Name | Type | Description | Notes |
account_id | String | The unique account ID for the customer that the payment is for. | [optional] |
accounting_code | String | The aacccounting code for the payment. Accounting codes group transactions that contain similar accounting attributes. | [optional] |
amount | Float | The amount of the payment. | [optional] |
comment | String | Additional information related to the payment. | [optional] |
effective_date | Date | The date when the payment takes effect. | [optional] |
payment_method_id | String | The ID of the payment method used for the payment. | [optional] |
reference_id | String | The transaction ID returned by the payment gateway. Use this field to reconcile payments between your gateway and Zuora Payments. | [optional] |
status | String | The status of the payment in Zuora. The value depends on the type of payment. For electronic payments, the status can be `Processed`, `Error`, or `Voided`. For external payments, the status can be `Processed` or `Canceled`. | [optional] |
transferred_to_accounting | String | Whether the refund was transferred to an external accounting system. Use this field for integration with accounting systems, such as NetSuite. | [optional] |
type | String | The type of the payment, whether the payment is external or electronic. | [optional] |