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RFC 018: BLS Signature Aggregation Exploration


  • 01-April-2022: Initial draft (@williambanfield).
  • 15-April-2022: Draft complete (@williambanfield).




The terms that are attached to these types of cryptographic signing systems become confusing quickly. Different sources appear to use slightly different meanings of each term and this can certainly add to the confusion. Below is a brief glossary that may be helpful in understanding the discussion that follows.

  • Short Signature: A signature that does not vary in length with the number of signers.
  • Multi-Signature: A signature generated over a single message where, given the message and signature, a verifier is able to determine that all parties signed the message. May be short or may vary with the number of signers.
  • Aggregated Signature: A short signature generated over messages with possibly different content where, given the messages and signature, a verifier should be able to determine that all the parties signed the designated messages.
  • Threshold Signature: A short signature generated from multiple signers where, given a message and the signature, a verifier is able to determine that a large enough share of the parties signed the message. The identities of the parties that contributed to the signature are not revealed.
  • BLS Signature: An elliptic-curve pairing-based signature system that has some nice properties for short multi-signatures. May stand for Boneh-Lynn-Schacham or Barreto-Lynn-Scott depending on the context. A BLS signature is type of signature scheme that is distinct from other forms of elliptic-curve signatures such as ECDSA and EdDSA.
  • Interactive: Cryptographic scheme where parties need to perform one or more request-response cycles to produce the cryptographic material. For example, an interactive signature scheme may require the signer and the verifier to cooperate to create and/or verify the signature, rather than a signature being created ahead of time.
  • Non-interactive: Cryptographic scheme where parties do not need to perform any request-response cycles to produce the cryptographic material.

Brief notes on pairing-based elliptic-curve cryptography

Pairing-based elliptic-curve cryptography is quite complex and relies on several types of high-level math. Cryptography, in general, relies on being able to find problems with an asymmetry between the difficulty of calculating the solution and verifying that a given solution is correct.

Pairing-based cryptography works by operating on mathematical functions that satisfy the property of bilinear mapping. This property is satisfied for functions e with values P, Q, R and S where e(P, Q + R) = e(P, Q) * e(P, R) and e(P + S, Q) = e(P, Q) * e(S, Q). The most familiar example of this is exponentiation. Written in common notation, g^P*(Q+R) = g^(P*Q) * g^(P*R) for some value g.

Pairing-based elliptic-curve cryptography creates a bilinear mapping using elliptic curves over a finite field. With some original curve, you can define two groups, G1 and G2 which are points of the original curve modulo different values. Finally, you define a third group Gt, where points from G1 and G2 satisfy the property of bilinearity with Gt. In this scheme, the function e takes as inputs points in G1 and G2 and outputs values in Gt. Succintly, given some point P in G1 and some point Q in G1, e(P, Q) = C where C is in Gt. You can efficiently compute the mapping of points in G1 and G2 into Gt, but you cannot efficiently determine what points were summed and paired to produce the value in Gt.

Functions are then defined to map digital signatures, messages, and keys into and out of points of G1 or G2 and signature verification is the process of calculating if a set of values representing a message, public key, and digital signature produce the same value in Gt through e.

Signatures can be created as either points in G1 with public keys being created as points in G2 or vice versa. For the case of BLS12-381, the popular curve used, points in G1 are represented with 48 bytes and points in G2 are represented with 96 bytes. It is up to the implementer of the cryptosystem to decide which should be larger, the public keys or the signatures.

BLS signatures rely on pairing-based elliptic-curve cryptography to produce various types of signatures. For a more in-depth but still high level discussion pairing-based elliptic-curve cryptography, see Vitalik Buterin's post on Exploring Elliptic Curve Pairings. For much more in depth discussion, see the specific paper on BLS12-381, Short signatures from the Weil Pairing and Compact Multi-Signatures for Smaller Blockchains.


BLS signatures have already gained traction within several popular projects.

  • Algorand is working on an implementation.
  • Zcash has adopted BLS12-381 into the protocol.
  • Ethereum 2.0 has adopted BLS12-381 into the protocol.
  • Chia Network has adopted BLS for signing blocks.
  • Ostracon, a fork of Tendermint has adopted BLS for signing blocks.

