title | created | modification date | tags | link | modified |
Create CLI App with Node.js & Commander.js |
2022-01-19 18:46 |
2022-01-19 18:46 |
node tutorial article |
2022-02-10 21:53 |
How to create your command-line program (CLI) with NodeJS and Commander.js | by Duc N. | JavaScript in Plain English
Create your own command line
This post will show you how to create a command-line npm module (CLI) using Commander.js module.
Commander.js is a very popular module that lets you create your own CLI program.
First, start your new project — let’s say my project name is “json-now”
$ git clone https://github.com/yourname/json-now.git$ cd json-now
Now, create your package.json file:
{ "name": "json-now", "version": "0.0.1", "bin": { "json-now": "./bin/index.js" }, "dependencies": { "commander": "^3.0.1" }}
Then, install dependencies:
$ npm install
The “bin” section specifies your command line name. As you see, go ahead and create a “bin” directory with “index.js” file there:
#!/usr/bin/env nodeconst program = require('commander');const ver = require('../lib/ver');program .usage('[options] <file>') .option('-v, --version', 'show version', ver, '') .option('-p, --port <port>', 'use custom port') .option('-f, --flag', 'boolean flag', false) .action((file, options) => { console.log('file name: ', file); // more hanlder: require('../lib/moreHandler')(options); }) .parse(process.argv);
Let’s create the very first option called “-v” or “ — version” which shows version number. Create a directory named “lib” and a new file “ver.js” there:
const package = require('../package.json')module.exports = () => { console.log(package.version);};
So far, it looks straight forward. You created a commander “program” which handles option like “-v” by running “ver.js”
Open Terminal and try it out:
$ node bin/index.js -v0.0.1$ node bin/index.js sample.jsonfile name: sample.json
Now, it’s time to publish your command line for the world to use!
$ npm login$ npm publishTry out your shiny new command:$ npm install json-now -g$ json-now -v
The above code is located here for your reference: GitHub - ngduc/json-now: $ json-now - Launch an API Server to serve data from a JSON, JS file or faker data with HTTPS support. Based on json-server.