- Visit GraphQL Compose → Settings at
Schema information is located within the info
You can customise what is returned by editing the SchemaInformation
query {
info: SchemaInformation
type SchemaInformation {
A custom value for schema version.
version: String
Description of the schema.
description: String
Enable these fields to automatically pull configuration values.
- Add site name
- Add site slogan
- Add home path
extend type SiteInformation {
The site name.
name: String
The site slogan.
slogan: String
The internal path to the front page.
home: String
Custom settings can be added to extend the info
- You can create multiple values for a single field name by using the same field name.
- You can use global tokens in the Value
Each setting you define will be available within the info
🤔 This can work well combining tokens with modules such as site_settings
The schema will always have UUIDs enabled. Exposing will allow loading entities by numeric id AND uuid.
For example:
query {
a: node(id: 1) {
... on NodeInterface {
b: node(id: "7321880a-93f8-4e98-85b9-0e40fd12c3da") {
... on NodeInterface {
"data": {
"a": {
"title": "Home",
"id": "1",
"uuid": "7321880a-93f8-4e98-85b9-0e40fd12c3da"
"b": {
"title": "Home",
"id": "1",
"uuid": "7321880a-93f8-4e98-85b9-0e40fd12c3da"
👻 This could open your schema up to enumeration attack and crawling.
By default, the schema will use a common <entity type>Union
for all entity references.
type NodePage {
relatedNode: NodeUnion
union NodeUnion = NodePage | NodeArticle | NodeBasicPage
Disabling this option will create a separate union for each entity reference field, which is limited to the available target types.
type NodePage {
relatedNode: NodePageRelatedNodeUnion
union NodePageRelatedNodeUnion = NodePage | NodeBasicPage