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Tests not passing? #110

kirkins opened this issue Jun 11, 2017 · 2 comments

Tests not passing? #110

kirkins opened this issue Jun 11, 2017 · 2 comments


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kirkins commented Jun 11, 2017

I'm downloading this for the first time.

git clone
cd chrome-zeroclickinfo/
npm install
npm test

Which returns:

> [email protected] test /tmp/chrome-zeroclickinfo
> concurrently 'npm run jshint' 'npm run selenium'

[1] > [email protected] selenium /tmp/chrome-zeroclickinfo
[1] > cd selenium-test && node test.js
[0] > [email protected] jshint /tmp/chrome-zeroclickinfo
[0] > jshint js/ --verbose > jshint_log.txt
[0] npm
[0]  ERR! Linux 4.8.0-54-generic
[0] npm ERR! argv "/home/philip/.nvm/versions/node/v7.9.0/bin/node" "/home/philip/.nvm/versions/node/v7.9.0/bin/npm" "run" "jshint"
[0] npm ERR! node v7.9.0
[0] npm ERR! npm  v4.2.0
[0] npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE
[0] npm ERR! 
[0] errno 2
[0] npm ERR! [email protected] jshint: `jshint js/ --verbose > jshint_log.txt`
[0] npm ERR! Exit status 2
[0] npm ERR! 
[0] npm ERR! Failed at the [email protected] jshint script 'jshint js/ --verbose > jshint_log.txt'.
[0] npm ERR! Make sure you have the latest version of node.js and npm installed.
[0] npm ERR! If you do, this is most likely a problem with the chrome_zeroclickinfo package,
[0] npm ERR! not with npm itself.
[0] npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system:
[0] npm ERR!     jshint js/ --verbose > jshint_log.txt
[0] npm ERR! You can get information on how to open an issue for this project with:
[0] npm ERR!     npm bugs chrome_zeroclickinfo
[0] npm ERR! Or if that isn't available, you can get their info via:
[0] npm ERR!     npm owner ls chrome_zeroclickinfo
[0] npm 
[0] ERR! There is likely additional logging output above.
[0] npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:
[0] npm ERR!     /home/philip/.npm/_logs/2017-06-11T00_05_32_728Z-debug.log
[0] npm run jshint exited with code 2
[1] URL:
[1] URL:
[1] URL:!bi%20&bext=lcp
[1] URL:
[1] URL:
[1] URL:
[1] URL:
[1] URL: chrome-extension://cjkpfdbancffifiponpcgmapihcohejj/html/options.html
[1] URL:
[1] Testing option: zeroclick_google_right
[1] Testing option: use_post
[1] Testing option: safesearch
[1] Testing Safesearch
[1] URL:
[1] Testing option: lastsearch_enabled
[1] Testing remember last search
[1] npm run selenium exited with code 0
npm ERR! Test failed.  See above for more details.

When I open jshint_log.txt:

