%}{%    endfor
+      <div class="backnext {{ include.posclass }}">
+        {% include backnextnav.html %}
+      </div>
+      <script>
+      document.body.onkeyup = function(e){
+        if (e.keyCode == '37') { window.location = '{{ prevurl }}'; }
+        if (e.keyCode == '39') { window.location = '{{ nexturl }}'; }
+      };
+      </script>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_layouts/post.html b/_layouts/post.html
index 5c84ec97..fdbe9a2a 100644
--- a/_layouts/post.html
+++ b/_layouts/post.html
@@ -3,53 +3,29 @@
   <section class="wrapper{% if page.options contains 'minihead' %} minihead{% endif %} style5">
     <div class="inner{% if page.options contains 'fullwidth' %} fullwidth{% endif %}">{%
-      if page.categories contains 'works'
-%}{%    unless site.works_navlinks == 'none'
-%}{%      comment %}
-            Construct exact same sorted_list as in works.html.
-  {%      endcomment
+      unless site.navlinks == 'none'
+%}{%    if page.categories contains 'works'
+%}{%      assign perma = '/works/'
+%}{%      include fn_groupsort_reverse.html unsorted=site.categories.works groupby='priority' sortby='date'
+%}{%    endif
+%}{%    comment %}
+          # <exclude> for now due to
+          # comparison of Jekyll::Drops::DocumentDrop with Jekyll::Drops::DocumentDrop failed
+  {%    if page.categories.first == 'topics' and page.categories.last != 'topics'
+%}{%      assign perma = page.categories | join: '/' | prepend: '/' | append: '/'
 %}{%      assign sorted_list = site.empty_array
-%}{%      assign items_grouped = site.categories.works | group_by: 'priority' | sort: 'name' | reverse
-%}{%      for group in items_grouped
-%}{%        assign items = group.items | sort: 'date' | reverse
-%}{%        for item in items
-%}{%          assign sorted_list = sorted_list | push: item
-%}{%        endfor
-%}{%      endfor
-%}{%      comment %}
-            - from https://gist.github.com/budparr/3e637e575471401d01ec
-            Find this post in sorted_list and get back/next
-  {%      endcomment
-%}{%      for work in sorted_list
-%}{%        if work.title == page.title
-%}{%          unless forloop.first
-%}{%            assign prevbutton = '&lt; Back'
-%}{%            assign prevurl = prev.url
-%}{%            assign prevtitle = prev.title
-%}{%          else
-%}{%            assign prevbutton = 'Index'
-%}{%            assign prevurl = '/works/' | prepend: baseurl
-%}{%            assign prevtitle = 'Works Index'
-%}{%          endunless
-%}{%          unless forloop.last
-%}{%            assign next = sorted_list[forloop.index]
-%}{%            assign nextbutton = 'Next &gt;'
-%}{%            assign nexturl = next.url
-%}{%            assign nexttitle = next.title
-%}{%          else
-%}{%            assign nextbutton = 'Index'
-%}{%            assign nexturl = '/works/' | prepend: baseurl
-%}{%            assign nexttitle = 'Works Index'
-%}{%          endunless
+%}{%      for topic in site.categories.topics
+%}{%        if topic.categories.last == page.categories.last
+%}{%          assign sorted_list = sorted_list | push: topic
 %}{%        endif
-%}{%        assign prev = work
 %}{%      endfor
-%}{%    endunless
-%}{%    if site.works_navlinks == 'top' or site.works_navlinks == 'both' %}
-      <div class="backnext bntop">
-        {% include backnextnav.html %}
-      </div>{%
-        endif
+%}{%      assign sorted_list = sorted_list | sort
+%}{%    endif
+%}        # </endexclude>
+  {%    endcomment
+%}{%  endunless
+%}{%  if sorted_list and (site.navlinks == 'top' or site.navlinks == 'both')
+%}{%    include fn_sortednav.html posclass='btntop'
 %}{%  endif
 %}{%  unless page.options contains 'minihead' %}
       <span id="post-date">{{ page.date  | date: "%-d %B %Y" }}</span><hr
@@ -65,19 +41,11 @@ <h4>Skills</h4>
       {{ content }}{%
-      if page.categories contains 'works'
-%}{%    if site.works_navlinks == 'bottom' or site.works_navlinks == 'both'
-      <div class="backnext bnbottom">
-        {% include backnextnav.html %}
-      </div>
-      <script>
-      document.body.onkeyup = function(e){
-        if (e.keyCode == '37') { window.location = '{{ prevurl }}'; }
-        if (e.keyCode == '39') { window.location = '{{ nexturl }}'; }
-      };
-      </script>{%
-      endif
+      if sorted_list and (site.navlinks == 'bottom' or site.navlinks == 'both')
+%}{%    unless perma
+%}{%      assign perma = '/topics/'
+%}{%    endunless
+%}{%    include fn_sortednav.html posclass='btnbottom'
 %}{%  endif
 %}{%  unless page.author == 'none'
 %}{%    include author-block.html %}
diff --git a/_pages/works.html b/_pages/works.html
index 29314e35..4d2390fe 100644
--- a/_pages/works.html
+++ b/_pages/works.html
@@ -19,19 +19,7 @@
 <div class="table-wrapper">
-      comment %}
-        - from https://gist.github.com/budparr/0ad4a7449f9604f47eec
-        Jekyll group_by structures have the form
-        [{ 'name'=>group_by_field, 'items'=>[items_in_group] },...]
-  {%  endcomment
-%}{%  assign sorted_list = site.empty_array
-%}{%  assign items_grouped = site.categories.works | group_by: 'priority' | sort: 'name' | reverse
-%}{%  for group in items_grouped
-%}{%    assign items = group.items | sort: 'date' | reverse
-%}{%    for item in items
-%}{%      assign sorted_list = sorted_list | push: item
-%}{%    endfor
-%}{%  endfor
+      include fn_groupsort_reverse.html unsorted=site.categories.works groupby='priority' sortby='date'
 %}{%  for work in sorted_list %}
         <td><b><a href="{{ work.url | prepend: site.baseurl }}">{{ work.title }}</a></b></td>