What systems may be affected by adding aggregated signatures?


Gossip could be updated to aggregate vote signatures during a consensus round. This appears to be of frankly little utility. Creating an aggregated signature incurs overhead, so frequently re-aggregating may incur a significant overhead. How costly this is is still subject to further investigation and performance testing.

Even if vote signatures were aggregated before gossip, each validator would still need to receive and verify vote extension data from each (individual) peer validator in order for consensus to proceed. That displaces any advantage gained by aggregating signatures across the vote message in the presence of vote extensions.

Block Creation

When creating a block, the proposer may create a small set of short multi-signatures and attach these to the block instead of including one signature per validator.

Block Verification

Currently, we verify each validator signature using the public key associated with that validator. With signature aggregation, verification of blocks would not verify many signatures individually, but would instead check the (single) multi-signature using the public keys stored by the validator. This would also require a mechanism for indicating which validators are included in the aggregated signature.

IBC Relaying

IBC would no longer need to transmit a large set of signatures when updating state. These state updates do not happen for every IBC packet, only when changing an IBC light client's view of the counterparty chain's state. General [IBC packets][ibc-packet] only contain enough information to correctly route the data to the counterparty chain.

IBC does persist commit signatures to the chain in these MsgUpdateClient message when updating state. This message would no longer need the full set of unique signatures and would instead only need one signature for all of the data in the header.

Adding BLS signatures would create a new signature type that must be understood by the IBC module and by the relayers. For some operations, such as state updates, the set of data written into the chain and received by the IBC module could be slightly smaller.


What are the proposed benefits to aggregated signatures?

Reduce Block Size

At the moment, a commit contains a 64-byte (512-bit) signature for each validator that voted for the block. For the Cosmos Hub, which has 175 validators in the active set, this amounts to about 11 KiB per block. That gives an upper bound of around 113 GiB over the lifetime of the chain's 10.12M blocks. (Note, the Hub has increased the number of validators in the active set over time so the total signature size over the history of the chain is likely somewhat less than that).

Signature aggregation would only produce two signatures for the entire block. One for the yeas and one for the nays. Each BLS aggregated signature is 48 bytes, per the IETF standard of BLS signatures. Over the lifetime of the same Cosmos Hub chain, that would amount to about 1 GB, a savings of 112 GB. While that is a large factor of reduction it's worth bearing in mind that, at GCP's cost of $.026 USD per GB, that is a total savings of around $2.50 per month.

Reduce Signature Creation and Verification Time

From the IETF draft standard on BLS Signatures, BLS signatures can be created in 370 microseconds and verified in 2700 microseconds. Our current Ed25519 implementation was benchmarked locally to take 13.9 microseconds to produce a signature and 2.03 milliseconds to batch verify 128 signatures, which is slightly fewer than the 175 in the Hub. blst, a popular implementation of BLS signature aggregation was benchmarked to perform verification on 100 signatures in 1.5 milliseconds when run locally on an 8 thread machine and pre-aggregated public keys. It is worth noting that the ed25519 library verification time grew steadily with the number of signatures, whereas the bls library verification time remains constant. This is because the number of operations used to verify a signature does not grow at all with the number of signatures included in the aggregate signature (as long as the signers signed over the same message data as is the case in Tendermint).

It is worth noting that this would also represent a degredation in signature verification time for chains with small validator sets. When batch verifying only 32 signatures, our ed25519 library takes .57 milliseconds, whereas BLS would still require the same 1.5 milliseconds.

For massive validator sets, blst dominates, taking the same 1.5 milliseconds to check an aggregated signature from 1024 validators versus our ed25519 library's 13.066 milliseconds to batch verify a set of that size.

Reduce Light-Client Verification Time

The light client aims to be a faster and lighter-weight way to verify that a block was voted on by a Tendermint network. The light client fetches Tendermint block headers and commit signatures, performing public key verification to ensure that the associated validator set signed the block. Reducing the size of the commit signature would allow the light client to fetch block data more quickly.

Additionally, the faster signature verification times of BLS signatures mean that light client verification would proceed more quickly.

However, verification of an aggregated signature is all-or-nothing. The verifier cannot check that some singular signer had a signature included in the block. Instead, the verifier must use all public keys to check if some signature was included. This does mean that any light client implementation must always be able to fetch all public keys for any height instead of potentially being able to check if some singular validator's key signed the block.

Reduce Gossip Bandwidth

Vote Gossip

It is possible to aggregate subsets of signatures during voting, so that the network need not gossip all n validator signatures to all n validators. Theoretically, subsets of the signatures could be aggregated during consensus and vote messages could carry those aggregated signatures. Implementing this would certainly increase the complexity of the gossip layer but could possibly reduce the total number of signatures required to be verified by each validator.

Block Gossip

A reduction in the block size as a result of signature aggregation would naturally lead to a reduction in the bandwidth required to gossip a block. Each validator would only send and receive the smaller aggregated signatures instead of the full list of multi-signatures as we have them now.

What are the drawbacks to aggregated signatures?

Heterogeneous key types cannot be aggregated

Aggregation requires a specific signature algorithm, and our legacy signing schemes cannot be aggregated. In practice, this means that aggregated signatures could be created for a subset of validators using BLS signatures, and validators with other key types (such as Ed25519) would still have to be be separately propagated in blocks and votes.

Many HSMs do not support aggregated signatures

Hardware Signing Modules (HSM) are a popular way to manage private keys. They provide additional security for key management and should be used when possible for storing highly sensitive private key material.

Below is a list of popular HSMs along with their support for BLS signatures.

I cannot find support listed for Google Cloud, although perhaps it exists.

Feasibility of implementation

This section outlines the various hurdles that would exist to implementing BLS signature aggregation into Tendermint. It aims to demonstrate that we could implement BLS signatures but that it would incur risk and require breaking changes for a reasonably unclear benefit.

Can aggregated signatures be added as soft-upgrades?

In my estimation, yes. With the implementation of proposer-based timestamps, all validators now produce signatures on only one of two messages:

  1. A CanonicalVote where the BlockID is the hash of the block or
  2. A CanonicalVote where the BlockID is nil.

The block structure can be updated to perform hashing and validation in a new way as a soft upgrade. This would look like adding a new section to the Block.Commit structure alongside the current Commit.Signatures field. This new field, tentatively named AggregatedSignature would contain the following structure:

message AggregatedSignature {
  // yeas is a BitArray representing which validators in the active validator
  // set issued a 'yea' vote for the block.
  tendermint.libs.bits.BitArray yeas = 1;

  // absent is a BitArray representing which validators in the active
  // validator set did not issue votes for the block.
  tendermint.libs.bits.BitArray absent = 2;

  // yea_signature is an aggregated signature produced from all of the vote
  // signatures for the block.
  repeated bytes yea_signature = 3;

  // nay_signature is an aggregated signature produced from all of the vote
  // signatures from votes for 'nil' for this block.
  // nay_signature should be made from all of the validators that were both not
  // in the 'yeas' BitArray and not in the 'absent' BitArray.
  repeated bytes nay_signature = 4;

Adding this new field as a soft upgrade would mean hashing this data structure into the blockID along with the old Commit.Signatures when both are present as well as ensuring that the voting power represented in the new AggregatedSignature and Signatures field was enough to commit the block during block validation. One can certainly imagine other possible schemes for implementing this but the above should serve as a simple enough proof of concept.

Implementing vote-time and commit-time signature aggregation separately

Implementing aggregated BLS signatures as part of the block structure can easily be achieved without implementing any 'vote-time' signature aggregation. The block proposer would gather all of the votes, complete with signatures, as it does now, and produce a set of aggregate signatures from all of the individual vote signatures.

Implementing 'vote-time' signature aggregation cannot be achieved without also implementing commit-time signature aggregation. This is because such signatures cannot be dis-aggregated into their constituent pieces. Therefore, in order to implement 'vote-time' signature aggregation, we would need to either first implement 'commit-time' signature aggregation, or implement both 'vote-time' signature aggregation while also updating the block creation and verification protocols to allow for aggregated signatures.

Updating IBC clients

In order for IBC clients to function, they must be able to perform light-client verification of blocks on counterparty chains. Because BLS signatures are not currently part of light-clients, chains that transmit messages over IBC cannot update to using BLS signatures without their counterparties first being upgraded to parse and verify BLS. If chains upgrade without their counterparties first updating, they will lose the ability to interoperate with non-updated chains.

New attack surfaces

BLS signatures and signature aggregation comes with a new set of attack surfaces. Additionally, it's not clear that all possible major attacks are currently known on the BLS aggregation schemes since new ones have been discovered since the ietf draft standard was written. The known attacks are manageable and are listed below. Our implementation would need to prevent against these but this does not appear to present a significant hurdle to implementation.

Rogue key attack prevention

Generating an aggregated signature requires guarding against what is called a rogue key attack. A rogue key attack is one in which a malicious actor can craft an aggregate key that can produce signatures that appear to include a signature from a private key that the malicious actor does not actually know. In Tendermint terms, this would look like a Validator producing a vote signed by both itself and some other validator where the other validator did not actually produce the vote itself.

The main mechanisms for preventing this require that each entity prove that it can can sign data with just their private key. The options involve either ensuring that each entity sign a different message when producing every signature or producing a proof of possession (PoP) when announcing their key to the network.

A PoP is a message that demonstrates ownership of a private key. A simple scheme for PoP is one where the entity announcing its new public key to the network includes a digital signature over the bytes of the public key generated using the associated private key. Everyone receiving the public key and associated proof-of-possession can easily verify the signature and be sure the entity owns the private key.

This PoP scheme suits the Tendermint use case quite well since validator keys change infrequently so the associated PoPs would not be onerous to produce, verify, and store. Using this scheme allows signature verification to proceed more quickly, since all signatures are over identical data and can therefore be checked using an aggregated public key instead of one at a time, public key by public key.

Summing Zero Attacks

Summing zero attacks are attacks that rely on using the '0' point of an elliptic curve. For BLS signatures, if the point 0 is chosen as the private key, then the 0 point will also always be the public key and all signatures produced by the key will also be the 0 point. This is easy enough to detect when verifying each signature individually.

However, because BLS signature aggregation creates an aggregated signature and an aggregated public key, a set of colluding signers can create a pair or set of signatures that are non-zero but which aggregate ("sum") to 0. The signatures that sum zero along with the summed public key of the colluding signers will verify any message. This would allow the colluding signers to sign any block or message with the same signature. This would be reasonably easy to detect and create evidence for because, in all other cases, the same signature should not verify more than message. It's not exactly clear how such an attack would advantage the colluding validators because the normal mechanisms of evidence gathering would still detect the double signing, regardless of the signatures on both blocks being identical.

Backwards Compatibility

Backwards compatibility is an important consideration for signature verification. Specifically, it is important to consider whether chains using current versions of IBC would be able to interact with chains adopting BLS.

Because the Block shared by IBC and Tendermint is produced and parsed using protobuf, new structures can be added to the Block without breaking the ability of legacy users to parse the new structure. Breaking changes between current users of IBC and new Tendermint blocks only occur if data that is relied upon by the current users is no longer included in the current fields.

For the case of BLS aggregated signatures, a new AggregatedSignature field can therefore be added to the Commit field without breaking current users. Current users will be broken when counterparty chains upgrade to the new version and begin using BLS signatures. Once counterparty chains begin using BLS signatures, the BlockID hashes will include hashes of the AggregatedSignature data structure that the legacy users will not be able to compute. Additionally, the legacy software will not be able to parse and verify the signatures to ensure that a supermajority of validators from the counterparty chain signed the block.

Library Support

Libraries for BLS signature creation are limited in number, although active development appears to be ongoing. Cryptographic algorithms are difficult to implement correctly and correctness issues are extremely serious and dangerous. No further exploration of BLS should be undertaken without strong assurance of a well-tested library with continuing support for creating and verifying BLS signatures.