js/background.js: line 34, col 60, Expected '===' and instead saw '=='. (W116)
js/background.js: line 34, col 142, Expected '===' and instead saw '=='. (W116)
js/background.js: line 38, col 4, Missing semicolon. (W033)
js/background.js: line 43, col 4, Missing semicolon. (W033)
js/background.js: line 48, col 4, Missing semicolon. (W033)
js/background.js: line 54, col 54, Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (W030)
js/background.js: line 57, col 4, Missing semicolon. (W033)
js/background.js: line 61, col 15, ['last_search'] is better written in dot notation. (W069)
js/background.js: line 64, col 55, Expected '!==' and instead saw '!='. (W116)
js/background.js: line 64, col 60, Expected '{' and instead saw 'os'. (W116)
js/background.js: line 65, col 51, Expected '!==' and instead saw '!='. (W116)
js/background.js: line 65, col 56, Expected '{' and instead saw 'os'. (W116)
js/background.js: line 66, col 53, Expected '!==' and instead saw '!='. (W116)
js/background.js: line 66, col 58, Expected '{' and instead saw 'os'. (W116)
js/background.js: line 68, col 15, ['os'] is better written in dot notation. (W069)
js/background.js: line 78, col 21, ['atb'] is better written in dot notation. (W069)
js/background.js: line 82, col 21, ['atb'] is better written in dot notation. (W069)
js/background.js: line 83, col 21, ['majorVersion'] is better written in dot notation. (W069)
js/background.js: line 84, col 21, ['minorVersion'] is better written in dot notation. (W069)
js/background.js: line 115, col 22, ['set_atb'] is better written in dot notation. (W069)
js/background.js: line 116, col 19, ['atb'] is better written in dot notation. (W069)
js/background.js: line 117, col 19, ['set_atb'] is better written in dot notation. (W069)
js/background.js: line 138, col 35, ['majorVersion'] is better written in dot notation. (W069)
js/background.js: line 139, col 35, ['minorVersion'] is better written in dot notation. (W069)
js/background.js: line 153, col 93, ['os'] is better written in dot notation. (W069)
js/background.js: line 166, col 78, ['os'] is better written in dot notation. (W069)
js/background.js: line 180, col 23, ['atb'] is better written in dot notation. (W069)
js/background.js: line 184, col 50, ['atb'] is better written in dot notation. (W069)
js/background.js: line 201, col 29, ['atb'] is better written in dot notation. (W069)
js/background.js: line 202, col 32, ['set_atb'] is better written in dot notation. (W069)
js/background.js: line 211, col 30, Expected '===' and instead saw '=='. (W116)
js/background.js: line 212, col 29, Expected '===' and instead saw '=='. (W116)
js/background.js: line 215, col 28, ['set_atb'] is better written in dot notation. (W069)
js/background.js: line 223, col 11, Misleading line break before '+'; readers may interpret this as an expression boundary. (W014)
js/background.js: line 18, col 3, '$this' is not defined. (W117)
js/background.js: line 20, col 3, '$this' is not defined. (W117)
js/background.js: line 40, col 3, '$this' is not defined. (W117)
js/background.js: line 41, col 17, '$this' is not defined. (W117)
js/background.js: line 45, col 3, '$this' is not defined. (W117)
js/background.js: line 46, col 17, '$this' is not defined. (W117)
js/background.js: line 50, col 3, '$this' is not defined. (W117)
js/background.js: line 51, col 26, '$this' is not defined. (W117)
js/background.js: line 52, col 26, '$this' is not defined. (W117)
js/background.js: line 79, col 28, '$this' is not defined. (W117)
js/background.js: line 80, col 28, '$this' is not defined. (W117)
js/background.js: line 52, col 11, 'minorVersion' is not defined. (W117)
js/background.js: line 54, col 32, 'minorVersion' is not defined. (W117)
js/background.js: line 80, col 13, 'minorVersion' is not defined. (W117)
js/background.js: line 82, col 58, 'minorVersion' is not defined. (W117)
js/background.js: line 84, col 40, 'minorVersion' is not defined. (W117)
js/background.js: line 84, col 40, Too many errors. (35% scanned). (E043)

js/oninstall.js: line 17, col 16, 'document' is not defined. (W117)
js/oninstall.js: line 18, col 1, 'chrome' is not defined. (W117)

