copyright | lastupdated | keywords | subcollection | ||
2019-06-12 |
limitations, bugs, known, known issues, Beta, services, capabilities, use cases |
vpc-on-classic |
{:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:new_window: target="_blank"} {:codeblock: .codeblock} {:pre: .pre} {:screen: .screen} {:tip: .tip} {:important: .important} {:download: .download} {:DomainName: data-hd-keyref="DomainName"}
{: #known-limitations}
This document contains a summary of features and APIs that are not supported, features and use cases not yet supported, known issues in the current release, and a list of features offered as Beta services only. Known limitations might change as we add capabilities to {{}} (VPC), so feel free to check back with this document from time to time.
{: #summary-of-features-not-supported}
- Direct Link access to VPC is supported through Classic Access only.
- Although a subset of Private Service Endpoints are available to VPC, not all endpoints are available. See Service endpoints available for IBM Cloud VPC for services that are available.
- Saving and restoring images is not supported.
- {{}} VPCs are regional, therefore a VPC from one region cannot connect to a VPC in another region unless they are "classic access" enabled, or connected by means of a VPN connection. See Classic Access.
{: #features-and-use-cases-not-yet-supported}
This section lists more details of unsupported features and use cases, categorized according to their {{}} service.
{: vpc-unsupported-features-and-use-cases}
- {{}} does not support multicast or broadcast domains.
- {{}} does not provide end-to-end encryption.
- A VPC cannot be peered with other VPCs.
- Cloud Service Endpoints are not supported by VPC. See Service endpoints available for IBM Cloud VPC for services that are available.
{: VSI-unsupported-features-and-use-cases}
- Existing {{}} virtual server instances (VSIs) or bare metal servers cannot be migrated into a VPC.
- Bare metal servers cannot be provisioned in a VPC.
{: network-unsupported-features-and-use-cases}
- Custom routes cannot be added to a VPC. All the subnets in a VPC can communicate with each other by default.
- A subnet cannot be on multiple zones.
- A subnet cannot be moved from one zone to another.
- Subnets cannot be resized after they are created.
- {{}} Classic resources cannot be in the same subnet in a VPC. Connectivity between classic resources and one VPC in your account is possible using Classic Access.
- IPv6 is not supported.
- You cannot use your own public IP as a Floating IP. The Floating IP pool is provided by IBM.
- A Floating IP is bound to a zone. For example, a Floating IP reserved from a pool in Zone 1 cannot be assigned to a VSI in Zone 2 in the same VPC.
- Private IP addresses cannot be moved between VSIs.
- Network interfaces cannot be moved between VSIs.
- You cannot designate the specific IP address of the VSI. You can only specify the IP range for the subnet. Once you attach a VSI to a subnet, the system assigns a private IP from that subnet.
- {{}} comes with its own Network as a Service tools such as LBaaS, ACLs, and security groups. You cannot use your own network appliances (for example, a Vyatta Gateway or other load balancer) to control any resource in the VPC. Similarily, you cannot use your own load balancer or security groups services in {{}} Classic Infrastructure to control resources in the {{}}.
- The public gateway does not allow the traffic to be initiated from the Internet to a VSI in the IBM Cloud VPC. For that purpose, a Floating IP must be used.
- ACL is stateless, so return traffic must be allowed explicitly in ACL rules.
{: #known-issues-in-this-release}
{{}} might not accurately validate the volume name for uniqueness when all of the following conditions are met:
- The provision request is concurrent
- The volume has the same name
- The volume is in the same region
Peering securely to an appliance is available as a Beta service. Documentation for peering with several types of appliances is available: