Data Source
- UCI Machine Learning Repository: Occupancy Detection Data set
- http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Occupancy+Detection+
Data attribute:
- date: time year-month-day hour:minute:second
- Temperature: in Celsius
- Relative Humidity: % (1~100%)
- Light: in Lux
- CO2: in ppm
- Humidity Ratio: Derived quantity from temperature and relative humidity, in kgwatervapor/kg-air
- Occupancy: 0 or 1, 0 for not occupied, 1 for occupied status
- Correlation Between Independent Variables
- Humidity and Humidity Ratio are highly related to each other
- Parallel Coordinates
- Light has most visually separability
- Feature Importance
- Light has highest importance
- Feature correlate to dependent variable (Y)
- Light has most correlation
- Class Imbalance
- Classes are imbalanced because the monitored room is not occupied very often
- 0 (Not Occupied) is four times more likely to occur than 1 (Occupied)
- Classifier may have more accuracy predicting room has 0 (Not Occupied) than 1 (Occupied)
- Correlation Between Independent Variables
Data Pre-processing
- 'date' column was only used for timestamp only so we assume there is no dependency between timestamp and room occupancy. So I drop the column prior to training the model. We might retain the 'date' column when I have the opportunity to test time series model.
- 'Relative Humidity' and 'Humidity Ratio' are highly linear dependent so we drop the 'Humidity Ratio' column as well.
Data Imbalance
- From class balance EDA it is clear there are some data imbalance between the two classes.
- Several re-sampling methods and balanced models are evaluated.
- Fitting ensemble models with balanced dataset and fitting with balanced model achieve similar balanced accuracy.
- Balanced dataset does not improve linear model like Logistic Regression
- Best performing model is Gradient Boosting Tree with SMOTEENN balanced dataset.
- However, even the best balanced model only achieve similar performance to Logistic Regression
Train/Test Split
- I used a combined training dataset and test2 dataset for train/validation split. I make a combined set than use my own ratio for spliting.
- Use test dataset for final test scoring
Model Complexity
- The original dataset contain only a few features, this is reason why Logistic Regression perform well on this dataset while other (more complex) models required many adjustment to perform as well.
- Further feature engineering may improve the performance of the complex models.
- Original dataset is class imbalanced. Balanced dataset help more complex model achieve better performance.
Preliminary Model Evaluations:
- Logistic Regression:
- Validation Accuracy: 0.9924
- Test Accuracy: 0.9782
- ROC-AUC Score: 0.9920
- Mean CV Scores: 0.9904
- Random Forest (No. of Tree = 1250):
- Validation Accuracy: 0.9772
- Test Accuracy: 0.9636
- ROC-AUC Score: 0.9860
- Mean CV Scores: 0.9641
- Gradient Boost Tree:
- Validation Accuracy: 0.9881
- Test Accuracy: 0.9718
- ROC-AUC Score: 0.9821
- Mean CV Scores: 0.9845
- Logistic Regression: