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How to use

Cédric Vautrain edited this page Jun 21, 2024 · 17 revisions


Starting configuration

Config file

By default, the config.toml file should be in the parent folder of the executable.

Name Type Comment
verbose boolean Not implemented yet
fullscreen bool
cachePath string Path of the cache directory. It will store log.txt and fbx files
cacheLimitMo int Limit size of the cache directory
cliPort int The port use for TCP connection to the CLI
fbxRoot string Root of the path to get fbx models. Can be url or uri
alphaOnInteract int From 0 to 100: the alpha applied to an object when it's selected/focused/edited
doubleClickDelay float Time between 2 clics for double click detection
moveSpeed float Speed of camera movement (from keyboard or mouse inputs)
rotationSpeed float Speed of camera rotation(from keyboard or mouse inputs)
humanHeight float Height of the camera in Human mode movement
textures table name = path (string). [path] can be a local file or an url
colors table name = value (string). [value] can be #RRGGBB or literal colors are listed here
temperature table Table of mixed values. Details here

Specific colors values

Some colors values have a direct impact for the 3D client UI

Value Comment
selection Color for a rack or a device when it's selected
edit Color for a rack or a device when it's in edit mode
focus Color for a rack or a device when it's in focus mode
highlight Color for a rack or a device when it's highlighted
usableZone Default color for usable zones in rooms
reservedZone Default color for reserved zones in rooms
technicalZone Default color for technical zones in rooms

Temperature table details

Name Type Comment
minC int Minimum temperature value, Celsius
maxC int Maximum temperature value, Celsius
minF int Minimum temperature value, Fahrenheit
maxF int Maximum temperature value, Fahrenheit
useCustomGradient boolean
customTemperatureGradient int[int[4]] Colors to be in a custom gradient used to show temperature. First three digits are RGB values(0-255), last digit is the position of the color in the gradient (0[left]-100[right])*

*Ex : [[0,0,255,0],[255,0,0,100],[255,255,0,50]] creates a gradient with blue on the far left, yellow in the middle and red on the far right.

Default config.toml

verbose = true
fullscreen = false
cachePath = "C:/"
cacheLimitMo = 100
# Port used to receive messages from OGrEE-CLI. 5500 by default
cliPort = 5500
# Root of the path to get fbx models. Can be url or uri
fbxRoot = ""
# Value clamped from 0 to 100
alphaOnInteract = 50
# Value clamped from 0.01 to 1, 0.25 by default
doubleClickDelay = 0.25
# Enable or disable automatic U Helpers generation
autoUHelpers = true

# Camera settings
# Value clamped from 1 to 50, 15 by default
moveSpeed = 15
# Value clamped from 1 to 100, 50 by default
rotationSpeed = 50
# Height of the camera in "Human mode movement". Clamped from 1.5 to 1.8, 1.62 by default
humanHeight = 1.62

# Textures loaded in the 3D client at startup, in "name = url" format
perf22 = ""
perf29 = ""

# Colors can be defines with hexadecimal codes or html colors
# Strings that do not begin with '#' will be parsed as literal colors, with the following supported:
# red, cyan, blue, darkblue, lightblue, purple, yellow, lime, fuchsia, white, silver, grey, black, orange, brown, maroon, green, olive, navy, teal, aqua, magenta..
selection = "#21FF00"
edit = "#C900FF"
focus = "#FF9F00"
highlight = "#00D5FF"
scatterPlot = "#2C4CBE"

usableZone = "#DBEDF2"
reservedZone = "#F2F2F2"
technicalZone = "#EBF2DE"

# Minimum and maximum values for temperatures in Celsius and Fahrenheit to define the range of the temperature gradients
minC = 0
maxC = 100
minF = 32
maxF = 212

# Define a custom gradient by defining up to 8 colors in rgb format with a fourth parameter specifying the position of the color in the gradient (rgb from 0 to 255, position from 0 to 100)
useCustomGradient = true
customTemperatureGradient = [

Command line arguments

You can start OGrEE-3D with a config file from any location:

-c [path/to/config.toml]
--config-file [path/to/config.toml]

Some config file parameter can be overrided with a command line argument. More will be supported later

-v [true|false]
--verbose [true|false]
-fs [true|false]
--fullscreen [true|false]

You can also start the client with an .ocli file:

--file [path to ocli file to load]

Populate objects

You can display objects using OGrEE-CLI:

Object hierarchy

This is the standard hierarchy for OGrEE objects. You can display objects starting every levels. If you want to display something which cannot be inserted in the loaded hierarchy, the client will ask you to erase the previous hierarchy.

     |_ Building
         |_ Room
             |  |_ Device
             |  |   |_ Device
             |  |   |   |_ Device
             |  |   |   |_ Device
             |  |   |_ ...
             |  |_ Device
             |  |_ Group
             |  |_ ...
             |_ ...
             |_ Group                      \
             |_ Corridor                   | 
             |_ PowerPanel*                | NO CHILDREN
             |_ AirConditioningSystem*     |
             |_ Cabinet*                   /

* Not yet implemented

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