js/options.js: line 20, col 15, ['dev'] is better written in dot notation. (W069)
js/options.js: line 22, col 15, ['lastsearch_enabled'] is better written in dot notation. (W069)
js/options.js: line 24, col 15, ['zeroclick_google_right'] is better written in dot notation. (W069)
js/options.js: line 26, col 15, ['use_post'] is better written in dot notation. (W069)
js/options.js: line 28, col 15, ['safesearch'] is better written in dot notation. (W069)
js/options.js: line 32, col 5, Expected '{' and instead saw 'localStorage'. (W116)
js/options.js: line 32, col 17, ['last_search'] is better written in dot notation. (W069)
js/options.js: line 36, col 5, Expected '{' and instead saw 'console'. (W116)
js/options.js: line 54, col 25, ['dev'] is better written in dot notation. (W069)
js/options.js: line 61, col 40, ['lastsearch_enabled'] is better written in dot notation. (W069)
js/options.js: line 62, col 61, Expected '===' and instead saw '=='. (W116)
js/options.js: line 68, col 44, ['zeroclick_google_right'] is better written in dot notation. (W069)
js/options.js: line 75, col 30, ['use_post'] is better written in dot notation. (W069)
js/options.js: line 82, col 32, ['safesearch'] is better written in dot notation. (W069)
js/options.js: line 83, col 45, Expected '===' and instead saw '=='. (W116)
js/options.js: line 92, col 3, Missing semicolon. (W033)
js/options.js: line 96, col 3, Missing semicolon. (W033)
js/options.js: line 19, col 13, 'document' is not defined. (W117)
js/options.js: line 21, col 28, 'document' is not defined. (W117)
js/options.js: line 23, col 32, 'document' is not defined. (W117)
js/options.js: line 25, col 18, 'document' is not defined. (W117)
js/options.js: line 27, col 20, 'document' is not defined. (W117)
js/options.js: line 39, col 16, 'document' is not defined. (W117)
js/options.js: line 56, col 5, 'document' is not defined. (W117)
js/options.js: line 58, col 5, 'document' is not defined. (W117)
js/options.js: line 63, col 5, 'document' is not defined. (W117)
js/options.js: line 65, col 5, 'document' is not defined. (W117)
js/options.js: line 70, col 5, 'document' is not defined. (W117)
js/options.js: line 72, col 5, 'document' is not defined. (W117)
js/options.js: line 77, col 5, 'document' is not defined. (W117)
js/options.js: line 79, col 5, 'document' is not defined. (W117)
js/options.js: line 84, col 5, 'document' is not defined. (W117)
js/options.js: line 86, col 5, 'document' is not defined. (W117)
js/options.js: line 90, col 1, 'document' is not defined. (W117)
js/options.js: line 94, col 1, 'document' is not defined. (W117)
js/options.js: line 20, col 3, 'localStorage' is not defined. (W117)
js/options.js: line 22, col 3, 'localStorage' is not defined. (W117)
js/options.js: line 24, col 3, 'localStorage' is not defined. (W117)
js/options.js: line 26, col 3, 'localStorage' is not defined. (W117)
js/options.js: line 28, col 3, 'localStorage' is not defined. (W117)
js/options.js: line 32, col 5, 'localStorage' is not defined. (W117)
js/options.js: line 36, col 17, 'localStorage' is not defined. (W117)
js/options.js: line 46, col 16, 'localStorage' is not defined. (W117)
js/options.js: line 54, col 13, 'localStorage' is not defined. (W117)
js/options.js: line 61, col 28, 'localStorage' is not defined. (W117)
js/options.js: line 68, col 32, 'localStorage' is not defined. (W117)
js/options.js: line 75, col 18, 'localStorage' is not defined. (W117)
js/options.js: line 82, col 20, 'localStorage' is not defined. (W117)
js/options.js: line 36, col 5, 'console' is not defined. (W117)
js/options.js: line 48, col 5, 'console' is not defined. (W117)
js/options.js: line 48, col 5, Too many errors. (49% scanned). (E043)

