The simplest product management
<root org =" doublechain"
chinese_name =" Simple PIM"
english_name =" Product Information Management"
name =" PIM"
founded =" now()"
contact_number =" 992887654321"
</root >
Adding under platform, brand will be a list of platform, brand list, means platform has brand list
<root org =" doublechain"
chinese_name =" Simple PIM"
english_name =" Product Information Management"
name =" PIM"
founded =" now()"
contact_number =" 992887654321"
<brand name =" brand" platform =" platform()" />
</root >
under brand, product can be added, and it is also visible to platform
We added a snack.jpg as snack image, this will be regard as a picture
<root org =" doublechain"
chinese_name =" Simple PIM"
english_name =" Product Information Management"
name =" PIM"
founded =" now()"
contact_number =" 992887654321"
<brand name =" Candys|Sees|[1,100]" platform =" platform()" />
<product name =" popcorn|chocolate" image =" snack.jpg" brand =" brand()" platform =" platform()" />
</root >
under product, SKU can be added, also need to be visible to brand, platform
a field called create_time with type createTime() added, this field can be maintained automatically
<root org =" doublechain"
chinese_name =" Simple PIM"
english_name =" Product Information Management"
name =" PIM"
founded =" now()"
contact_number =" 992887654321"
<brand name =" Candys|Sees" platform =" platform()" />
<product name =" popcorn|chocklate" image =" snack.jpg" brand =" brand()" platform =" platform()" />
<sku name =" sku" product =" product()" brand =" brand()" platform =" platform()" create_time =" createTime()" />
</root >