Thank you for your interest in contributing to dataverse-installations!
We are open to contributions from everyone. You don't need to operate an installation of Dataverse to open issues or make suggestions. Please just go ahead! We welcome contributions of ideas, bug reports, feedback, documentation, code, and anything else you can think of.
The map of dataverse installations around the world is created from two files that contain various bits of info on each dataverse installations, crowdsourced spreadsheet and the more detailed spreadsheet maintained by IQSS.
You can contribute in one or more of the following ways:
- Update your installation's information on the crowdsourced spreadsheet
- Request that your installation info on the spreadsheet maintained by IQSS be updated (include what's new or what's changed) by adding a new issue to our github issuej or by leaving a comment on the spreadsheet maintained by IQSS.
- If you have made (requested) changes to either of the info files, you can update the map by running the map update script (see Requirements below).
- If you don't want to run the update script, create another github issue to ask someoneelse to update the map.
python 3 OR docker
Fork this dataverse-installations repo to your github
Clone your fork onto your local machine and follow the installation instructions to setup your environment
Run the update program
docker run --rm -v $PWD:/web -w /web -it python:3.7-alpine python3
This should update files in the "data" directory.
Push the updated files to your github "fork"
Create a pull request in github
is a script you can run from the root of the repo to format code but this is optional. We can always reformat code later.
If you would like to report a security issue, please email [email protected] rather than creating an issue.
If you have questions or need help, please reach out at or the dataverse-community Google Group or by creating an issue in the issue tracker.