js/popup.js: line 20, col 649, Missing semicolon. (W033)
js/popup.js: line 52, col 21, ['meanings'] is better written in dot notation. (W069)
js/popup.js: line 52, col 36, Expected '===' and instead saw '=='. (W116)
js/popup.js: line 53, col 19, ['meanings'] is better written in dot notation. (W069)
js/popup.js: line 56, col 21, ['advanced_options'] is better written in dot notation. (W069)
js/popup.js: line 56, col 44, Expected '===' and instead saw '=='. (W116)
js/popup.js: line 57, col 19, ['advanced_options'] is better written in dot notation. (W069)
js/popup.js: line 60, col 21, ['last_search'] is better written in dot notation. (W069)
js/popup.js: line 60, col 39, Expected '!==' and instead saw '!='. (W116)
js/popup.js: line 61, col 83, ['last_search'] is better written in dot notation. (W069)
js/popup.js: line 73, col 6, Missing semicolon. (W033)
js/popup.js: line 78, col 6, Missing semicolon. (W033)
js/popup.js: line 81, col 6, Missing semicolon. (W033)
js/popup.js: line 84, col 6, Missing semicolon. (W033)
js/popup.js: line 87, col 6, Missing semicolon. (W033)
js/popup.js: line 90, col 6, Missing semicolon. (W033)
js/popup.js: line 93, col 6, Missing semicolon. (W033)
js/popup.js: line 96, col 6, Missing semicolon. (W033)
js/popup.js: line 100, col 31, Don't make functions within a loop. (W083)
js/popup.js: line 102, col 8, Missing semicolon. (W033)
js/popup.js: line 104, col 30, Don't make functions within a loop. (W083)
js/popup.js: line 106, col 8, Missing semicolon. (W033)
js/popup.js: line 111, col 70, 'sendResponse' is defined but never used. (W098)
js/popup.js: line 111, col 62, 'sender' is defined but never used. (W098)
js/popup.js: line 111, col 53, 'request' is defined but never used. (W098)
js/popup.js: line 116, col 21, ['advanced_options'] is better written in dot notation. (W069)
js/popup.js: line 131, col 30, Expected '===' and instead saw '=='. (W116)
js/popup.js: line 142, col 25, ['lastsearch_enabled'] is better written in dot notation. (W069)
js/popup.js: line 143, col 13, Expected '{' and instead saw 'localStorage'. (W116)
js/popup.js: line 143, col 25, ['last_search'] is better written in dot notation. (W069)
js/popup.js: line 145, col 13, Expected '{' and instead saw 'localStorage'. (W116)
js/popup.js: line 145, col 25, ['last_search'] is better written in dot notation. (W069)
js/popup.js: line 156, col 25, ['safesearch'] is better written in dot notation. (W069)
js/popup.js: line 157, col 13, Expected '{' and instead saw 'special'. (W116)
js/popup.js: line 157, col 32, Missing semicolon. (W033)
js/popup.js: line 160, col 61, Expected '!==' and instead saw '!='. (W116)
js/popup.js: line 160, col 66, Expected '{' and instead saw 'os'. (W116)
js/popup.js: line 161, col 57, Expected '!==' and instead saw '!='. (W116)
js/popup.js: line 161, col 62, Expected '{' and instead saw 'os'. (W116)
js/popup.js: line 162, col 59, Expected '!==' and instead saw '!='. (W116)
js/popup.js: line 162, col 64, Expected '{' and instead saw 'os'. (W116)
js/popup.js: line 166, col 25, ['use_post'] is better written in dot notation. (W069)
js/popup.js: line 171, col 32, Expected '===' and instead saw '=='. (W116)
js/popup.js: line 177, col 36, Script URL. (W107)
js/popup.js: line 187, col 30, Expected '===' and instead saw '=='. (W116)
js/popup.js: line 196, col 21, ['advanced_options'] is better written in dot notation. (W069)
js/popup.js: line 198, col 6, Missing semicolon. (W033)
js/popup.js: line 225, col 21, ['ducky'] is better written in dot notation. (W069)
js/popup.js: line 229, col 21, ['meanings'] is better written in dot notation. (W069)
js/popup.js: line 233, col 25, ['ducky'] is better written in dot notation. (W069)
js/popup.js: line 233, col 25, Too many errors. (92% scanned). (E043)

js/uninstall.js: line 19, col 70, Script URL. (W107)
js/uninstall.js: line 27, col 6, Missing semicolon. (W033)
js/uninstall.js: line 28, col 2, Missing semicolon. (W033)
js/uninstall.js: line 18, col 1, 'window' is not defined. (W117)
js/uninstall.js: line 19, col 5, 'document' is not defined. (W117)
js/uninstall.js: line 20, col 5, 'document' is not defined. (W117)
js/uninstall.js: line 24, col 9, 'chrome' is not defined. (W117)

162 errors
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kirkins commented Dec 22, 2017

@shakyink I don't think the owners of the repo care

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