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Releases: dreamRs/shinyWidgets

CRAN v0.5.7

04 Feb 08:38
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  • Fixed chooseSliderSkin() to work with shiny > 1.6.0
  • Temporary fix for pickerInput() to work with shiny > 1.6.0 (this is fixed in dev version of shiny).
  • airDatepickerInput() had a new argument highlightedDates to mark some dates in calendar as specific.
  • Fixed timezone issues in updateAirDateInput() by @ericnewkirk.

CRAN version 0.5.5

13 Jan 10:29
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  • show_alert(), sendSweetAlert() and inputSweetAlert() now accept parameters directly passed to JavaScript method.
  • New function statiCard() to create minimal statistic cards.
  • airDatepicker() now support italian, thanks to @ClaudioZandonella.

CRAN version 0.5.4

06 Oct 14:29
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  • New functions: currencyInput(), formatNumericInput() and autonumericInput() to enter numeric value with specified format like a currency, by @srmatth.
  • Ability to update icons in updateNumericInputIcon() and updateTextInputIcon().
  • SweetAlert family: upgraded to 9.17.1 and added a polyfill to work in Internet Explorer (see useSweetAlert()).

Bug fixes

  • Disable radioGroupButtons() and checkboxGroupButtons() with checkIcon not working properly (#311)

CRAN version 0.5.3

01 Jun 09:16
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  • Fixed airDatepickerInput() z-index issue (causing incorrect display in modal or sidebar).
  • Fixed a bug in downloadBttn() causing download to be triggered twice.
  • Added the ability to disable completely or partially radioGroupButtons() and checkboxGroupButtons() via respective update methods.
  • UI validation in numericInputIcon() if min and/or max are provided and value is outside range.

CRAN version 0.5.2

15 May 08:07
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  • New function execute_safely() to display a message in case of error and don't stop application.
  • airDatepickerInput() has two new arguments:
    • onlyTimepicker: to only display the time picker part of the widget.
    • firstDay: day index from which week will be started
  • knobInput() has two new arguments : pre and post to add prefix/suffix to the value displayed.
  • Updated awesome*() dependencies.
  • Sweet alert family:
    • update dependencies to 9.10.13
    • New function show_toast() to display toast notification.
    • New functions show_alert() and ask_confirmation() aliases for sendSweetAlert() and confirmSweetAlert() with optional session argument.

Bug fixes

  • Changes in dropMenu() bindings to work with inputs updates.
  • downloadBttn() worked only when clicking the label, now you can click the full button #271.

CRAN version 0.5.1

04 Mar 10:19
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  • Added two new functions : textInputIcon() (as a replacement of textInputAddon()) and numericInputIcon() to display icon(s) along to text and numeric inputs.
  • Internal rewrite of airDatepickerInput, no breaking change intended, if encounter some troubles please open an issue.
  • airDatepickerInput() has a new argument startView to set the view displayed when date picker is openned.
  • New function dropMenu, a more robust and customizable replacement for dropdown() or dropdownMenu().
  • Fixed encoding bug in updatePickerInput().

CRAN version 0.5.0

18 Nov 18:22
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  • selectizeGroupServer() (module selectizeGroup) now accept reactive data and reactive vars arguments, see examples for details ?selectizeGroupServer.
  • Internal optimization of pickerInput for large list of choices.
  • pickerInput()'s choicesOpt argument now accept an element tokens that can be use to declare keywords for live-search.
  • pickerUpdate() : updated dependencies & bindings, now live-search & multiple selection works fine together #142.
  • useSweetAlert() now accept a theme argument to customize Sweet Alerts appearance (e.g. with sendSweetAlert for example).
  • updateMulti() preserve character encoding #232.
  • Fixed a bug in verticalTabPanel() preventing outputs to be displayed #237.

CRAN version 0.4.9

11 Sep 12:07
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  • Update to SweetAlert2: more options available for sendSweetAlert(), confirmSweetAlert(), inputSweetAlert().
  • add useTablerDash() to inport functions from tablerDash.
  • updateProgressBar(), confirmSweetAlert(), inputSweetAlert() are now module friendly, thanks to @AshesITR.
  • add inline = TRUE/FALSE argument to dropdownButton(): return either a span or a div element.
  • You can now use a DT::datatable() with pagination inside a dropdown().
  • Removed extra margins (top and bottom, 3px each) in radioGroupButtons() and checkboxGroupButtons().
  • add inline = TRUE/FALSE argument to pickerGroupUI(): put pickers side-by-side (default) or one of top of each other.

CRAN version 0.4.8

19 Mar 08:38
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  • Remove a unit test that was not compatible with an upcoming version of Shiny.

CRAN version 0.4.7

12 Mar 16:22
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  • add useArgonDash to inport functions from argonDash.
  • add useBs4Dash to import functions from bs4Dash.
  • Fix updating searchInput label & placeholder in modules.
  • Fix issue with ghost sidebar in useShinydashboard.
  • Fix issue updating prettyRadio & prettyCheckbox with icons.