At the moment, there is one candidate, blst, that appears to be the most mature and well vetted. While this library is undergoing continuing auditing and is supported by funds from the Ethereum foundation, adopting a new cryptographic library presents some serious risks. Namely, if the support for the library were to be discontinued, Tendermint may become saddled with the requirement of supporting a very complex piece of software or force a massive ecosystem-wide migration away from BLS signatures.

This is one of the more serious reasons to avoid adopting BLS signatures at this time. There is no gold standard library. Some projects look promising, but no project has been formally verified with a long term promise of being supported well into the future.

Go Standard Library

The Go Standard library has no implementation of BLS signatures.


blst, or 'blast' is an implementation of BLS signatures written in C that provides bindings into Go as part of the repository. This library is actively undergoing formal verification by Galois and previously received an initial audit by NCC group, a firm I'd never heard of.

blst is targeted for use in prysm, the golang implementation of Ethereum 2.0.


Gnark-Crypto is a Go-native implementation of elliptic-curve pairing-based cryptography. It is not audited and is documented as 'as-is', although development appears to be active so formal verification may be forthcoming.


CIRCL is a go-native implementation of several cryptographic primitives, bls12-381 among them. The library is written and maintained by Cloudflare and appears to receive frequent contributions. However, it lists itself as experimental and urges users to take caution before using it in production.

Added complexity to light client verification

Implementing BLS signature aggregation in Tendermint would pose issues for the light client. The light client currently validates a subset of the signatures on a block when performing the verification algorithm. This is no longer possible with an aggregated signature. Aggregated signature verification is all-or-nothing. The light client could no longer check that a subset of validators from some set of validators is represented in the signature. Instead, it would need to create a new aggregated key with all the stated signers for each height it verified where the validator set changed.

This means that the speed advantages gained by using BLS cannot be fully realized by the light client since the client needs to perform the expensive operation of re-aggregating the public key. Aggregation is not constant time in the number of keys and instead grows linearly. When benchmarked locally, blst public key aggregation of 128 keys took 2.43 milliseconds. This, along with the 1.5 milliseconds to verify a signature would raise light client signature verification time to 3.9 milliseconds, a time above the previously mentioned batch verification time using our ed25519 library of 2.0 milliseconds.

Schemes to cache aggregated subsets of keys could certainly cut this time down at the cost of adding complexity to the light client.

Added complexity to evidence handling

Implementing BLS signature aggregation in Tendermint would add complexity to the evidence handling within Tendermint. Currently, the light client can submit evidence of a fork attempt to the chain. This evidence consists of the set of validators that double-signed, including their public keys, with the conflicting block.

We can quickly check that the listed validators double signed by verifying that each of their signatures are in the submitted conflicting block. A BLS signature scheme would change this by requiring the light client to submit the public keys of all of the validators that signed the conflicting block so that the aggregated signature may be checked against the full signature set. Again, aggregated signature verification is all-or-nothing, so without all of the public keys, we cannot verify the signature at all. These keys would be retrievable. Any party that wanted to create a fork would want to convince a network that its fork is legitimate, so it would need to gossip the public keys. This does not hamper the feasibility of implementing BLS signature aggregation into Tendermint, but does represent yet another piece of added complexity to the associated protocols.

Open Questions

  • Q: Can you aggregate Ed25519 signatures in Tendermint?
    • There is a suggested scheme in github issue 7892, but additional rigor would be required to fully verify its correctness.

Current Consideration

Adopting a signature aggregation scheme presents some serious risks and costs to the Tendermint project. It requires multiple backwards-incompatible changes to the code, namely a change in the structure of the block and a new backwards-incompatible signature and key type. It risks adding a new signature type for which new attack types are still being discovered and for which no industry standard, battle-tested library yet exists.

The gains boasted by this new signing scheme are modest: Verification time is marginally faster and block sizes shrink by a few kilobytes. These are relatively minor gains in exchange for the complexity of the change and the listed risks of the technology. We should take a wait-and-see approach to BLS signature aggregation, monitoring the up-and-coming projects and consider implementing it as the libraries and standards develop.
